Sunday, November 12, 2006

The Manifestation Changes But The Principle Stays The Same

What ever you have done in the flesh is only a type and shadow and don't let anybody else tell you different. It's made to be fulfilled just as the old covenant was by Yahshua. He didn't come to institute a way of life for your ego to follow, but come to put an end to sin and the old covenant principles. He came in to fulfill, remove or bring to and end your obedience of following law and regulations, self righteousness and the bragging religious ego.

Thinking you have free will puts you in charge. That's the woman talking to the serpent in your garden inside your head.
" Go on touch, you won't die". and then what happens? To be carnally mind is death and you will be kept in bondage until Yahweh sends His words inside your mind to release you from your misdirected egotistical mind. Yes, we are the pattern fulfilled. When you see yourself as all the things you have learned then the new covenant is being written in your heart and mind by who? Yahweh and not your carnal mind who thinks it's in charge.

Now there is going to be a great war in heaven (inside your head) between Yahweh's thoughts and your carnal minded thoughts. What you read about in the angelic creation between Yahweh Elohim and the beautiful angel is what is happening to you. If there was a war in heaven where is heaven? Up in the sky? Just line the pattern up and it's inside your head. You can't get a better description of the beautiful angel than our egos. Why? Because that's what it is.

Because we have been cast out of the garden we don't realize that it's all happening inside our head. We think it's happening our there because our physical minds attention tells us that's where it is. We are being cast out of our heads all the time. Since babies we have looked out there for food, comfort and our knowledge of the world. We have been cast out into our own darkness and ignorance as we are the pattern ourselves. Our physical focus of attention out there is Adam being cast out of the garden.

A lot of people in class think they are in the new covenant age but are still under the law to their own religious mind and they have dragged that knowledge over from their church days (Ante Diluvian age) into class (Post Diluvian Age). Just as Pharaoh died in the Red sea and his spirit came over into the wilderness so this same principle is happening to many in class. You may think your church thoughts are dead, but they will manifest in your attitude for all to see.

You can't drag that stuff over into the Present Kingdom Age. It's not allowed in. There is a angel with a flaming sword don't forget guarding the way back into the garden (MHP, PKA) and I'm telling you he means business. You can't come in your own name even if you think you have the Holy Spirit. You can know the scriptures and how to correlate the pattern but if you try to enter the divine presence of Yahweh in the MHP with your own self righteousness, you then are going to be held in bondage to the old covenant and think you are in the new covenant. Same thing happened to Christianity remember?

People are still hooked up in their own mortal conduct about sex, sin, and how righteous they have to be. You will be wondering in your own wilderness setting up the tabernacle pattern in your head thinking you are the chosen ones. You will think you are Yahweh's children and if anybody says anything bad about you, then you will think Yahweh will take vengeance upon them and punish them,and even those around them. Locked up in self righteous vengeance because your ego's are hurt you want people to apologize to you.

It's not about personalities.

For though we walk in the flesh, we do not war after the flesh:(For the weapons of our warfare are not carnal, but mightily through Elohim to the pulling down of strongholds of rebels;) Casting down imaginations, and every high thing that exalteth itself against the knowledge of Yahweh, and bringing into captivity every thought to the obedience of the Messiah.

What is every high thing that exalts itself against the knowledge of Yahweh? The ego and its thoughts known as the carnal mind.

It's so obvious to tell which age people are in . It's all going by the pattern. You may think you are hiding behind your religious salvation and are saved, but you are naked as a Jay bird. I can see you.

If you are still trying to be obedient and be a good person then Yahshua has not come in you and fulfilled the old covenant. By you thinking you are in charge you have opened your mind up to sin and that you are responsible for your actions. This will keep you in bondage to the beautiful angel to worship him rather than becoming Yahweh Elohim.

Divine Intelligence doesn't need your ego's obedience. Divine Justice doesn't need your concepts of right or wrong. Divine Love doesn't need your self righteous anger and judgment. Divine Foundation doesn't need your bragging of knowing the scriptures and how much you know. Divine Knowledge doesn't need your stored up information that is only used to glorify yourself.
In this age Yahweh is the one doing the writing in your heart and mind. The Ark

Principle never changes, our thoughts do and our attitudes do, but Yahshua is the same yesterday, today and forever.

Whatever you say, think or do the principles are unchangeable. What good works are you going to do to change the principles or attributes of Yahweh Elohim. Wow, see that?

Can the character written about in a book change his lines after he consults with the author? Can the actor change his lines and behavior if the script has been written, the scene filmed and edited and printed ready for distribution? Can you change what you said yesterday or even moments ago. You think you change what you are going to say tomorrow? It's not our will but Yahweh's will. The Law of the Spirit of Life has made us free from the law of our carnal minds thinking it has free will.... Spirit


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