Friday, May 11, 2007

Part 3...Appearing On This Earth & Not Appearing On This Earth

We are so used to dwelling here in a physical body that it's hard to realize that we are anything else. We really are Spirit in a body. Life was given to us at birth and we all appeared in a physical body. Since life is invisible, then our animation is proving that Spirit exists. You don't believe me? Then why does a physical body lay motionless when it dies? Where is the life force, the conscious being that inhabited that body gone? Certainly something has left otherwise the body would be animated and alive. When the body was animated the life force is detected by its talking, thinking, seeing, hearing, smelling, tasting, etc., because a dead body can't do any of these things.

My granddaughter is just starting out in a brand new body and is now kicking and moving her arms as the spirit is getting her use to dwelling and functioning in physical form. We all come in the same way by the pattern. Yes Spirit Law is already there as this is how the body was all put together in the womb bone by bone, cell by cell. It hooked up all the nerves, arteries and veins, created the muscles and sinews and manifested into all the organs. What, you think a body just appears in the womb all by itself? No. It's Yahweh purpose to come down out of pure spirit to dwell here on earth and He does this by making Himself a physical body to dwell in. Things are not what they appear to be by your physical mind as there is much more happening right under our noses that is astounding us by this divine vision opening up even further.

It's only been our physical minds that has prevented us from seeing this reality as it is now being revealed by the Spirit.

When I was in a mortuary years ago, I saw 5 or 6 lifeless bodies laying there. I also looked at a body that had an autopsy done on it and saw all the organs, the heart and the brain etc. After spending over an hour in there, when I came out I saw everybody walking around animated. This provided me with such a contrast that I was witnessing Spirit's animation of the flesh. I could really see the difference in Spirit walking around in a physical body like a suit of clothes and then taking off the clothes at death. This is Yahweh folks, divine Intelligence, Wisdom, Knowledge etc., that you can't see walking around in a body. That's part of how the new earth state is formed within you by seeing Yahweh being revealed in the creation.

How else do you think we are able to move our bodies and do our thinking in animated life if not for the Spirit that dwells in the Most Holy Place of the body? Yes.. this is where the Boss dwells and is making Himself known at the end of His purpose by the pattern.

The fact that most of our lives we have been held in bondage to our physical mind, has caused the habit of only thinking we were just flesh and blood.

OK, now I would like to go back and see how Spirit Law can appear as the physical creation in the phenomenal cloud. While Moses is up on top of Mt. Sinai he is having a vision of the creation of heaven and earth coming into existence. This is how he is able to write the account of Genesis. Although he is up in the Spirit, he is seeing what appears as material form but it's not atoms, cells or molecules. Yahweh is revealing Himself as the creation because He is showing Moses in a rerun. OK while the Israelites are on the actual earth, as we know it to be, Moses is seeing another earth produced out of the divine vision. He is seeing shapes, forms, colors and animation just like we do in our dream state.

This is the power of Yahweh to will you to see anything He wants you to see just like he did to Moses and even at the burning bush. Now remember Yahshua, after his resurrection now as Spirit, could appear as flesh and blood? He had the same power to make them see him anyway he wanted to. He even sat down and appeared to eat fish while he was still an incorporeal form. Ever eat anything in your dreams? Doesn't it taste real? OK, what I am saying is Spirit has the power to recreate the world in a divine vision and also appear as we know it to be right now.

Yahweh Elohim revealed Himself as a man in Mt. Sinai and fulfilled it when Yahshua transfigured before Peter, James and John. We know that is institute and fulfill. Joshua and Yahshua (who are really the same) had to power to take off the flesh and then put it back on after talking it off at the transfiguration.

Now in ages to come we will be without our physical bodies, right? So the Spirit that we really are can project or create a world for us to dwell in just like it did for us on this earth. If the same Spirit that created this world and also projected a rerun to Moses now is making itself known in our tabernacles, then when we do take the flesh off altogether, the Spirit that remains alive (because you can't kill spirit) will create the other ages that we are going into. He is already doing this in our spiritual understanding within our head, so when we don't have a physical head anymore because of the bodies death, the center of where we dwelt in our spiritual understanding will still continue as spiritual awareness and will reside in those ages.

Now when Moses goes up into the mount, he leaves his physical body down at the base of the mount. On the charts we see Moses in the cloud and what is coming out of his head is the beam of light where Yahweh Elohim appears and the creation. So we already know he doesn't have a physical head, so it's Moses' inner man that is being shown to, like it is with us up here. In ages to come, when we don't have a physical head any more, our inner man is what will survive and have the same beam of light revealing Yahweh Elohim. In fact since we will be in Him, then this is how we will be shown the ages to come.

It seemed to originate from within me says Doc in his vision pamphlet and so it will be with us.

To be continued. The Ark


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