Part Two...Life After Death
You must read this one. This one goes off the Richter scale. If you really want to know what death really is all about, read all the way to the end. I must present it the way it came through. Keep an open mind and try the Spirit by the Spirit. Follow The Cloud.
Nothing else matters. I mean what could be more important than your life? What would you give for it? Your car, your house, or all your money you have? Definitely not your job. So nothing else matters as it will all go when you do. I mean everything that has been appearing to you since you have been here. It will all go. You brought nothing into this world and you will take nothing out. Naked you came and naked you will go. So what is important then? Finding and knowing Yahweh as He really is and actually exist. Nothing else matters.
Both of my parents are dying. Nothing else matters to them. My father's body is all shutting down and it's a matter of weeks before he passes on out and my mother is right behind him if not sooner. They are just waiting to die. They have had a good life. My dad is 90 and my mother is 86. Now the reality sinks in.
Death to this world in this life's manifestation. No more being in a physical body. What is it going to be like without one and how will it feel not being here? We gradually grew up into this world after appearing here out of our mothers womb. We just suddenly showed up and became a baby dwelling in time. This is all we know or can remember, this life. Our physical mind has bound us to these appearances, and our focus of attention has only been on images and objects that appear to us through our five senses. It's all images as light is reflected off all objects and bounces back through our eyes to the optic nerve and gets converted into an image in our mind. And the real Light is not coming from out there either, no more than it was the light of the sun that resurrected the seed on the 3rd day. The real Light is Yahweh Elohim.
Ever wonder where the Light is coming from when you are dreaming? Well it's the same Light of the world that you are able to see the creation. Millions and trillions of atoms coming together to make objects appear. Little tiny dots that we can't see with our naked eye, and yet they form all our world and ourselves. Spirit materialized. All coming from the cloud in your head.
Death. What is it? Why come here at all if we have to die? We are all born to die. Nothing in this world matters when you come right down to it. It's only a fleeting spark in eternity. So if nothing physical in this life matters lets look at the bigger picture. What is on the other side of death? Is death the complete end or only just another beginning? When we came into this world, it was a new beginning to us. Spirit passed into this world. Did it die in principle first when it passed the veil to come down and then this is where we found ourselves in this world? Yes. It changed manifestations as every time you pass a veil there is a death or a change.
We all woke up one day without any memory and just started life as though this was the very first time we had life. Question? The life that is in our head, in the cloud, that we live, move and have our being in, did it have a previous existence and a creation that it came from? Yes. Yahweh is eternal. He has been producing creations out of Himself throughout eternity. We have said that when Yahweh stepped down into this creation it was a death. So when the life that put together our bodies and animated us with consciousness and awareness first crossed the veil into visibility, it was a death. But we found ourselves alive when we arrived here, right? Life after death. We didn't arrive here dead, but alive and kicking. So death is just a change from one state to another. Life never dies, only its manifestation. I am talking about the real Life, not your physical mind.
Now this is profound. This is what Yahweh is downloading. We would of had to die in the other creation before this one was made. What ever form we had, what ever creation that appeared through us had to have come to an end in order for this life to manifest in this particular purpose and plan. That is why we have to die to this one because there is another creation beyond this one and another one after that an on into eternity without end. Wow !!! Mind blowing realization. Life after death throughout all His creations as He picks up on creation and puts down another. Eternal Life manifested in innumerable creations as Yahweh shows His power over death.
This all came together as I was writing. I have said before that this is not the only creation that Yahweh created, but never has it come down this way and lined up to explain what death really is. It's to stop each purpose and plan that Yahweh thinks up from going on forever. Would you like to be here forever with this world appearing to you throughout eternity? No, of course not. We may like it for the first million years or so, but you would go mad throughout eternity.
So death is the change to the real life, the Spirit that we really are, can will to be what ever it wills to be in the next creation and the next and the next on into eternity. If you are The Source of divine Intelligence, Wisdom, Knowledge, etc., then when you will yourself to be what you will yourself to be, there are no limits or bounds. The variations can never run out. Do you see the Power that Yahweh is and has? We know Yahweh said "I will be what I will to be" and that statement has no beginning or end.
We are just in one of His creation that He willed Himself to be. So death is not the end only, another beginning. We do have ages to come before this particular creation completes its full cycle. Without the physical body, the mind boggles as to the infinite possibilities that awaits us after we discard this body and world. The next age is the age of immortality.
Now Yahweh never dies or has a beginning or end. Only His purpose's do, the creations that He materializes into. You can't kill Spirit. It's absolutely impossible. Yahweh would never create anything that would annihilate Himself. How could He not exist. Remember Yahweh is Intelligence Himself, so He can't be that stupid to eliminate Himself all together, right? That makes sense now doesn't it? No man takes My Life. I lay it down and can pick it up again. That is the Power of Yahweh over death.
Now the Yahweh that is in your head that you really are, existed in creations without number before you found yourself existing in this one and will be in innumerable creations after. Just because we can't remember doesn't make it not so. That is the full Power of Yahweh as He wills Himself what ever He wills to be and there is nobody to stop him or judge Him or say I don't like the way you made this creation.
One Spirit, Yahweh as He really is and actually exists downloading His attributes throughout eternity into what ever He wills to be. All His creations are going to return unto Himself so the principle is going to remain the same. I am Yahweh and I change not. After He hides Himself, He will make only one way of escape back unto Himself. He is going to be this One Way Himself. That is why in this creation it is in Yahshua the Messiah because that is who Yahweh is. And I am not talking about Yahshua as we think Him to be 2000 years ago on a cross which is only a type and shadow. Yahshua the Messiah is Yahweh Elohim without the flesh in the shape and form of all the divine attributes. That is Yahshua in the Present Kingdom Age.
In order for us to be here in this creation, we would of had to have die to the last creation so that this one can be manifested. It's line upon line these creations coming into existence and going out. So death is to prevent the Spirit that we really are from getting stuck in this world that is appearing to us, so that we can will to be the next one. That is the reality of Life after death and why Yahweh invented death in the first place. So when we do die to this world it is not the end, it is only another beginning.
Now re-read this very slowly and let it sink in. Anybody like to add on to what is said in this article? Any questions ? Before you ask any questions think deeply about what you are asking for. And yes the Spirit searches ALL THINGS, yeah the deep things of Yahweh. To be continued. The Ark
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