Saturday, January 06, 2007

Is Yahshua Just A Name?

Without our understanding we would have no shape and form of Yahweh. He would be unknown or abstract which proves right there that no man knows the Father but the Son. The Son is our shape and form of our spiritual understanding which is made up of those divine attributes. It's Yahweh's Spirit once again revealing Himself in a divine vision to us.

Now that's how the information comes off the charts and out of the bible when you actually experience it within yourself. We are actually having the divine vision revealed unto us.

It's real simple to understand. This is not abstract as some might think, but this has a definite organized shape and form. Just take away your understanding of Yahweh and the divine vision, which is Yahweh Elohim, and he will not appear unto you showing you they are one and the same. He is the divine vision. It all comes down to realization of what Yahweh has revealed unto us in our cloud.

People don't understand that when it is said I am Yahweh and so are you, they interpret this as though you are making yourself Yahweh instead of Yahweh Elohim Himself. But where is Yahweh Elohim Himself? Back in the bible on top of Mt. Sinai? No. Ask yourself where is this Yahweh that we teach about. We know He is not in the sky or in church, so where is Yahweh as He really is and actually exists? Now ask yourself where the new covenant is going to be written? Now tie these two together and you have your answer where Yahweh truly is. The problem is that there is somebody else that has taken on shape and form within your mind first that needs to be dethroned that is keeping you from finding and knowing Yahweh as He really is and actually exists.

So why don't most of the people want to progress and move on? They are afraid of change. They think change is something different than what Dr. Kinley preached. If you don't appear with your nails in your hands and your feet, they won't recognize you. In other words all they recognize is blood, water, spirit pointing to Yahshua 2000 years ago as they line up the 4 points of blood as this identifies him on the cross. Well he has risen.. so now how do you identity him spiritually? There are no 4 points of blood on the right side of the cross. It ends at the cross. Final sacrifice.

How are you going to identify him in ages to come in the incorporeal realm? We could all see him quite clearly on the left side of the cross but on the right side he has removed his flesh. The process is from physical to spiritual and the more spiritual you become, the more you become one with Yahweh.

Look what happened at Pentecost to those Jews who were following Yahshua in the flesh. He disappeared from their view. He took the flesh off and now appeared in the hearts and minds in the form of the Holy Spirit. It's still Yahweh's Spirit but now without the flesh.

Well look what happened to the IDMR folks. Dr. Kinley disappeared in 1976 from their view. He took the flesh off and returned in our hearts and minds as the Spirit of Yahweh.

The great change from Post Diluvian Age to the Present Kingdom Age was worshipping Yahweh with physical things to spiritual things. Everything physical stopped. The high priest and all his garments of beauty and glory stopped. You don't need that high priest anymore as we have the real one in our hearts and mind. All the officiating in a physical temple stopped. You don't need to worship Yahweh in temple made with hands anymore as He went into the real temple of our heart and mind. ( What know you not that your body is the temple of the Holy Spirit?). All sacrifices stopped as He was the final one. All sin was removed as he said he came to put an end to sin. On the right side Yahweh writes His law in your heart and mind with His own finger, just as the 2nd tables of stone were put into the MHP.

I mean the Jews who didn't have the Holy Spirit officiating in their tabernacle kept on doing the physical things as this was an outward sign that he had not come. Just as Christianity is showing by building churches and cathedrals and worshipping a physical Jesus on the cross. The physical image of Jesus is burnt into their minds and if he doesn't show up with a beard, long hair, robe and sandals they won't recognize him. If Yahshua reveals Himself without his crucified four points of blood, most people in the IDMR wont' recognize him when He appears. Can you see Him in this article?

We first identify him by going back to the law and prophets and lining the 4 points of blood and his instituting and fulfilling 2000 years ago. This is how he appears in the flesh to us. These are visible witnesses. Now that we have seen him in the flesh, all the visible will now start to reveal the invisible. And where are the invisible things of Yahweh? In the sky? No, right within you.

All that is taking place in your cloud is invisible. I can't see them in you and you can't see them in me. They are the invisible things of Yahweh. Where is Yahweh? Same place heaven is, within you. Is your savior hanging on a cross 2000 years ago or is He the Spirit that is being written in your heart and mind? Great invisible change the veils from one age to another. Folks in class missed the greatest invisible change in their whole life when Doc took the flesh off and appeared as He really is in our heart and mind.

That was no ordinary man. He came to fulfill what He instituted in the law and prophets. What He instituted in us by going back to the law and prophets he fulfilled in us as well. It's OK to read Dr. Kinley's old lectures while he was in the flesh, but you should be reading his new lectures in your heart and mind by now. Just as the Temple was a more glorious structure than the tabernacle, so is what is being written in our heart and mind more glorious than all the correlations. It outshines the noonday sun.

You could hear the tabernacle being built, but you could not hear the Temple being put together. Every stone just slipped into place as the work was done up stream. These revelations from Yahweh are stones that are slipping into place within your head. They are so tight that you can't do anything with them except watch them go into place in your heart and mind silently.

Be still and know that I am Yahweh. Did you say this to yourself?

Without our understanding we would have no shape and form of Yahweh. He would be unknown or abstract which proves right there that no man knows the Father but the Son. The Son is our shape and form of our spiritual understanding which is made up of those divine attributes. It's Yahweh's Spirit once again revealing Himself in a divine vision to us.

Is Yahshua just a name? The Ark


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