Let No Man Deceive You
II Thessalonians 2:3-4 Let no man deceive you by any means: for that day shall not come, except there come a falling away first, and that man of sin be revealed the son of perdition; who opposeth and exalted himself above all that is called Elohim, or that is worshipped so that he as the Almighty sitteth in the temple of Yahweh, showing himself that he is the mighty one.
Who is this man of sin? When we first come into class it is pointed out as the Pope of Rome (good for the time then present), as he sits in the Vatican thinking of himself as the representative of Christ on earth. The description really fits him “to a T”, but is this the real man of sin? Isn’t the Pope, as well as all of Christianity, playing his role in the physical, so that we can clearly see and understand the invisible things (Romans 1:19-20). In other words, Yahweh set him up as a type and shadow so we could see the real man of sin, which is within ourselves, and in fact, is our physical self (which is made up of false concepts, ideas and opinions). This self is the one which causes all the trouble. When we examine this self more clearly we see it is made of false experiences and thoughts. These thoughts and experiences were born in us from our up-bringing, from our parents, schools, and our own thinking on top. This is what is known as the carnal mind, or Pharaoh and his host, or Satan, Lucifer, Devil, Serpent, Dragon etc. (7th aim). Remember the world out there is to point to the world in here (within you). That is the visible to declare the invisible. The things we cannot see are the things we do not understand yet. We do not understand them so we can’t see them, they are invisible. This is really why Yahweh set His whole purpose and plan up, from Adam all the way down to the end; as it is for us to see as a school master, a type and shadow or reflection. How else are we to understand things we cannot see? Dr. Kinley use to preach hard about the Roman Catholic Church and all the other denominations so we could see that we were going to the church of ourselves. All the ceremonies and worshipping of idols and statues are really our concepts, ideas and opinions. When we say “in Adam all died” what we are really saying is ‘isn’t it all our false thoughts about ourselves’. If you liken your false thoughts to all the physical bodies out there in that world you will see how this gospel is truly taking your picture. In order to know Yahweh as He really is and actually exists we have to know what is not real, which reveals what is real. This is the purpose that Yahweh created Satan (old self) for, as a contrast. What do you think the story of Egypt to Canaan is really about? and who is Pharaoh and his host? If you put it on yourself, which is where it really belongs, Pharaoh and his host are your own physical thoughts (your son), and Israel is your spiritual thought (His son). Just as Yahweh is controlling Pharaoh and hardening him up, so it is with us. What do you think Abraham going to offer up his son is all about? When you offer up your only son (your old self), the real son will resurrect, (your real self, reality). If you lose your life for His sake you shall find it.
You might stop me right there and say the Law and Prophets are pointing out Yahshua the Messiah, not you, but who is Yahshua the Messiah? Will the real Yahshua the Messiah please stand up. What do you think the story about Yahshua the Messiah 2,000 years ago is really all about? Why did He crucify the flesh on the cross and resurrect a quickening spirit? It is all pointing to your old self (flesh) and your real self (spirit). Fulfilling the Law and Prophets is to point it out in you. Your Law and Prophets are the physical things we worshipped, all the ‘do’s and don’ts’ and what we think is good and bad, etc. Look at the Carnal Ordinance Chart and see your old self and new self. We say Yahweh is everything and is the source and substance, limits and bounds, etc., and we never put it on ourselves. When Yahweh stepped in to Adam (flesh) this is where He hid Himself. Spirit passed a veil and He appeared in the likeness of sinful flesh. Don’t we say He bought the whole thing down through Adam? He did not leave it up to a physical man to bring His purpose down into the flesh. Don’t we also say that in the second Adam (spirit) He resurrected back unto the Father? He did all that out in that world to show you He is doing it in your world within. Where is the true world? Where do you really see things, hear things, feel things, taste things and smell things? Isn’t it all happening within your mind? Our eyes do not really see, they bring the light into the optic nerve and it is pictured in our minds. When you go to sleep and dream isn’t it all within you? When you come to class isn’t it said that the cloud goes all the way around the chart, just as everything abides within Yahweh? Well where is your cloud? We say everything is pointing to Yahweh, where is Yahweh when you say that? We say the Law and Prophets point out Yahshua the Messiah. Where is Yahshua the Messiah when you say that? We say the devil deceived Eve in the garden of Eden. Where is the devil, Eve and the garden of Eden when you say that? If everything on the charts are surrounded by the cloud (mind or spirit) isn’t it really all taking place within your cloud? What is this teaching all about? Why do you come to class? Read the first aim, in fact read all the aims and put them where they really belong, in you.
