Wednesday, April 25, 2007

The Exodus Out Of Ourselves

Once Yahweh reveals Himself to you, then you can hear His voice all around you. He will be talking to you in everything. It's getting in tune to His Spirit that makes the difference. We have been listening to our carnal mind for years and everybody else's and it's all full of distortions, imaginations and lies. But through this divine vision, truth starts to open up and you start to see things as they really are.

When you view those divine attributes of Yahweh in His spiritual body they will all point to Him as He is the way everything really is and actually exists. Yahweh always stays the same only His creations manifest His hidden mystery in different forms in time. Pure Spirit has no spots and blemishes because that is what Yahweh originally and always is, Pure Spirit.

He can create darkness but there is none in Him as He is all knowing. Let me put this way, there is nothing that exists that Yahweh doesn't know. He can create a mystery, but it's known by Him as nothing is hid from Him. How can it? He can create a body that doesn't know only to make Himself known in that body.

OK, through the divine pattern of Himself, Yahweh created the mystery in the beginning (Court Around About) to unfold through His purpose (Holy Place) to eventually return unto Him (Most Holy Place). From darkness (the beginning) to light (the end) is the pattern of Himself as He creates His own creations out of Himself. That really is the death (our beginning CRA), the burial (going through life buried in His purpose HP) and the resurrection (making Himself known MHP).

Every creation that He has created through eternity always returns unto Himself. It must because He is the ultimate Source and Substance. There is no where else that it can return to except Himself.

So every time He steps into His creations, He is coming from His Pure essence down into the mystery that He creates, so the pattern is eternal. MHP, HP, then into the CRA, then to return through the veil to the HP and finally through the 2nd veil into the MHP. That is how Spirit works and has worked for eternity because that is what Yahweh is. He is eternally creating creations out of Himself for His good pleasure. It's really all for Him and that same pleasure is now experienced through us.

We have come from a CRA state of existence into a HP state of knowledge and now have been permitted to understand a MHP state experience. We all are going to fluctuate up and down according to the pattern because we are the pattern. Aren't we Spirit materialized? And isn't Yahweh the pattern Himself? Then that makes us the pattern materialized.

Instantaneous creation is when Spirit changes itself into material form without time. Since Yahweh is eternity Himself, He has to create time so He can slow everything down in His creations that He makes. But since He is the only one back there before He creates, then He doesn't need to slow it down. That is why He had to take Moses back in a re-run because Yahweh is the Way Himself.

By the pattern all living things follow the exodus out of themselves. This is why we came into existence the way we did because we are making that same exodus out of ourselves. The more Yahweh reveals the more Light or understanding is revealed so you can experience yourself as you really are. We are coming out of our own darkness of who we thought we were, into our own realization of who we really are. We are returning unto our real Selves.

I thought it says to help you find and known Yahweh, and not yourself, as He really is and actually exists? When finding and knowing Yahweh as He really is and actually exists you become Him as He is everything returning unto Himself as dictated by the pattern of Himself. Everything I have said so far really happens to you as we can not deny how we all started out in life. If we started out in darkness and ignorance (CRA) then we will all end in the Light (MHP). Yes the real Light is in the MHP. But there is no light in the MHP? Oh yes there is. Don't forget the schechinah.

So why do we have to ask Yahweh to deliver us out of darkness all the time if everything is going to unfold into the light? Because by asking He makes Himself known to us. Finding and knowing is the Light. Remember we are going back this time with our eyes wide open and to realize this we have to go through the stages He set up to return everything back to Himself. Those stages of development are the pattern.

There is more to this message than is written with pen and ink. This is the real exodus out of ourselves. The Ark


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