Tuesday, October 17, 2006

Part Two.. The Whole Purpose

The tabernacle pattern is complete by having the Court Around About, Holy Place, and Most Holy Place. This is how Yahweh set it up as 1,2,3. The same with the migratory pattern. Egypt is just as much a part of their journey as is the wilderness and Canaan's Land. So bearing that in mind, Pharaoh is part of the whole purpose because without him there would be nobody to deliver out of bondage. You see what I mean? That is why it's called the migratory pattern.

So everything in the pattern has its purpose as this is how Yahweh set it up. The world doesn't know that Yahweh is going by a pattern. When you read in Exodus you would never in a million years know that they are following the pattern from Egypt (1)through the Red Sea (1st veil)into the wilderness of Sinai (2)across the river Jordan (2nd veil) and into Canaan's Land (3). Man has been reading that book for years and years and still don't know there is a pattern. It took Yahweh to show us how all this fits.

Now when we were born we have to come in by the pattern. Did we know this? No. We thought we had free will as we had no awareness that Yahweh materialized into us and brought us here to carry out His own purpose. None of us knew until Yahweh revealed Himself. We were all born with a carnal mind, not knowing. By the pattern it's right in the Court Around About where the altar is.

You see our carnal mind has been purposed to hold us in bondage, just like Pharaoh did. It's part of the pattern or the whole purpose. Nobody is capable of not becoming a carnal mind as the mind was empty as babies and what filled it was what our 5 senses perceived (which Yahweh made including the physical world) along with our inherited personalities. Everybody on the face of the earth was born as a carnal mind. Male, female, black, white, American, Russian, it doesn't matter it's all the same one mind that Yahweh designed and thought up to us in His purpose. Did you catch that one? It's was created for Him. "All things were created by Him and for Him".

Now we are getting down to the nitty gritty. The carnal mind that we all found our selves growing up into, we could not of stopped it no more than you can stop Yahweh from forming the earth. It's part of the purpose to create the physical. I'm sorry all you people who believe in free will, but Adam had to take a fall and come out of that garden. It's part of the whole purpose of the pattern. He could not of stayed there no more than the leaves on the trees in fall can stay on the trees. He must come down as this will set up the purpose that in Adam all died.

Isn't the first vessel you come to in the Court Around About the altar where a sacrifice was offered up? Well there you are. There must be a death in the beginning and also in your beginning. You can't fix it, it's already done.

Now this means we had no choice. WE are all brought by Spirit Law and must grow into our bodies and mind the way Yahweh meant us to do and it's all according to the pattern. Don't you have a head, chest, and abdominal cavity? Well where did you get them from? There you are, your body is made by the pattern. You must now grow up into the migratory pattern as well inside your head. So where did you get your carnal mind from? Same place mate, from the archetype (original) pattern of the universe, Yahweh Elohim.

Just as the salmon are purposed to fight their way back to the exact place they were born and just as that one sperm is purposed to fight its way to meet the egg, and just as the Israelites are purposed to fight their way back to the Promised Land, we are purposed to make that same journey out of our carnal mind to our spiritual mind. The battle and fight that Yahweh set up is between our carnal mind and our Spirit that we really are.

That is what the carnal mind was designed for to be used to resurrect out of.

With a contrast we can now see our spiritual self. When we were all starting out in life in our CAA state of mind we had no idea everything was set up by a pattern until we passed the 1st veil of understanding and we saw with our own eyes how everything fit the tabernacle pattern. We could now look back at our own ignorance and darkness which kept us in bondage to our physical self and this made the contrast of seeing our spiritual self.

This part of ourselves was set up by the Spirit within us so it had something to deliver us out of (out of Egypt have I called My Son). That is why these divine attributes that were inside our mind all the time, stayed in the back ground just as Joshua did in Egypt and as did Yahweh in His purpose from Adam on down until the 2nd Adam. He has to set up the mystery.

Once you are in Yahshua the true son of Yahweh there is now no condemnation because you are walking after the spirit and not the flesh. In other words you are seeing everything through Yahweh Elohim now and not your fleshly mind.

We have passed the 2nd veil of our understanding and everything we were learning was really all about the Spirit of Yahweh in us and as us. Being complete in Him makes us now the whole purpose as we were the first Adam and now we are the 2nd Adam. "Make them one has you and I are one" The Ark


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