I’m not saying to worship yourself or that you are a big shot and you are important, that’s not what I am saying. The real you is Yahweh and Yahshua the Messiah. The old self is deceived into thinking that we are Tom, Dick or Harry. What this story is all about is His Story. To reveal Yahweh as He really is and actually exists. What is Yahshua the Messiah…a physical body 2,000 years ago? Of course not. We all know better than that. The name Yahshua means Yahweh is salvation. (Yah’s salvation). Well, what is salvation? If Yahweh is Intelligence, and is Wisdom, and is Knowledge, and is Love, and is Beauty, and is Justice, and is Foundation, and is Power, and is Strength, and is Spirit….isn’t He salvation Himself? You might ask “salvation from what?”…from the flesh to the spirit. From our old self to our real self (reality). From the old covenant to the new covenant. From the carnal mind to a spiritual mind. When Yahweh takes a thought from false concepts, ideas and opinions and translates the thoughts into Spirit and Truth, that’s Yahshua. That is Yahshua taking the flesh off and resurrecting back to the Father (spirit). That’s Him in Adam all died (false thought) and in the second Adam all is made alive (thought in Spirit and Truth).
When we are preaching the gospel that’s Yahshua coming into the flesh, and when somebody understands (I mean truly understands), that’s Yahshua’s resurrection back to the Father. Dr. Kinley said “I am Yahweh and so are you”. He got his understanding all at once and we are coming in by faith. We say that Dr. Kinley had a vision and revelation in 1931, in reality Yahweh took over that body and He was the vision and revelation. The charts are pictorial illustrations of His vision and revelation, but ask yourself where was the vision and revelation shown in the first place? On the chart or in Dr. Kinley’s mind? (or should I say spirit). That is why the charts are a type and shadow. Ask yourself where was the vision and revelation first given to Moses and the prophets? Was it on paper in the bible, or in their mind or spirit? That is why the bible is a type and shadow, and is another witness of the visible to declare the invisible. Now ask yourself who came first - you or Yahweh? That is why you are a type and shadow. Your body will go back to the dust of the earth. You are going to die. The flesh is not going to be saved. Your old self, which is made up of false concepts, ideas and opinions, which are not real (and let me say it right now - we can even have false concepts, ideas and opinions of what this gospel is all about too), they will not last forever because they came from the flesh. Back up all your concepts, ideas and opinions and you will see that they had a physical beginning. Look at a person and see how he develops from a baby to an adult. If you were on a train and you knew it was going to crash and kill you wouldn’t you try to get off? Well, look at the physical body - it is going to crash at the end of your life. You were born to die. The physical you I’m talking about. But what about the real you? Can you kill spirit? Does spirit have a beginning or an end? Of course not. Did they crucify “God” on the cross? Wasn’t it the physical body that was offered up? What came out of Joseph’s new tomb, the physical or the spirit? “Let no man deceive you”, (that’s your old self which is a carnal mind and also in someone else). “For that day”. What day? The day that Yahshua comes in you, or should I say when you recognize who you are. He is already in you and always has been, but the day comes when we recognize that. “For that day shall not come, except there come a falling away first”. That’s your old self being exposed and falling off the throne in your temple. “And that man, (you) of sin (ignorance) be revealed the son of perdition. Who opposeth and exalteth himself above all that is called Elohim”. That is your old self taking the credit and glory and thinking you can do something, that you can keep the law, that you can be righteous, that you are good, that you are saved, that you are yourself, that you are a great Dean, that you have a school, that you are saved and the world is lost, that you are better than the other person, that you judge people after the flesh, it is when you get in the way that you are opposing and exalting your self. “Or that is worshipped (self worship - that’s what happened in heaven, Satan worshipped himself and was cast out of heaven (spiritual state of mind/real self) into the earth (carnal mind/old self). That he as the Almighty sitteth in the temple of Yahweh (“What know you not that your body is the temple of the Holy Spirit”) showing himself that he is the Mighty One”. Remember that Yahweh created Satan for Himself and he is an asset, not a hindrance. Your old self has been created by Yahweh and you should not be condemned but you should learn. Remember that we are no match for Satan and Yahweh will take care of him. That means Yahweh will expose your old self and will take him out in His time. Do not forget your old self is also your false concepts, ideas and opinions about class too. If you are holding on to what you think Dr. Kinley said (just by repeating parrot fashion) and not moving on in the spirit you are following the flesh and not the spirit. If you have got your Dean on a pedestal you have got him in the way of Yahweh in you. Don’t forget that the Holy Spirit (Whole spirit) is the teacher in you. Don’t forget the true gospel is to reveal Yahweh in Spirit and in Truth and not to make a big name of the I.D.M.R., yourself, your Dean, your memory of the scriptures, your knowledge of speaking in front of class and correlating and correlating and correlating. Remember there is nothing wrong with the charts, bible, blood, water, spirit, forty, etc., if it is pointing out Yahshua in you and not 2,000 years ago. Remember that the flesh is going to die, that means you and all your carnal concepts etc. Let us all come naked and not ashamed before the throne of Yahweh and worship Him in Spirit and Truth, and not in types and shadows. That means to come clean and recognize that you can do nothing of yourself. Yahweh knows what you are thinking even before you think it, so let us be truthful and sincere with ourselves. Let us not turn Yahweh’s truth into another religious church in thinking you have to be good and be obedient to Yahweh. He said He would cause you to walk in His statutes. I will do all my pleasure and my counsel shall stand.
