Sunday, October 01, 2006

What do you mean that Yahweh created the devil in principle?

A question, "In your article, 'An adversary is a worthy opponent set up for the drama in our lives'...."what do you mean that Yahweh created the devil in principle? please break that down."

Yahweh divided the light from the darkness. He created the greater light (Son/Sun) to rule the day and the lesser light (Law/moon) to rule the night. He raised up Pharaoh to show forth his power and might. He created both mysteries. He created Lucifer the most glorious angel and he deceived a third part of the innumerable company of angels. Who along with his host, was cast into the earth plane.

Here's how that works in us in principle. He took the woman out of the man Adam and presented the woman unto him as a help meet. The woman was deceived by the serpent, her own carnal mind. This carnal mind is our help meet and is a contrast to the spiritual man, Yahshua from heaven. We have a carnal side and we have a spiritual side, a division of the dark from the light, and yet ONE Spirit. In order for the woman to be clothed in the Son, we must be made ONE with the Father and that is to know who we are. Father make them one as you and I are one. We have both veins and arteries running side by side in our bodies. That's both mysteries in us but ONE body.

Now the devil is our misdirected egotistical personalities. This carnal or dark side of ourselves is full of opinions, concepts and ideas, not according to truth. These are those angels (ministering spirits, thoughts) that were cast out of heaven of knowing that we are Yahweh. We have been deceived by our own thoughts to worship ourselves. Did not Yahweh raise up our carnal mind (like Pharaoh) so that when we began to know Yahweh in ourselves, he showed forth his power and might? That is Yahshua come in clouds of glory when we see who we are. Not who we thought we were as a physical body and a carnal mind with a name given unto us by our parents. When Yahshua comes with his mighty angels (ministering spirits or our thoughts of spiritual understanding), He is the light that divides us from our darkness.

We have been full of ignorance about Yahweh's purpose and plan and now we are speaking or writing by the Word who is the Law and the Prophet come in us... as what Isa. 8:20 is talking about. The Word is the Light that lights everyman that comes into the world, the same Word (Law or Son) who spoke through the prophets which pointed to a risen Messiah. This same Word is the same one who inspired Isaiah to write what he wrote about in the book of Isaiah. This is the same Word who wrote in all the books of the Bible. He is now speaking in us as the Holy Spirit who is the teacher. So when we use that scripture Isa. 8:20 "To the Law and To the Testimony, if they speak not according to THIS WORD, there is no light in them." This is THE WORD that has Light or understanding in us. That's the Law and the Prophet we speak to when we are testifying of Yahshua who is come and given us an understanding.

Now to further illustrate my point, yes we do pick up law and prophets from the bible to further clarify our principles to those still under the Law, to whom the Messiah is not yet risen. Remember we are to rightly divide the Word or truth in ourselves as well as others who write and speak. That is an automatic function of the Law of the Spirit of Life, not by our works, but Yahweh Elohim's works or HIS WILL working through us.

Here's another example of rightly dividing the Word of Truth. We now know that the Pope cannot deceive us, if he told us you need to be sprinkled with water to be saved. We hopefully know that if a dean, teacher, or class member were to tell us that we have to be obedient to their rules and regulations of coming to class to be saved, we are not deceived by that either. For we now this: 1 John 5:20 And we know that the Son of Yahweh is come, and hath given us an understanding, that we may know him that is true, and we are in him that is true, even in his Son Yahshua the Messiah. This is the true Elohim, and eternal life.

We are no longer deceived by our own words or thoughts now in this present kingdom age as Yahshua is come to show us the way out of our own ignorance (darkness). If he is not risen in our hearts and minds we don't know who is telling the truth and who is telling a lie, let alone our own lies. We are yet in our sins.

So the principle here that Yahweh used to create the devil is still Intelligence, Wisdom, Knowledge, Love, Beauty, Justice, Foundation, Power and Strength. This is the body of heaven in His clearness, this is the archetype original pattern of ALL THINGS. "For by Him were all things created, that are in heaven, and that are in earth, visible and invisible, whether they be thrones, or dominions, or principalities, or powers, ALL THING were created by HIM, and for HIM. And He is before all things and in Him ALL THINGS have been permanently placed". Colossians. 1:16-17

He came in the likeness of sinful flesh (Adam, who is us) and dumbed down our consciousness (placed us in darkness) only to resurrect (in the second Adam) as Yahshua the Son who is the light and consciousness of who we are.
This true Son Elohim is who declares the Father in us now, for I am Yahweh and so are you. We have now put THE TRUE LIGHT on these hidden principles and exposed this boogie man (the devil) in us as our own darkness and ignorance of who we truly are and how we actually exist. For Yahweh came down in the likeness of a you and a me and yes even as Dr. Kinley, only for you and me to be raised up in these last days to know who we are, Yahweh whole spirit, soul and body.

Now I hope this has helped you understand the question that you have asked. "What do you mean that Yahweh created the devil in principle? please break that down.

Thanks for asking the question as when one speaks or writes by the Word of Truth then it lights up our own consciousness and we can see Yahweh Elohim for ourselves and not for another.

love and peace, Spirit


Anonymous Anonymous said...

There is a real message here if we have the eyes to see with and the ears to hear with.

peace angel

2:09 PM  

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