Wednesday, January 03, 2007

Historical Principles

We have often been taught to go to the Law and the Prophets to understand how the principles point to Yahshua's fulfilling
what was written of him. We know Yahshua was walking the steps set up right from the beginning through the archetype original pattern of the Universe.

"Hence, the Universe in its totality, which expression includes every CREATED object or thing, visible and invisible, animated and inanimated , known and unknown to be in existence, MUST DERIVE FROM and ABIDE WITHIN HIS GREAT "SPIRIT EMBODIMENT" (Acts 17:28) herein called the ORIGINAL "INCORPOREAL PATTERN""Whereby and wherein ALL created things are formed, shaped, animated and constantly controlled thereafter with unerring accuracy by the inviolable and immutable "SPIRIT Law", Which is a part of the great Universal INCORPOREAL PATTERN."

To fully understand this paragraph above taken from "Elohim the Archetype Pattern of the Universe" is to know Yahweh through Yahshua, who is our resurrected divine understanding working in ourselves. This is the only and true resurrection and revelation that must come in our clouds/minds in order for us to be made conscious that we are Yahweh. For only the Son knows the Father and vice versa.

Yahweh has always controlled with unerring accuracy our own lives, as we too have walked down through our own
histories and psychological dispensation and ages. When you understand that the self same principles that apply to the pattern and biblical history are the self same principles that apply to your own history, then you know without a doubt that they are they that testify of you/Yahshua who is come in the flesh in us. This is proof positive that Elohim is the Word that lights everyman that comes into the world and this is the self same Word that is made flesh.

Often times we quote or read the Isa. 8:20. To the Law and to the Testimony, if they speak not according to this Word, there is no light in them. How else can we teach unless the Word is come alive in us and shines the light of understanding who is Yahshua, and showing us just what he showed Moses in the mount. Yahweh Elohim revealed in a divine vision and revelation that he created the heavens and the earth according to the pattern of himself. It was the same Yahweh Elohim that walked down through the ages and dispensations right up to Moses life and beyond. So how do we escape the principles of the pattern? The same one has been with us all throughout our histories and is now revealing that we are Him/Yahweh. Not you and me, but Yahweh Elohim.

It's beautiful my brothers and sisters, and beyond controversy. What manner of love is this that we should be called the Son's of Yahweh?

love and peace, Spirit


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