In reality there is only one spirit and Yahweh is playing both roles, but one is temporary and the other is eternal. When this gospel is preached in the whole world it is said the end will come. Well, this gospel is reaching areas in ourselves we didn’t even know existed. Everything has to be exposed in ourselves, every knee and every tongue shall confess. This is all taking place with ourselves, in our world. The end will come when He is universally revealed, and that is taking place within us when we start to see and recognize that Yahweh is the all in all. I mean everything negative and positive. Satan is being destroyed by recognizing that our concept of Satan was false and not real. In other words, recognizing that our old self is not the real us and that Yahweh is the source of all things and is all things. Remember the serpent told Eve she would be as Elohim when she already was Elohim. This is a great mystery and only Yahweh knows His purpose and plan. This has nothing to do with our being good and all that ‘church stuff’. It is all for our learning to reveal Yahweh. He hid Himself from Himself to reveal Himself to Himself.
The truth will set you free. Free from what? Yourself. You are your own worst enemy. I remember the moderator in class used to say, to bring your friends and your enemies, I now realize that it was really myself.
This man of sin when he is revealed, by the brightness of His (Yahshua’s) coming, he will be destroyed. The false concepts of who Satan is will be destroyed when you realize that Yahweh is running the whole show. That Yahweh Himself has created Satan and in reality it doesn’t exist. It only exists to the carnal mind because the carnal mind gives it life when it thinks it. Because it is deceived into thinking that Satan is real, but to the spiritual mind all things are Yahweh. Recognizing this will destroy Satan. Ask yourself “who am I?” or should I say “who really am I?” Isn’t this teaching to point out Yahweh and also expose Satan? Don’t leave this one on the charts or in the bible. Put it on yourself. I know that as you read these words they will lead to thoughts and thoughts will lead you to experiences. When you become one with this understanding you actually become the understanding. Instead of possessing this knowledge, you become this knowledge. This is how you became hidden from your true self when the carnal mind was born and when the spirit is born in like manner you become aware of your true self. That makes you the degenerator and regenerator, the author and finisher, the beginning and the end, Yahshua is the recognition of all this. He is your knowledge of this, in fact, He is the knowledge of this. Yah is salvation. This is the only name to be saved in, not just by mechanically pronouncing it but becoming it. Yahshua’s name is what He is - salvation. It is Yahweh bringing everything back unto Himself as salvation. There is no other place for salvation to come from but Yahweh, who is Yahshua. It speaks of a new name in Rev. 2:17 which no man knoweth saving he that receiveth it. When you become this understanding that is when you become Yahshua. Those thoughts that are in spirit and in truth is the son of Yahweh. This is my Son in whom I am well pleased. This is the only Son who is allowed in the Most Holy Place to sit at His right hand. This is the seventh step, “But in the days of the voice of the seventh angel, when he shall begin to sound, the mystery of Yahweh should be finished, as he hath declared to His servants the prophets.” (Rev. 10:7). I am not this seventh angel, it is when it speaks to you - then it becomes the seventh angel when you realize who you are.
There was war in heaven (in your mind). Michael and His angels (thoughts of reality) fought against the dragon and the dragon fought and his angels (thoughts of concepts, ideas, opinions of old self) and prevailed not, neither was there a place any more in heaven, and the great dragon was cast out that old serpent (old self) called the devil and Satan which deceived the whole world (all your thoughts, your world) he was cast out into the earth and his angels were cast out with him, (your body made from the dust of the earth). This happens when you recognize who you really are, the old self is cast out. And I heard a loud voice saying in heaven, now is come salvation and strength and the Kingdom of our Eloah and the power of his Messiah, for the accuser of the brethren is cast down which accused them before our Eloah day and night, (your old self in the way of your real self).
