Part 3... The Beginning & End, The First & Last
Yahweh was showing us how He is the beginning and the end in part 2. We know this, but when it's broken down it creates in us the reality of "I am Yahweh and there is none else." He makes all the decisions because there is no one higher up than Himself as He is the ultimate Source and Substance. There is no other Gods sending anything down because there is no outside of Yahweh. He is the only one.
We all had our beginning into this world. What ever day you were born is what we call our birthday. We forget about this original day, but it's the reality of when we came into physical existence. The one who materialized into the sperm and egg has no beginning or end, so this manifestation that we are in will have an end. We all know this but it brings it home and becomes more real.
You see as we go over these things Yahweh is revealing Himself, not up in the sky, but as He really is and actually exists. Each time a revelation take place, Yahweh in a body becomes more real. Not back in the bible which are only our examples and shadows of heavenly things, but within us.
You see we have claimed our body and life as ours through our physical mind and all Yahweh is doing is revealing that it's His. He starts off by showing us how He created everything by His pattern. This includes the physical body with a head cavity, chest cavity and abdominal cavity. When you go back to your beginning, you will see how Yahweh created you or to put in reality how He materialized into you.
We all came out of the cloudy substance of the sperm, took on shape and form in the womb and then appeared into the world. There is your 1,2,3. We are still the same Spirit in the sperm and egg as we are developing in the womb and finally to appear visually in the world. It's just that we under went different manifestations. Sound familiar?
We all forget that we exist because we are so caught up in life. It was a big veil to us, but now we see it as Spirit materialized. It's Yahweh expressing Himself visually.
Because we had a beginning then it means we will have an end in this manifestation. We all know this but the full reality is dawning upon us. This divine vision is Yahweh and as it enters our head it reveals Yahweh slowly as we grow up into His body. What Yahweh is doing is taking what is already here staring us in the face and transforming into it just like He did to Moses. That is how Yahweh gets His glory because we know when this happens it is Yahweh because we have been staring at ourselves and the world all our life and didn't see anything in it until Yahweh showed us. That is what makes it so real.
All the correlations are our witnesses at first, but when it happens to you it becomes real. If they burned all the bibles and destroyed the charts and tore down all the physical classes, it doesn't matter now because it's written in the heart and mind where no man can see it. What Yahweh reveals is in the cloud/brain. When we see everything that we are fitting to the pattern and the principles of Yahweh's purpose happening within us, then we know where Yahweh truly is.
The migratory pattern has happened to us. Some one can argue that they don't believe the Red Sea opened up. Who cares, it has happened to us. Yahweh without shape and form into shape and form and materializing Himself as the physical has happen to us. We are this happening both physically and spiritually. Did this divine vision take on shape and form within us out of the abstractness and didn't we see the divine vision materialize into the physical? The old covenant being instituted and fulfilled has now happened to us. Having a re-run of the creation in a divine vision in the phenomenal cloud has now happened to us. In Adam all died and in the 2nd Adam all became alive has now happened to us. Yahshua resurrecting a quickening Spirit has now happened in our cloud.
We are the real and everything else is a copy. The original Spirit is the one who brought us here, transformed into us, hid Himself as us, so He could reveal Himself in us and transform into us. We are in the process of this happening as all the stones have not been fitted into the temple yet. When the last stone within us is complete then we will be totally transformed into the ages to come. What we have been learning is all been meant for Yahweh in us. That is how we can understand the invisible things of Yahweh by the things that are made. We have been made, the creation that we are dwelling has been made so what other proof do we need? None, it's all here staring us in the face day after day.
Just think how many days you have experienced the sun coming up and going down to complete one day. 365 days in one year. Multiply 365 days times how old you are, and that is how many times Yahweh is showing Himself over and over again. Each time you wake up in the morning and look at yourself in the mirror, Yahweh is revealing Himself as you. Take a good look if you don't believe me. Who created your eyes? Who materialized into all your organs of the heart, the lungs, the liver, the kidney's, the stomach, the large and small intestines, the brain, the skeletal system, muscles and the list goes on. Do you think you are here by your own power? No, Yahweh materialized into you. He is the only one who brought us here and He is the only one to take us home. He is our beginning and He is our end. Now you can't get any closer than that.
But what saith it? The word is nigh thee, even in thy mouth, and in thy heart: that is, the word of faith, which we preach. Roms. 10:8
To be continued. The Ark
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