Tuesday, April 03, 2007

Did The Angelic Creation Really Come First?

In "Part 14 The 40-Plate Chart", the Ark Wrote: "The angelic creation is invisible denoted on plate #14 on the veil as angelic invisibility. The next veil says; division between the invisibility and visibility which is the veil between the spiritual and physical creations. Since this beautiful angel worshipped itself and deceived a third part of the angels, he was cast out of heaven into darkness, which is to say he was cast out of the divine presence of Yahweh Elohim Himself and past the veil into the physical creation."

When we first parted the veil as newborn babies, we came complete in a physical form (body) visibly declaring the nine invisible divine attributes through the working nine manifested systems of our visible physical bodies. Wouldn't it appear here, that this, our physical body was the manifested physical creation that came first? Where was the angelic creation that precede our physical body, if the angelic creation came before the physical creation? In other words, if we take into account that thoughts which form our minds are part of an angelic creation, how then did we start out with a physical body first? Seeing that as tiny babies we had no thoughts at birth?

If you go back to plate #2 'Theosophy' on the 40-Plate chart you will see that those nine divine attributes which make up Elohim forms the angelic creation. This is the bottom line or absolute foundation and makeup of who we are. This is spirit in shape and a form embodied as Yahweh Elohim. Intelligence, Wisdom, Knowledge, Love, Beauty, Justice, Foundation, Power, and Strength are the attributes which make up an innumerable company of angels. This is the first state or condition of what makes up our consciousness or soul even before we become flesh from our mothers womb. This is the source and substance which we live, move and have our being within. This spirit is what gives us the ability to comprehend our own five senses and instincts as new born babies before we have even focused our eyes on the objects of this earth. We instinctively know how to suck, cry and react to sound and feel the slap of the doctors hands on our buttocks, even before a thought form has appeared unto us within our clouds of consciousness. We do this as the result of who and what we are through the nine divine attributes that make us up both physically and spiritually.

How can we see through the eyes that are given us at birth, unless Yahweh be there as those nine divine attributes which form the angelic creation in our cloud? Remember that angels are ministering spirits and unless those ministering spirits are translating the chemical messages sent via the optic nerve into a conscious realization and awareness of what our eyes are focused on, then how can we see? How can we hear words or sounds unless the angelic creation (attributes or principles) manifesting as the auditory systems of our ears, translate messages into thoughts and images already recognizable in our cloud or realm of consciousness? How do we as small children hear a word repeated by our parents such as 'DADA' or 'MAMA' and after awhile we are able to repeat it back through our vocal cords, tongue and lips unless Yahweh the law of the spirit of life manifesting divine principles as the angelic creation? Again..remember, angels are ministering spirits or messengers. So not only are the angels created to minister to us via messages, revelations and our divine understanding, but they are the principle manifestations of our whole nine systems of our physical and psychological makeup. These angels are the nine divine attributes in expression.

Go back to plate #2 and look at 'Theosophy' and see they make up the Godhead (plate #3) or Elohim, who is (Plate #1) the archetype original pattern of the universe and (plate #14) the angelic creation and transgression, then (plate #11) the sixth day when Adam was created. Do you see how the attributes (principles) all line up and form the creative angelic realm which precedes anything physical that is manifested included the birth of you and I? It is Yahweh Elohim willing to be what he wills to be and we are the expressed image made in his likeness. Just as plate #4 'Cosmogony', plate #5 'Chaosis', followed by the first day through the sixth day (plates #6 through #11) all follows the law of the spirit of life (see the word 'Spirit' in the Holy Places and a 'Heart' in the MHP's of those plates). We are the earth (our physical bodies made from the dust of the earth) which was formed out of the chaos of our mother and fathers chemicals juices and became living souls. We had to have had a creative angelic realm (the invisible law of the spirit of life) which precedes our coming together as atoms, cells and molecules. How else would you and I be here manifested as a unified nine physical systems in our bodies unless there be a unified nine divine attributes or principles willing our consciousness of a self into existence? All of this coming from spirit (Yahweh) in whom we live, move and have our being. Unless the angelic creation came first we would be just like a fully formed dead body with no breath of life or spirit in it. No understanding, no consciousness, no awareness, no contrast of anything, period. It takes 'spirit' (Yahweh) organized into a shape and a form of nine divine attributes, willing to be through the Word or Son (Elohim), the Law and Archetype (ORIGINAL) Pattern to become the creative angelic realms which first appears as us even before we became this fleshly entity.

In conclusion, the nine divine attributes willed into existence the principles of angelic creativity to form the light and the darkness. This also sets up the purpose and plan of a righteous and unrighteous angelic realm, a divine contrast which functions as our knowledge and understanding of knowing who we are, Yahweh. We either know who we are now as Yahweh, which is life eternal (light) or we can only believe who we think we are as a physical personality which is death (darkness). Either we are administered to by those angels that left not their first estate (nine attributes) and we are in a divine consciousness, or we are subjected to those 1/3 innumerable angels that were cast out of heaven into the earth plane which leaves us in a carnal state of consciousness. We are transitioning through the angelic realms of consciousness and awareness (a new heaven and new earth) as we speak.

love and peace, Spirit


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