Friday, March 30, 2007

Thoughts & Feelings

There is no egotistical glory in writing these articles. I'm just caught up. It's too thrilling to be egotistical.

Philoprogenitive means instinctive love for one's offspring. This is Love that comes without learning . It's already there in the heart and mind and bonds the parents to their offspring. It's when 2 come together to become one in their love making that the offspring will be in their likeness and image. Don't our children look like us? Well what's that all about? This whole creation looks like Yahweh because it came from His Source and Substance and when He made man He made him in His likeness and image. When Yahweh Elohim stepped down from the incorporeal to the corporeal the physical universe appeared. That's the power of "I will be what I will to be".

Now love is one of Yahweh's attributes. He is Love. Love is Spirit and Yahweh is Spirit and He expresses Himself in the shape and form of Love. He so loved the world (His purpose) that He gave His only begotten Son (Himself in shape and form ) and came down that who so ever believeth in Him will have eternal life.

That's how He set up the mystery as He hid Himself as His purpose so when He reveals Himself you can then believe in Him and have eternal life. That's His love for His own offspring.

Love is felt in our thoughts and feelings. Can you see your thoughts or feelings? Well right there Spirit is in shape and form declaring itself. Aren't thoughts the shape and form of your thinking? When you're thinking your inner man is taking on shape and form and you are moving out of your abstract state to reveal yourself unto yourself. Without thoughts we would be abstract and we could not even come down into the flesh as words. How can you articulate yourself without a thought first? You must have shape and form first then you can express yourself. Spirit first then the flesh.

Can't you see those divine attributes as divine thoughts that are dwelling and appearing in you now? They are your sons, all your thoughts of Yahweh as they are your offspring of the Spirit that you really are. Your life force (Spirit) that has no particular shape and form now is revealing itself in your cloud by divine thoughts and feelings. This is all taking place invisibility within you as you and your thoughts are one. Don't you fill your thoughts with your invisible presence within yourself? In other words you are the same Spirit when you are not thinking to when you are thinking, only now you have come down in organization.

Your thoughts declare your thinking.

See how Yahweh is making Himself known by coming down out of the abstract and taking on shape and form in His tabernacle which you call yours?

This is divine Love that He would reveal Himself unto us because at one time we were all spiritually blind as a thousand midnights. The darkness was so thick we couldn't even see Yahweh if He was staring back at us in the mirror and even closer than that when He was appearing in our cloud.

The reason that we are His offspring is because He is raising up seed unto Himself.

Look how this is manifested between 2 people who have produced a child out of their love for each other. Their 2 seeds came together in the invisible to become one to produce a offspring in their likeness and image. Look how much both of them will love that child. You can't deny that love. Same with Yahweh right now within your Spirit and Soul. We have come together in the invisible cloud to produce one new Man which is Yahweh's only Son. His own divine attributes have now appeared in our cloud by a divine vision and a divine revelation. We are bone of His bone and flesh of His flesh (The bones represent the inner man). Our soul is the shape and form of our spirit which is His.

We have all been taken out of Him and now are being put back in Him.

Seen and experienced on the right side of the cross (Present Kingdom Age understanding), those divine attributes are now written by Yahweh in our heart and mind. In the Most Holy Place of the 40 plate chart on the right side of the cross is a big heart shape with Yahshua sitting on the throne in the Present Kingdom Age. That is what is happening within us as He sits down in our MHP understanding. We are entering into His rest and in His Love and in His Beauty and in His Justice. We are now becoming His Intelligence, His Wisdom, and His Knowledge. See that?

His instinctive Love for His own offspring is now made known through this divine vision.

To know Yahweh you must experience Him through your thoughts and feelings. There's your heart and mind right there, thoughts and feelings. The Ark


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