Part 13...The 40 Plate Chart
Plate 13 is the migratory pattern of the Israelites coming from the bondage of Egypt, through the Red Sea (first veil) into the wilderness and crossing over the River Jordan (second veil) and on into the Promised Land. This migration was done on the earth in time and history by the physical feet of the Israelites set up by Yahweh according to His pattern of 1.2.3, as a type an shadow. We are making this same migratory trip only now it's within ourselves coming from the bondage of our physical minds (Pharaoh and his host) into the glorious Light of the divine ever presence of Yahweh Himself. Just as Moses and his brother Aaron were sent to deliver the children of Israelites out of the servitude of Pharaoh, we were delivered out of the bondage of our false concepts, ideas, and opinions by an understand of the law and prophets.
This made us cross the first veil of our understanding as we built the tabernacle in our minds by fitting everything to it. All the knowledge we learned about the human body, the bible, science, and nature and how it fit the pattern, made us know rather than have blind faith. We saw the evidence ourselves. Just as the children of Israel set up and dismantled the tabernacle by following the cloud, we wondered in our own wilderness fitting everything to this tabernacle pattern until we crossed over the second veil of our understanding into the reality itself. (Jerusalem above).
Notice that it was Joshua (Yahshua) and not Moses and Aaron that took the Israelites over the second veil into Canaan's Land which will show you that it must be the resurrected Yahshua the Messiah within you and not just mechanically quoting the law and prophets, that takes you over to know Yahweh as He really is and actually exists. According to the pattern of the tabernacle only the High Priest could go over into the Most Holy Place as the two low priest stayed in the Holy Place. The knowledge of the law and prophets will deliver you out of your darkness and ignorance, but they will only take you up to the second veil. In other words all the correlations of the visible tabernacle takes you up so far, and it most be Yahshua (those divine attributes revealing themselves in spirit and in truth in divine reality, the true High Priest) that takes you over the second veil to become one with Yahweh Himself.
As we truly understand the migratory pattern it will all point to how the High Priest is functioning in our tabernacle (What know ye not that your body is the temple of the Holy Spirit which is in you which ye have of Yahweh, and ye are not your own?). By following the divine principles of the pattern you will be able to see how this all applies within you. The Temple was built in the Most Holy Place of the pattern which is where you will see the reality of Yahweh. All the stones to build Solomon's Temple just slipped into place as it does by each revelation you receive from Yahweh. No works, it's all a free gift. No free will of the physical mind, but by the will of Yahweh willing Himself what He wills Himself to be.
If you take the three physical ages and put them on the migratory pattern you will see how you are passing from the Ante diluvian Age, to the Post diluvian Age into the Present Kingdom Age. It all ties in when you see the principles of what happened in each age. In Adam all died. That was us in our darkness and bondage (Egypt=Ante Diluvian Age). Passing over into the Post Diluvian Age is like coming from Egypt to the Wilderness of Sinai and crossing over the River Jordan is like coming from under the law into the Present Kingdom Age where the Law of the Spirit of Law rules in your heart and mind. If you have noticed on most of the plates, there is a heart in the Most Holy Place which is pointing to Yahweh (and not man) who writes His Law in our hearts and minds.
What that will do to you is make you become one with the reality of Yahweh, and not become a good Christian. That is not what it's all about, making you good and living a righteous life as interpreted by organized religion. The purpose is to become one with Yahweh to raise up seed unto Himself. You can not be like Yahweh or walk in Jesus' foot steps. That is being like the Most High and we all know who that is don't we? There is none like Me saith Yahweh no not one.
So going over the second veil within your migration from your own bondage and servitude of your physical mind will make you become one with Spirit, the reality. That is the Most Holy Place of your experience when the blossom reveals what is inside the flower, the division between the blossom and fruition (Plate 8). Yes, all these plates line up as the spiritual principles line up invisibly inside you head. One word can cause a spiritual line to line up in your mind as you see all the divine principles unfold down through the dispensation and ages and point to Yahshua within you.
These are just some of the principles in the migratory pattern as there are many more. This migratory pattern is a very important step into understanding the nature of Yahweh's purpose and plan. First it was Yahweh who caused a famine to drive the children of Israel into Egypt in the first place, just as it was a spiritual famine that drove us into our physical minds in the first place. Remember it was Yahweh who came down from the incorporeal into the corporeal as it was with Adam coming down out of the garden of Eden. We were all driven out of being one with Yahweh when we came out of our mothers womb to take on a physical form. It all fits and it's all the same principle repeating over and over again until who's right it is to sit on the throne of your spiritual understanding.
We all landed here on earth from out of our invisible presence, taking on shape and form in the womb for 40 weeks and then materialized into one trillion cells and this had nothing to do with our parents making us. All they did was had some fun and Yahweh did the rest. In reality it was Yahweh who caused our parents desire to come together in the first place so you could come down to be born here at the end of Yahweh's purpose. That is the reality when you seriously think about it. Just as the Israelites where driven out of Canaan's Land to return many years later, so it is with us. We came down into this physical existence from Spirit only to return to Spirit at the end of our journey, and this time we are going back with an understanding. We came down in a mystery driven into darkness and are returning in a divine vision into The Light.
We all grew up in this world from a baby to an adult not knowing the reality of Yahweh. Our physical minds ruled us and kept us in bondage to ourselves. We were building Pharaoh's treasure houses which is to say we did everything in our lives for our own glory. We thought it was our body, our world, our job, our parents, our free will, our minds instead of realizing that it is all Yahweh's and is Yahweh. For by Him were all things made that are in heaven, and that are in earth, visible and invisible, whether they be thrones, or dominions, or principalities, or powers, all things were created by Him, and for Him. That is how Yahweh hid His mystery in you. All He did was divide the Light from the darkness inside our mind, until the Light consumes the darkness and we return to become The Light. You see it was Yahweh who put us in darkness and will deliver us out of darkness, just as He drove the Israelites down into Egypt and delivered them out of Egypt.
When I looked at plate 13, I was going to just mention a few things and go to the next one as we have gone over the story of Moses so many times, but look where Yahweh has led me. We are all being lead by the Spirit (following the Cloud). Even though plate 13 seems out of sequence in time, it is placed there to remind us that everything is going according to the pattern and it is Moses having a divine vision on top of Mount Sinai. This applies to you as you are being taken back in a divine vision on top of your mount and seeing everything going according to the pattern of the tabernacle. First in the physical and then in the spirit by the Archetype (original) Pattern of the Universe, Yahweh Elohim Himself. To be continued. The Ark
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