Part 2...The Beginning & The End, The First & Last.
Since Yahweh doesn't have a beginning or end, then Yahshua is the first and last and beginning and end of Yahweh's purpose. Now that doesn't mean these are two separate spirits, it just shows Yahweh's different manifestations of Himself. In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with Yahweh and the Word was Yahweh. John 1:1
Now without knowing how the Supernal nature (God head) works you would not know how the Word was with Yahweh and the Word was Yahweh. The Word is Yahweh in shape and form. He is the first to come out of His own Source when He was going to create His purpose. This is the beginning of Yahweh's purpose, not the beginning of Yahweh. When He creates a purpose He now has to become His purpose out of the substance of Himself , so as soon as He steps out of His own Source the beginning starts.
Now this beginning is The Word or the Son. It's Yahweh but now He has taken on a shape and form out His own eternal substance. Since He now was the one who began His purpose then He will be the one who will end His purpose. So now we have a beginning and a end and He is it. He is the first to step out of Himself and He was the first man on earth because now His purpose is made flesh. Remember Yahweh is Spirit, so He creates the physical creation out of Himself as He has the power of willing to be what ever He wills to be.
OK here He is starting His own purpose and plan by making Himself a body and animating it. This is the first Adam. See He is the first because it's His purpose that He stepped into. There is no one but Him so He has to do everything first. Remember we are talking about divine Intelligence, Wisdom, Knowledge, etc. creating a body for Himself to dwell in. What Yahweh is doing is taking us back to the very beginning where time began. There is no other physical bodies but His and He is the first man standing on earth.
Can you picture this, one man standing on earth to begin His purpose with all the seeds within Himself to carry out His purpose within Himself? There is nobody else but Him so He makes all the decisions. He doesn't have to go to anybody else to make sure He is doing everything right because what ever He decides manifests instantaneously. He thinks it and it comes to pass. He is the purpose Himself. This truly makes Him the first and the last the beginning and end. If He is the beginning then He must be the end because there is nobody else to complete His purpose but Himself.
Now this is Yahweh. This is not a God up in the sky looking down on earth and wondering what man is going to do. First He is not up in the sky and second He is coming Himself to start everything going. Now re-read , In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with Yahweh and the Word was Yahweh. Now that makes sense. And the Word was made flesh. Yes He came again 4000 years later known as Yahshua the Messiah and He also came as Joshua in the time of Moses and yes He came in 1931 known as Dr. Kinley. This same Spirit has the power to do this.
This divine vision is Yahweh again manifesting in the flesh through a man called Dr. Kinley. He is bringing His own purpose to pass by coming Himself. Without this divine vision no man would know Yahweh. He set it up this way to have all the other religions in the world and then He comes in the midst of them to show His power and glory. Remember He was the first , well now He is the last. At the end of His purpose He comes Himself to return everything back to Himself. There is no successor to Dr. Kinley, just as there was no successor to Yahshua. Why? Because He comes Himself. He was the last one.
He was the one who came in Adam, Joshua , and Yahshua the Messiah and now has come in the end. So that makes Him the beginning and the end, the first and the last. To be continued The Ark
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