Saturday, March 24, 2007

Part 2...For I Will Appear In The Cloud

Now the world is locked up in their own Ante Diluvian Age thoughts. Our thoughts can go there but we are not held in bondage anymore because Yahweh has separated the light from the darkness.

In our Present Kingdom Age thoughts is where the Jew and Gentiles become one new man within you. Taking the principles of what a Jew and Gentile represent within our mind as Spirit broke down in his article ' Here is the Love', you can see that it's in Yahshua the Messiah (those divine attributes now taking on shape and form) that can reconcile the two to become one. That can only happen in the Present Kingdom Age understanding because we know no man after the flesh, not even ourselves. (No Man)

In the Present Kingdom Age Yahshua does not appear in his physical body. He has consumed it and resurrected a quickening Spirit. He is now incorporeal in our Present Kingdom Age thoughts. That's the change within you that I have been teaching about. The law and prophets pointed him out 2000 years ago. We could see him fulfill as he walked in the Post Diluvian Age. When he poured out the Holy Spirit on the day of Pentecost, the age changed as we know the principles of what happened. The veil in the temple was ripped in two which represented the mystery being removed as Yahshua entered into heaven (MHP). That is why it's called the Kingdom of heaven because it's not physical anymore(Present KINGDOM Age).

In the Present Kingdom Age, Yahshua disappeared from the flesh and now will appear in the clouds. "That where I am (not where I am going) there you maybe also". Well where was he when he said that? He was Yahweh in a physical body. So that is the place that we are to be also as now Yahshua can enter us because he has removed the flesh. The place that he went to prepare was taking the flesh off so he could appear within us. This happened in the Present Kingdom Age, not the Post or the Ante Diluvian Ages. This is rightly dividing the Word of truth.

When people are still taking about you going to the lake to justify that they are right and you are wrong and you being accountable and that Yahweh will punish you, that's Post Diluvan. If you think you are going to suffer that is a Post Diluvian God mind set. That's not the new covenant being written in our heart and mind in love, that's the old covenant. When people try to frighten you to be obedient or else your not going to be saved, that's also Post Diluvian. There's more to these age changes within you than meets the eye.

What age do you think a Jehovah's Witness is in? How about a Roman Catholic and all the other churches? Even though in time everybody is in the Present Kingdom Age, mentally or spiritually they are not in the new testament age. None of them know this but still they think they are in the Present Kingdom Age. In time it appears they are, but not in their understanding. Most of them are still practicing carnal ordinances and salvation by works which puts them mentally in the Post Diluvian Age. The whole world is in the Ante Diluvian Age held in bondage to their own physical mind and all its host of thoughts. In Adam all died.

You see the age changed when Doc took the flesh off and many didn't see it just like they didn't see it 2000 years ago because it was an internal happening. When he took the flesh off He appeared in the clouds and started to write his law in their hearts and minds. Same thing up here. Doc is in his incorporeal body writing his law in our hearts and mind that we are the same Spirit as he was.

Now understanding Yahweh in our Ante Diluvian Age thoughts he was hidden from us and remained a mystery. When He appeared in our Post Diluvian Age thoughts, He appeared as the tabernacle pattern. When He appears in our Present Kingdom Age thoughts He appears as the Temple. We know that the Temple outshined the noonday sun as it was a more glorious structure than the old weather beaten tabernacle. Yes the tabernacle went into the Temple just as the principles that we have all learned goes into the reality of knowing Yahweh as He really is and actually exists.

Just ask yourself where the tabernacle was built and where the temple was built, then line up the pattern with the 3 physical ages with the migratory pattern and you will have your answer.

Some people might say that Yahweh appeared within them before Doc took the flesh off. He was only appearing in the Post Diluvian Age understanding while he was in the flesh. When he took the flesh off, that is when He would appear in our Most Holy Place understanding which lines up with the Present Kingdom Age. He first appeared to us as all our visible witnesses in our Post Diluvian Age and now is appearing in our clouds as the invisible witnesses written in our hearts and mind.

Now this Jew and Gentile things is a real humdinger. It applies to what is within you as Clive as being telling you. This is a great mystery just like seeing the ages within you and how your thoughts changes in each age. The principle as Spirit said about the sheet being let down 3 times (1,2,3) was to show that it was time for the Gentile nations to be grafted into the body of Yahshua, not his physical body, but his spiritual body because he doesn't have one in the Present Kingdom Age. Is that almost right? See what has to happen when you line all the principles up by the pattern. You have something to go by and guide line to tell you what must come to pass.

Within us now is the spiritual body of Yahshua the Messiah and in that spiritual body is the Jew and Gentile becoming one NEW MAN. You see the 3rd trip in the mount also ties in with the Present Kingdom Age and the principles in the 3rd trip are being made known unto us. Inside ourselves we now know no man after the flesh, although we have known the Messiah after the flesh, henceforth, or from now on, we know him no more.

A lot of people don't know how the pattern works in the mind or cloud. All they know is on the charts or in the bible. When you mention a age change they automatically look out there. When you mention the Present Kingdom Age changing up here, they say it already happened at Pentecost AD 33 June the 6th around 9 o'clock in the morning. Now if Yahshua went away in a cloud in a divine vision and it's said he will come back the same way, then when he comes it will be in the cloud. That is why all this information is now appearing in your cloud and not on the charts or in the bible. The charts and bible are the physical happening and what is taking place within you is the spiritual happening. He has resurrected folks out of the bible and off the charts.

Now what happened to those that didn't receive the Holy Spirit at Pentecost? They remained in the Post Diluvian Age mind set (just like Christianity are up here) and never seen the change in their heart and mind, and that is exactly what is happening up here. What is appearing in your cloud is the real happening. The Ark


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