Part 2...The 40 Plate Chart
It's the divine attributes that makes the difference as without them we would not know or understand anything about Yahweh. I could not even write and you would not understand unless those divine attributes reveal themselves in our clouds. It is not just mechanical knowledge that we just remember out of memory but a divine awareness of the Ever Presence of Yahweh Himself in all things.
We all know that this creation, including ourselves, did not just come about by accident. There is definitly something behind all things that has structured the three states of matter, gas, liquid and solid. When we look at plate 4 of the 40 plate chart we see the beginning of Spirit passing a veil to produce atoms. This is the division between Spirit and matter. In order for the protons, electrons and neutrons to come together to produce all the shapes and forms of matter, there has to be some intelligence to create these invisible particles. They just don't show up out of thin air. It is because of Yahweh, Spirit, passing the veil between the incorporeal and the corporeal that produces matter. In other words, "I will be what I will to be ".
It is because of Spirit Law (Most Holy Place) that moves from its pure spirit state that creates both the incorporeal (spiritual shape and form) and the corporeal (concrete shape and form). Without Yahweh, The Source, nothing would be made that is made and that includes you and I. Seeds just don't come out of the blue. There is definitely Intelligence, Wisdom and Knowledge etc., that made all the atoms, cells and molecules come together in their right order to produce what we call a physical body and the physical creation.
Everything follows from Spirit Law being without any particular shape and form, into shape and form and then into physical existence. We all started out that way. We were all invisible at one time until the cells came together and started to divide and separate to take on shape and form as 100 trillion cells in the womb (which can't be seen with the naked eye) and then we make our appearance into this world on the day of our physical birth. The creation was without shape and form as well as you read in Genesis "And the earth was without form and void; and darkness was upon the face of the deep. And the Spirit of Elohim (those divine attributes) moved upon the face of the waters" etc. The Spirit of Elohim was also moving (taking on shape and form) in the womb (darkness). These are all symbolic words to describe what is really happening to us. It was all those divine attributes crossing the veil that is producing all atoms, cells and molecules. We are the evidence of things not seen. We are Spirit materialized along with everything we see, hear, smell, touch and taste.
Yes my friends this whole creation that we found ourselves in is none other than Yahweh Himself (Spirit). When you know this then those divine attributes have taken on shape and form within you to produce this awareness and divine understanding as remember you have to have a divine vision and revelation in order to see or understand Yahweh Elohim (Spirit in shape and form). This awareness is Yahweh appearing in The Cloud.
Spiritually and mentally we all started out without any particular shape and form in our minds. Coming into physical existence as babies it took time for our minds to develop (taking on shape and form) to where we could understand what we were seeing, smelling, tasting, touching and hearing. It was the same way when we first heard about this great divine vision. There was no shape and form (Yahweh Elohim appearing in our clouds) before being led into this great teaching. It also took time to develop our understanding (taking on shape and form) so we could truly understand who we really are and actually exist. We are all following the pattern (The Cloud) in everything we do because Yahweh Elohim is the archetype (original) pattern of the universe.
So the division you see on the plates dividing the Most Holy Place from the Holy Place and the Court Around About so far on these first four plates (and in fact on all forty plates) is really the division in our minds. We all started out as physical minds in physical bodies. We passed the veil from the incorporeal to the corporeal. Now we are returning to the incorporeal (those divine attributes organized in shape and form in our awareness) as this is what is going to last after the death of our physical minds and finally when the body dies. That is why Yahweh is revealing all this about His divine attributes as all the charts, bibles, and physical classes, are all going to be gone soon.
The resurrection of Yahshua the Messiah (Yahweh Elohim organized in a divine shape and form within our clouds) is what is taking us all over the veil now within our minds and later as all those atoms, cells, and molecules return to where they all came from in the beginning. That is the taking off the flesh just like the flesh got put on in the beginning. It's a migration of Spirit from Its Source into spiritual and physical shape and form and returning just like the migratory pattern only this time it's being done in The Cloud. To be continued. The Ark
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