Who Told YOU That YOU Were Naked?
We all were born without clothes, naked and not ashamed because we were not even aware of ourselves. We were just babies without any awareness as yet of the things that matter in the world we must grow into. As we become more aware of our surrounding world through our five sense data, fed to us through experiences, we then personally interpret this information.
We build a world constructed of thoughts, opinions, ideas and concepts handed down from our parents, teachers, siblings, teachers and peers etc. We develop a personality based on this input and along with our DNA's inherent characteristics we each become a unique individual headed up with an ego. This awareness of body and soul then becomes our clothes dressed up in a carnal mind. This image of self is an illusion created through our true source or potential to fulfill our purpose of coming down into this body of flesh. The self deception is more subtle than anything you will ever encounter in your whole lives. Not to worry, as it is Yahweh dividing the light from the darkness. He's the whole show from beginning to end. When we begin to catch on to these mysteries, the light becomes more prevalent as our own ignorance or darkness is slowly exposed. We become more clothed in our rightful minds as the illusion of this false self is consumed. We slowly are reminded of our first estate as this sense of a false self, the illusionary image which is really a shadow of our real self, is rightfully fulfilled or translated into the body of heaven. No more nakedness, shame or guilt and no more hiding from ourselves or others. No more pretending to be good, nice and righteous, but to know yourself Yahweh Elohim for the first time.
peace and love, Spirit
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