Part 27...The 40 plate chart
Plate 23 is called Abraham and King Melchizedek. This is the story about Abraham the father of the Hebrew or Jewish nation. This is where circumcision first started as the male babies had to have the skin cut off around the head of the penis as a sign of the covenant between him and Yahweh that He would multiply his seed as the stars of heaven and the sands of the sea. He would give Abraham's seed the land of Canaan, but they had to go into a land that they knew not of first and be delivered after 400 years. This is the Abrahamic promise that Yahweh would give them Canaan's Land and the land became to be known as the Promised Land. Yahweh is already working by His pattern and setting up the types and shadows to put them into Egypt and deliver them by a mighty hand.
Now as always we want to understand the spiritual meaning behind all this. The physical Jew today is fighting over the same land over there in Israel and thinks this is the land that God promised them. With a physical mind all you will see is physical things. Thus the state of Israel is seen with the physical eyes and the Jews are coming out of all countries and settling in this piece of the dust of the earth. Remember Yahweh cursed the ground for Adam's sake. Of course this is all set up by Yahweh as a contrast to the real promised land which is spiritual. Let me explain.
We have found ourselves dwelling in a land that we know not of. This physical world is a mystery to us before we had an understanding. We didn't know who we were or really what this life is all about. Yahweh has to drive us all into a land that we know not of before we can inherit the promised land or the land flowing with milk and honey. When you look within yourself at your physical thoughts, they have kept us in bondage to knowing Yahweh. Pharaoh and his host are really the ego and our thoughts about our physical self. The darkness is our ignorance of this physical world we all found ourselves in and about who we really are. The Promised Land is really a heavenly state of mind or spirit that we will inherit after being delivered from our carnal state of mind. Yahweh promised that this will happen.
Well we know how the pattern works don't we? We all found ourselves in the Court Round About within our minds (Egypt, the land that we know not of). We must move from this state of mind into the Holy Place and finally into the Most Holy Place which is the real Promised Land. Knowing Yahweh as He really is and actually exists is the land following with milk and honey where we will find rest and eat of the fruit of spiritual reality. Becoming one with Yahweh is the MHP. Jerusalem, which means the city of peace, is when Yah rules salem(Yah-rul-salem, there is no J in the Hebrew language).
You will rest from all your works of self righteousness. This is the 7th step in the tabernacle pattern which puts you right in the MHP where Yahweh Elohim will reveal Himself in the cloud. Yahweh rested on the 7th day as this is the real day of rest when you are in the bosom of the Father. It's not Sunday or Saturday, but in The Day when you are caught up in the phenomenal cloud .
You are promised a better life after this one as you have found yourself a stranger in a strange land. We all know that we are going to die one day, right? I mean this world that you are living in will come to an end when you do. It all started when you did so it will all end when you end. Both my parents are gone from this world. They are no longer here. They have been here all my life but now they are gone. Now that's real. You can't get any more real than that. That's it for them in this world. One day this will happen to us. Now I know there is a death in the mind and heaven is a state of mind right now that you can be in, but there is also going to be the final change when we really do depart from this world forever. Remember there are different manifestations of the same principle.
You see what is really happening is that we are already there tasting of the fruit of the Promised Land within ourselves and waiting for the transformation to take place permanently. When Yahshua said the Kingdom was within you that is where it really is. The high priest after the order of Melchizedek has no beginning or end. That is what that's all about. The Aaronite priest hood started with Moses and was fulfilled and moved out of the way by Yahshua. Read the scriptures on this plate 22. The principle here is that the Abrahamic promise was before the law and became effective in the Present Kingdom Age. That is when they received the Holy Spirit and were translated into the Kingdom (The Promised Land).
When you look at Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, they are representing in a type Yahweh, Elohim and Yahshua. You see the promise was given to Abraham which is to say that within Yahweh He decide to create a creation and bring it on down into the physical first before He brings it back unto Himself. The purpose is already set up as soon as He thought it. The purpose comes through Yahweh Elohim and on down into Yahshua, just like the promise came down through Isaac and then to Jacob whose name was changed to Israel. Thus the children of Israel (12 sons of Jacob =12 tribes of Israel) was when Yahweh started to carry out the promise in a type. Likewise it's through Yahshua that the promise would come to bring it all back to the Father through the 12 apostles which really are the 12 divine attributes ( 9+ the kingdom, peace, righteousness and joy) bringing it all back through you.
When you look within yourself, Yahshua must be formed in you so that the promise can come in affect. That means that those divine attributes must take on shape and form in your cloud to bring you back unto the Father. First it's through the types and shadows that Yahshua comes in the physical within yourself. Then when the time is fully come, He will take off the flesh ( spiritual circumcision ), and reveal the Head which is Yahshua the head of all your spiritual assembly (spiritual thoughts) reality. When the spiritual resurrection takes place within you, that is when the true seed resurrects back to become one with Yahweh. The flesh is being removed each time you understand Yahweh.
Your body of fleshly thoughts are being consumed by the brightness of your coming and your incorporeal body is out shining the noon day sun. We are being consumed in the spiritual fire of Yahweh Elohim. Remember the cloud turned to a pillar of fire and we all know by now where the cloud really is. We are inheriting the Promised Land now that we have come out of our Egyptian state of mind past the first veil, into the wilderness receiving the types and shadows and then crossing over the second veil into the Promised Land flowing with milk and honey. It all fits when you line it up.
Did you know that all this is going on in your head? I am talking about the 40 plate chart and all the rest of the information. You want proof? Where are these words going? Where have all the sounds of all the words you have heard in class really gone? Where is your knowledge and understanding stored? You see this is all happening in the cloud. Yes, Adam is in there and even Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. The story of the children of Israel and Yahshua fulfilling the law and prophets is in your head and we thought it was happening out there. Welcome to the Promised Land.
I will continue with the birth of Isaac in plate 22 (HP) and then into when Abraham is told to offer up his son (CRA). The Ark
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