Wednesday, October 04, 2006

Philoprogenitiveness.. "instinctive love for one's offspring"

What has sprung off, which is instinctive LOVE, is Yahweh's angelic ministering spirits which make up our assembly or congregation. These ministering spirits make up Yahshua who has come in the form of our resurrected understanding which has translated us into a new heaven and new earth state of consciousness. Being made alive and aware of Yahweh Elohim's ever presence in our hearts and minds and knowing that this presence has created our spiritual thoughts of reality (ministering spirits) which are those angels that left not their first estate, is eternal life. I John 5:20. That is the instinctive love for one's offspring, for out of Egypt (our carnal minds) have I called my Son. For what manner of LOVE is this that the Father has bestowed upon us, that we shall be called the Son's of Yahweh. For Yahweh so LOVED the world that he gave his only begotten son, that whosoever believed on him, shall have eternal life.

This narcissistic love which we attribute to Satan, who really is our carnal minds set in limitations, is incapable of knowing the LOVE that Yahweh has bestowed upon us. That's why Yahweh so loved our world or his purpose and plan, his bride, that he not only willing died for us (in Adam all died) but came to bury our first man Adam (our carnal minds) so that he might raise us up again in the second Adam, Yahshua from Heaven. For we are filled with his nine divine attributes which establishes his Kingdom in peace, righteousness and joy in his holy spirit, whom is the teacher and comforter.

Truly we are comforted, loved and capable of LOVE through an understanding when we know this. For greater LOVE has no man that he who lays down his life for the brethren. This LOVE is demonstrated and taught through the Holy Spirit which is our life and we lay it down in simplicity for the brethren to live and love and to know Yahweh as he really is and actually exists.

peace and love, Spirit


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