Wednesday, October 25, 2006

Life After Death

Each of us have our own personal view of the world. It's what is taking place within our mind that we judge the world and ourselves with. Our view of the world has always come from within us since we appeared here. It all depends who you are aware of inside and who is appearing in your cloud that will make the difference between life and death. Yahweh has placed the world in our hearts and He is the only one to remove it. "He hath made everything beautiful in His time; also He hath set the world in their hearts, so that no man can find out the work that Elohim maketh from the beginning to the end'. Ecclesiastes 3:11

You see it's a mystery that Yahweh has hidden and by placing the world in our hearts we won't be able to find Yahweh, until this is removed. The physical mind is the one who is hooked up in the world and is always pulling us down into it. That is Adam being cast out of the garden, the physical minds focus of attention and it can't return back within itself to the garden to find out who it really is until the 2nd Adam comes in and resurrects a quickening Spirit. That is when you find out who you really are and that only happens when you are in Yahshua the Messiah. And by the way, this is all still happening within you, every bit of it. You are still in The Cloud.

Now this is real simple. Let me show you how Spirit works when you become aware of who you really are. Are you the same person when you are looking at the world as you are when you are thinking ? You are not two different people now are you? The visible creation that you see is Spirit, or you, materialized. In fact it is through you that everything appears to exist. When your attention is brought inside yourself during thinking that is still the same Spirit, or you, in a shape and form. It's still you as the visible creation and you as your thinking. All you have done is change manifestations within yourself. Your focus of attention does that. It happens so fast we are unaware of the reality behind what we are doing.

The spiritual thoughts that come out of invisibility inside your cloud and take on shape and form is coming from the Source. It is still the same Spirit as the Source is you taking on shape and form revealing yourself in a divine vision and revelation and appearing as the visible creation. The Spirit that you really are has its abstract state within you, and is the one that is doing the thinking within you and then appearing as the visible creation within you. That is how your Life is lived by the three fold Spirit that you really are. This is not happening outside of yourself as there is no outside of yourself. If you think this is happening outside of yourself then you are still in Adam being cast out into darkness. Knowing this is all coming from you is when you are in the 2nd Adam, those divine attributes which is Yahshua the Messiah.

When divine Intelligence, Wisdom , Knowledge, etc. is downloaded within you it is coming from The Source that you really are and have always been. Everything that you don't know and has not been revealed yet, is stored within this Source, not out there, but deep within your cloud.

It is by the divine attributes that Yahweh is made known. This knowing is still Yahweh but is now appearing as a divine vision and revelation within you and as you. The Spirit that comes out of abstraction and takes on shape and form then appears as the visible creation. You are this Spirit. When Yahweh put the world in our hearts, this set up the mystery so that man can find out the work that Elohim made from the beginning to the end. You are own worthy opponent, your physical mind or ego (in Adam all died), will cover up this reality of who you really are and will deny that you really are Spirit, or Yahweh. It's set up to do this. This is the war in heaven, right inside your own mind. When the beautiful angel deceived the third part of the angels, that is when the mystery was covered up and was cast out into the earth. That is what is known as the carnal mind. That is why Adam was cast out. That is when the world got put into our hearts so that we could not find out the work that Elohim made from the beginning to the end. When this world that is in your heart is being destroyed by Yahweh revealing Himself as He really is and actually exist, that is when that world will come to an end, the one that has been put in your heart by Yahweh Himself.

Once your physical mind is removed (Adam nailed to the cross), then you will see how your Spirit takes on shape and form within yourself and appears as the creation. Until this happens you will remain in bondage to your physical self which overshadows who you really are and how Spirit is really working. That is the work that Elohim is making from the beginning to the end. When Yahweh reveals Himself, that is when you see how Spirit works from your beginning to your end. You will realize where you came from, who you are, and where you are going to. You are Spirit.

It has been said that you are not a human being having a spiritual experience but rather you are Spirit having a human experience. The reality is that you are Spirit materialized into the visible creation and physical body carrying out your purpose and plan. The Spirit that you really are is calling His Son out of Egypt, which is the resurrection of who you really are. The story of the Exodus is you coming out of your own bondage to your own physical self unto your real self which is the Promised Land flowing with milk and honey. It is the story of the 1st Adam and the 2nd Adam and has all been taking place within yourself from the day you appear here. It's just now that it is being made known as this is the time that Yahweh purposed for it to be made known at the end.

When you realize who is appearing in your cloud, then you are the only mediator between Pure Spirit, The Source, and the creation that is appearing to you. That is the reality of being in Yahshua. That is standing in the Holy Place. When you therefore shall see the abomination of desolation spoken of by Daniel (your physical self overshadowing who you really are) stand in the Holy Place, (Who so readeth, let him understand ). I NOW understand how Spirit works, because I have passed from death unto Life. This is Life after death. I am Spirit. I am Yahweh. I am Yahweh Elohim appearing in a divine vision with the power of appearing as the visible creation all within Myself and now can return unto Myself. The veils have been ripped out by the resurrection of who I really am. Now that is finding and knowing Yahweh as He really is and actually exists.

The war in heaven is between who I really am and who I think I am and the war is still taking place until the end. Remember the ages and dispensations are all within the cloud which is where you are. My worthy opponent is doing all that it can do to overshadow who is really appearing within my cloud. Even when these articles come through me, it is still a battle to re-read them as they really are and first came down in their virgin state. Thousand of physical thoughts try to come and attack the One who is revealing Himself and appearing in my cloud. My immortal thoughts (divine angels) are warring with my mortal thoughts (beautiful angel and his angels) and casting them out of heaven into the earth. This is how it is being raised up so that I can see the power and glory of who I really am, Yahweh. You will be going through the same war in heaven between Yahweh's immortal divine thoughts and your physical mortal thoughts. And we know that Yahweh's thoughts and His ways are not our thoughts and our ways as they are as far above our thoughts as heaven is above the earth. That is the difference in being in the 1st Adam and the 2nd Adam. In Adam all died and in Yahshua all is made alive. That is life after death when you come out of your dead mind and resurrect a quickening Spirit and ascend to the Father, Yahweh.

How do you animate and make intelligence, wisdom, knowledge, etc. work ? How are those divine attributes activated? By the Spirit that you really are and seeing them work as you. How else are you going to know what those attributes are if not by becoming them yourself. That is how they are animated and show their glory and power. If they remain in the earth, there is no spiritual resurrection from the dead. Faith without works is dead, right? Well when you see Yahweh working through those divine attributes as your real self instead of your physical self, then Yahweh becomes known and The Light separates from your darkness.

We have only seen the world through our own physical minds to start off with. We have never seen it any other way. When all of these false concepts, ideas, and opinions are removed, then we shall see ourselves as we really are and actually exist. Each of us have our own personnel view of the world and it is what is taking place within our mind that is the difference between life and death. Knowing who you really are is Life and not knowing is death. That is Life after death. To be continued. The Ark.


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