I Will Sup With You And You With Me.
Every time I hear about cancer, I am reminded of all the man made additives that are being put in foods. The body can only deal with so much toxins and acids. All this junk food is really dead food and will eventually kill you. Our immune system is to protect the body but if you don't eat healthy food and drink pure water, it will eventually clog up and start killing off healthy cells. It can only do so much. By junk food I mean anything that isn't grown naturally without pesticides hormones etc. that you find everyday in your grocery store. It's not just fast food, but all foods that are not grown organically.
If everything physical is pointing to the Spirit then this translates into what man is telling you about God. It's dead food. It will kill you just like the additives in food that are added, so the false concepts, ideas and opinions about God and his purpose are added to the truth. They think they are giving you life when they are giving you death. It all may sound good to you just like junk food looks and even taste good, but there is no real life in it.
When all this junk food enters the body a lot of it ferments and is not processed through the body and can start lining the intestinal track and also clog up healthy cells. The body needs oxygen and if all the cells are deprived of good food they start to deteriorate and turn cancerous. Oxygen is the physical manifestation of Spirit. We live in it and it lives in our body, just as we live, move and have our being in Yahweh. This junk food clogs up the healthy cells and is not getting oxygen just as the doctrines of man clog up your mind which prevents the truth reaching your soul.
Now if your inner man is deprived of the Truth then it will deteriorate and become infected with negative thoughts and eventually die even though your heart is still pumping and you think you are alive. Your inner man becomes dead to knowing Yahweh as it's filled up with spiritual junk food.
Now on cigarettes they have a health warning that this product is harmful to your health. That same warning should be put on all foods that are not organic or natural. This same warning should also be put on all church doors as well. In fact most churches have a cross on it which is the sign of death, so Yahweh has already put the warning signs on them. If you go into a cemetery all you see is crosses and dead people. See my point?
Organic foods don't have any pesticides, hormones or additives. It is grown naturally or originally like food is supposed to be grown. If you went back into the garden of Eden all those fruits had no additives. They where pure to point to the fruit of the spirit. This original food that Yahweh provided for us is pointing to the divine vision which is not man made and has no additives in. It's has come from Yahweh not man. In the phenomenal cloud there are no spots and blemishes. It's pure spirit, pure truth and pure spiritual food to bring your soul to a healthy living reality of knowing Yahweh and His purpose.
Cancer is a manifestation of Satan and his demons. Now I am not saying if you have cancer that you are satanic, what I am saying is Yahweh is demonstrating at the end of His purpose that cancer is killing off people just as the doctrines in the world are killing the soul or the inner man and that the natural foods that are coming up at the end is liken to this divine vision.
There is too much sugar in our food, too much hormones, too many additives, colors, and substitutes. The chlorine in our water is polluting our body and even the air we breath. This creation is deteriorated just like a old man coming to his end. The signs are out there and it's all going according to the purpose of Yahweh. Death stops the physical and the whole world is dying.
Soon we will be passing over into ages to come and what we have taking on shape and form within us now by this divine vision will enable us to pass-over. That is the real Passover feast that we are eating the lamb without spot and blemish. The only thing that will do you any good is the true words of Yahweh (the living water and hidden manna). They have not been polluted by man and all His distorted religions.
Now we know that the body is going to die so we are not really interested in that, only the fact of having no aches and pains by being healthy, so the divine vision is really all about teaching you about Spirit and how that Yahweh is in the physical body. We take the visible to understand the invisible.
The body is going to deteriorate at the end, so let's learn how to get out of it. Yes the physical creation is Spirit materialized but it's only here temporarily to view. The Spirit will last for eternity and will be the one to unfold still further in ages to come.
As Yahweh gets down to the end of His purpose He is going to divide the chaff from the wheat or the sheep from the goats within you. Don't be looking at anybody else because He is coming in the clouds. See that?
The polluted concepts have now to be consumed as the divine vision unfolds into Pure Spirit. We are going on into perfection. Don't bury your treasure in the ground and play it safe because it won't multiply. We are all being let by the phenomenal cloud and when it moves we move and when it stops we stop. We are all moving into the reality where the original Spirit is being revealed and what is being downloaded up here is the hidden manna, that you are Yahweh. It was hidden from us, but now we are permitted to eat at the masters table and believe you me there is no dead food on that table.
We have changed our diet from eating from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil (dead food) and now are partaking of the fruit from the tree of life (Living food). The Tree of Life was not permitted to touch in the beginning only at the end.
Behold, I stand at the door, and knock: if any man hear My voice, and open the door, I will come in to him, and will sup with him, and he with Me. Rev. 3: 20
Now there is the real Passover feast. The Ark
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