Sunday, October 15, 2006

The Whole Purpose

For Yahweh to resurrect, He has to come down first. That makes sense right? In other words for a resurrection to even take place there has to be something to resurrect out of. That is why we all were born spiritually dead. If we came down knowing who we already were, then there is no purpose or anything to overcome. Why do you have to have something to overcome you might ask? To demonstrate your own power and glory.

Now this will set you free knowing that all that you are physically and spiritually is all part of the whole purpose. Remember Yahweh drove the Israelites out of Canaan's Land into Egypt first so He could then deliver them out of bondage. If He is going to return the Israelites back to Canaan's land why didn't He just keep them there? It would of saved Him all that trouble in delivering them.

Well take that same principle back even further. Yahweh could of stayed in His Pure Spirit state and not even thought up this creation to come down and materialize us to be saved and return to Yahweh. He would of saved Himself all that trouble again.

Well this all might sound good to our physical minds but you have to remember Yahweh is in His Pure Spirit state throughout eternity all the time so coming down to create a creation He is entertaining Himself with His power of "I will be what I will to be". It's no trouble for Yahweh to come down because He has all the time in the world and He is enjoying and doing all His pleasure. He is eternally creating creations out of Himself and has been before this one and will do after this one. Remember He has no beginning or end, only His creations do. Now that's something to think about. In fact that is a whole bunch to thing about.

So what I am truly saying is our whole life from beginning to end, in this physical dimension, is Yahweh's purpose. It's all purposed even our dead moments of not knowing. So this puts a different Light on the subject. This is Present Kingdom Age teaching with one foot in immortality.

Adam coming down in the beginning and the 2nd Adam resurrecting in the end is the whole cycle displayed in visual form. The Israelites coming down from Canaan's Land into Egypt and back again is Yahweh carrying out His purpose in types and shadows. This is all to point to Him as this all originally started within Himself when He decided to create a creation, bring it all the way down to material form only to return His Spirit back unto Himself and this is precisely what is happening right now to us. We have all been brought down here to return to experience our Spirit's power and glory.

To get to see clearly Yahweh's purpose we have to resurrect out of our state of mind of not knowing. That's what it was created for. This is where the demonstration of Yahweh's power and glory will be experienced in us as we come down out of our own darkness into our own light. Keep in mind that everything we are is part of the whole purpose. Without a death and burial there would be no resurrection and ascension.

So our carnal mind's dead state has to be created and designed by Yahweh so that we can resurrect in our spiritual understanding. He first revealed Himself as our carnal mind. Oh yes He did. Didn't he create the light and the darkness?

I am Yahweh, and there is none else, there is no Elohim besides Me: I girded thee, though thou has not known Me: That they may know from the rising of the sun, and from the west, that there is none besides Me. I am Yahweh, and there is none else. I form the light, and create darkness: I make peace and create evil: I Yahweh do all these things. Isaiah. 45: 5-7

See you can't even take credit for anything, it's all Yahweh's doing in reality and this is who we really are.

Now I don't know if you realize this but what I have just said is the reality of your very existence. This is Pure Spirit without spot and blemish. No faults, no errors and no mistakes. This is only perceived in this divine vision in its purity. This is the stuff that Moses had to put a veil over his face, but now we can talk about it and experience it.

We are both the light and the darkness carrying out our purpose in the flesh and then back into the spirit. We are the 1st Adam and now the 2nd Adam. We are Yahweh playing out His purpose inside our selves. The Ark


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