Thursday, July 28, 2011

The Purpose Is Already In Us.

The most complex creation in the universe is our selves. From thinking we are just our names and physical mind to becoming aware of our real Source and Substance Yahweh , is the journey we are on and this divine vision is revealing this realization back to ourselves.

The DNA resembles a spiral ladder and there are 3 billion letters in the code and each person has a different genetic code much like finger prints are all different. The steps in the DNA ladder consist of 4 molecules which are adenine ( A) guanine ( G) cytosine ( C ) and thymine ( T) and they have been abbreviated as A T C G and step by step these letters spell out the formula of our bodies and there are 3 billion of them. Now this is remarkable as you can see divine Intelligence at work here as Spirit materializes into these codes of DNA. The information contained in them is everything we are going to be. If you want blonde hair and not black, too late as inside the sperm and egg it's all determined even before they come together to become one. Not only color of eyes, hair and skin, but our very personality itself and we think you have free will.

Now these scientist don't know what they have really discovered and they are only on the surface of discovery or looking at the flesh with their 20/20 vision, because laid down invisibility is the real purpose of Yahweh. They can't see that because it's invisible and only seen with your eyes of your spiritual understanding. They only see what the physical body is going to be like, but not the Spirit. In the Spirit is the whole purpose of Yahweh from start to finish. That comes by divine vision you understand. This is getting very powerful and has tremendous glory in what is being shown right here.

Before you were born and manifested here, Yahweh has already declared your end right from your beginning. Just like the sperm already has the 23 chromosomes of exactly what you are going to be even before it meets the egg. This shows you right there that Yahweh was right there from day one. We are talking about divine intelligence, wisdom and knowledge you know , not some God up in the sky crying crocodile tears thinking man is messing up His purpose.

Now just like the sperm already knows it's own purpose to become one with the egg before it even enters the female or woman, so it is within us as Yahweh's Spirit is there right from our beginning before we enter mother earth ( the woman) . This also proves that Adam already knew what he was going to go ( die for His bride) even before he was manifested because he is really Yahweh in a body bringing down His own purpose and plan into the flesh. You think Yahweh is going to leave His purpose up to a physical minded man? Yeah right. He came Himself. That is all part of the mystery.

Yahweh already knows that He will led us to become one with him, so the purpose is not left up in the sky but is the very fabric and nature of our being. Our human nature started us on our journey just as in Adam all died, but just like within Adam is the whole purpose ( Yahweh Himself) and just like in the sperm is the complete journey already purposed but just has to be played out, so it is within us. The whole purpose from start to finish was the real information hidden in the DNA that the scientist can't see, which made us grow up the way we did and then to come into contact with this divine vision. What , you thought you were doing this? Yahweh is not going to leave His purpose up to our carnal mind. He came Himself. Isn't that so pretty?

We all took on the likeness of sinful flesh ( our physical self) to bring the purpose down into the flesh, so that we could resurrected out of ourselves to come back to who we really are. And this divine vision is accomplishing this because without it we would not see anything of Yahweh although He is everything there is.

This proves that Adam knew what he was doing all the time because He was Yahweh bringing His own creation down into the flesh , and just like the Spirit in us knew what it was doing all the time even when we were not conscious of Yahweh within ourselves. Now through our ascension into the 3rd heaven both veils are removed and we can now look back on our whole history and see Yahweh right from the beginning. When the 2 veils are removed in the tabernacle, that is when the tabernacle becomes one compartment as does our whole life as we see the One Spirit from start to finish. This is so remarkable and crystal clear.

Revelation 22:1 And he shewed me a pure river of water of life, clear as crystal, proceeding out of the throne of Yahweh and of the Lamb.

This proves that we are in that eternal Day as this is where the end was declared right from the beginning and since there is no time in The Day , then the beginning and end are that one purpose being realized now within His Spirit. Now you know what came through last week in this message which was very deep which I will quote you again

When you are up in the spirit, lets say the 3rd heaven or Most Holy Place of your understanding, you can then pour out your Spirit that you are revealed in on your world view and see that you have created and designed everything because it is actually your Spirit that is materialized pointing back at You.

These are Yahweh's thoughts that you become that are higher than your thoughts as your heavenly thoughts are above your earthly thoughts. When this happens in divine awareness this is your real Self that can come down out of your own abstractness to reveal Yourself unto Yourself.

This is your real Seed ( Yahweh within you) that was put into your world view of mother earth ( the woman) so you can create yourself a new body to reveal yourself back to yourself. Wow!!! The Ark


Anonymous Anonymous said...

ok now that was really way out and heavy.. but because I am sencing truth in this, I will pray , would you mind if I ask you some Questions???
My email is

10:37 AM  

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