Angels are ministering spirits or thoughts. Let’s look at this seventh angel a bit closer. When we take the tabernacle there are seven steps. The seventh step is the Most Holy Place. The only one allowed in the Most Holy Place was the high priest on the day of atonement (at-one-ment). When the schechinah flashed He saw Yahweh Elohim in the cloud and this removed all their sins for that year. We know that pointed to Yahshua the Messiah when He ascended into heaven after fulfilling the Law and Prophets. If you look within yourself this really happens when Yahshua passes the veil, you get a flash of who really is in the Most Holy Place. The seventh step and the seventh angel are the same. Let’s look at Dr. Kinley’s vision in 1931. From 1931 to 1991 is 60 years. We know zeros are place holders, so you can take the seven steps and put them on the start of Dr. Kinley’s vision, 1931 to 1940 is the first step, 1941 to 1950 is the second step, 1951 to 1960 the third step, 1961 to 1970 the fourth step, 1971 to 1980 the fifth step, 1981 to 1990 the sixth step, 1991 to 2000 the seventh step. We are in the seventh step and this is where the seventh angel will start to speak to us. Look what had happened when we entered 1991. The Gulf war. Remember there is a great gulf between the flesh and the spirit. This war is a type and shadow to show you the war that is taking place within you between Adam (old self) and Yahshua (real self). Look at the man out there who has caused all this trouble in Iraq. Saddam, or should I say Sad-Adam. He is trying to get back into the holy land, Israel. Remember that the world out there is a reflection of the world within you. Israel is the Holy Land within you when Yahweh becomes real - IS real. We must stop and look and listen and see what Yahweh is manifesting and just look at where we are in Yahweh’s purpose, seventh step, seventh angel, seventh seal “And when He opened the seventh seal, there was silence in heaven about the space of half an hour”. (Rev. 8:1). This is happening also within us when Yahweh says “be still and know that I am Elohim”. (Psalms 46:10). Come alone and by yourself and be still and realize who is on the throne. It will overturn and overturn until whose right it is to sit on the throne. Therefore, leaving the beginnings of the doctrine of the Messiah, let us go on unto perfection, etc. (Heb. 6:1). Seven means perfection.
I know 1991 actually started in April as this is the beginning of time that Yahweh set up with Israel, let us be watchful.
You can see in 1976 Dr. Kinley took the flesh off, which really was an outward manifestation of Him taking off the flesh from the charts, law and prophets and correlation’s and going into reality. 1976 was in the fifth step which points to Pentecost. You can see that this vision and revelation has been walking down from 1931 to 1991, like the High Priest walking from the Court Around About to the Most Holy Place. The Most Holy Place is the seventh step. I know these are correlation’s but they are pointing the real High Priest out. There is nothing wrong with correlation’s as long as they point to the reality. This gospel has to become real with us and not just quoting scriptures and preaching parrot fashion. Remember Joshua started to tell them who it really was that brought them out of Egypt to Canaan’s Land (24th Chapter Joshua). Canaan’s Land represents the Most Holy Place.
Let us look at another witness with Moses at the burning bush. The rod turned into a serpent and then back into a rod. This is showing that Yahweh (spirit, rod) came down into the flesh (serpent) and back into spirit, rod. Put this on yourself. We were all Yahweh before He made us. We have to pick the serpent up by his tail (your old self telling a tale that you can do something) and recognizing who we really are, the serpent gets changed into the rod again.
This whole article is to get you aware of Yahweh as He really is and actually exists, which automatically reveals Satan too. It pleased Yahweh through the foolishness of preaching to save them that believe (I Cor. 1:21). This is how He set it up. It has come down into the flesh (words) first, then resurrects back into the spirit. All we want to do is worship Yahweh in spirit and in truth. Now unto Him that is able to keep you from falling (falling back into your concepts, ideas and opinions, old self), and to present you faultless before the presence of His glory with exceeding joy, (faultless is having no false concepts, ideas and opinions which really is Yahshua His Son, your real self). To the only wise Elohim our Savior through Yahshua the Messiah our Sovereign (King - above all others in importance, excellence, etc.) belong glory and majesty, dominion (the right of governing and controlling) and power, both before all time and now and ever.
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