Out Of Chaos Came Order
In the beginning Elohim created the heavens and earth. And the earth was without form and void; and darkness was upon the face of the deep, And the Spirit of Elohim moved upon the face of the waters. And Elohim said, Let there be light: and there was light. Gen. 1: 1-3
In the womb out of this apparent chaos of sperms and egg came order. A life is shinning in the darkness of the womb. This once invisible spirit is now going to take on shape and form in organized intelligence and will appear to the world as flesh and blood.
Just as the creation came in without shape and form and became organized by the pattern, so do we. We are a creation unto Yahweh to be used in this physical realm to fulfill His purpose and plan. In fact up here at the end, we are what everything was really pointing to and made for. Yes, I am talking about the mystery of the messiah in you now, not 2000 years ago.
It has all been laid out as our school master to led us unto the Messiah, who is the fullness of Yahweh in bodily form which now is the real mystery of who is actually dwelling in our physical body. (Col.1:26-27 & Col.2:9-10)
So here we come into this world being put together without hands inside the darkness of the womb in secret. The sperm and egg have been following this phenomenal cloud since it appeared to come together and multiply into 100 trillion cells to make a physical appearance and be lead all the way through life for Yahweh to reveal Himself in so that He can administer in His tabernacle which He just created out of Himself.
Remember the Egyptians didn't see any similitude in the cloud just as the carnal mind doesn't really see anything within itself. But when this same cloud settled on Mt. Sinai, (a elevated place, El-evated) Yahweh Elohim appeared in it by a divine vision. Hello!.. This is you and this is me. It's all really been created for us, and by us.. I mean the divine Spirit that is now revealing itself as we come to visions and revelations in our own cloud.
Out of darkness without form and void, Yahshua (the light of the world) who is the fullness of Yahweh in bodily form, is becoming our understanding of Yahweh. Let there be light and there was light. Let there be light in the womb in that darkness, and there was life. Inside our dark minds of not knowing Yahweh, the flash of the schechinah became the divine presence of Yahweh to appear in our cloud. Let there be Yahshua, and there was Yah's-salvation.
In the beginning was the Word. and the Word was with Yahweh, and the Word was Yahweh. And the Word was made flesh and dwelt among us etc.
In the beginning were those divine attributes and those divine attributes that took on shape and form was with Yahweh and those divine attributes were Yahweh and those divine attributes were made flesh and dwelt among us as the fullness of Yahweh in bodily form.
This mystery of Yahshua in you is going on inside the womb as out of chaos comes order. He will grow up with us as one born amongst us and walked down our dispensation and ages undetected as he did in our school master until such a time that he will make himself known in our hearts and mind. You will know when you are visited because he will appear in a divine vision. This is what this divine vision is, Yahshua revealing Himself as Yahweh from heaven in our clouds.
The high priest has been tabernacling with us and officiating in our tabernacle since arriving here. It's only when he passes the veils that we can detect his presence in our heart and mind. Oh yes, the son of Yahweh has come and has given us an understanding that is true, and we are in him that is true even in His son Yahshua the Messiah.
Now of the things which we have spoken this is the sum: We have such a High Priest, Who is set on the right hand of the throne of the Majesty in the heavens; A minister of the sanctuary, and of the true tabernacle , which Yahweh pitched, and not man. Heb. 8:1-2
As we have borne the image of the earthly we shall also bear the image of the heavenly and this translates into reality as Thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven. Our bodies are the earth and what dwells in our mind is heaven.
In the beginning Elohim created the heavens and the earth and here we are to prove it. The Ark
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