Part 22...The 40 Plate Chart
Plates 18, 19, 20 and 21 are all about Noah which I briefly covered in Part 21. The only reason that the flood came was that Yahweh was going by His own pattern and He was changing an age. He knew what He was doing as He had already set this whole thing up.
The physical mind would have you believe that the world became so wicked that God had to destroy the world and start all over again, as if He didn't know what He purposed in the first place. That is what the world thinks. That is a physical interpretation of what they think God is doing.
Let me say from the start, there is no free will. The physical mind thinks it has free will, but that is because Yahweh has hid Himself. We all thought this way most of our lives, until we truly find and know Yahweh as He really is and actually exists. If you think you have free will then you don't know Yahweh and His purpose and plan and you're still under the law stuck in the first two physical ages within your mind (ante and post). Now that's a fact. Even your body is not yours as you have already read from Dr. Kinley's lectures. The only reason that Yahweh flooded the world was He was changing ages and it's all on time, just as when Yahshua came he knew that he had to get on the cross as the second physical age was going to change. People think, oh poor Jesus, they crucified him and get you all emotional so that you will put your hand in your pocket and give more to the church.
You see how we can think that God is way up there above the sun, moon, and stars and looking down to see what is happening. These false concepts are what we learned while growing up as we didn't know the Ever Presence of Yahweh at that time. You see Yahweh is going by His own pattern that He set up right from the beginning. Nothing is left up to chance or the physical mind to screw up.
When Yahweh came down into shape and form as Elohim in the incorporeal, the purpose had already started in motion and the physical is a copy of what He thought up within Himself. Oh yes, Yahweh has thoughts as remember the scripture says My thoughts are not your thoughts and never are your ways My ways, etc. If you look within yourself, you can see that statement is correct as those thoughts that know Yahweh as He really is are high above your physical thoughts as heaven is above the earth. Now how about that?
Just has Adam had to come out of the garden, so did Noah have to build a Ark and come over into the Post Diluvian Age. In plate 21 you see them covering up Noah's nakedness and the physical mind gets in there and thinks it's a sin to be naked and God is displeased with your naked body and you have to cover it up. That is not why they are covering Noah up. It's a reflection of the mystery that cannot be revealed or uncovered yet, until Pentecost, so they had to cover their fathers nakedness to reflect this. The mystery is not going to be revealed at the beginning of the Post Diluvian Age nor the start of the Ante Diluvian Age (See Adam and Eve covering up as well) but in the beginning of the Present Kingdom Age. That is why Yahshua was completely naked on the cross. He was going to reveal the mystery that had been hid from ages (ante and post). You see how all this works? Nothing is just happening by mistakes or errors.
Everything is on time and in a correct order. The children of Israel where driven into Egypt on time and delivered on time just as you are right now. Yahweh is not going to leave it up to your righteous physical mind to save itself, although billions of people think this way. In fact your not going to save yourself as it's out of Egypt have I called MY SON. We are all following The Cloud, and it's not up in the sky. We have all been following the purpose of Yahweh since our conception only now we know it as there has been a spiritual resurrection to take us over from the Post Diluvian Age into the Present Kingdom Age within ourselves. Just line the first three physical ages up with the pattern and the migratory pattern and you will see how this all works within yourself.
Yes, we first learned how it fit in time and in history, but that is only the physical to point to the spiritual. It was something visible to point to the invisible which is taking place within ourselves. If you don't know something, then it's not visible right? Well look how many years Yahweh let us all grow up with our physical minds and do all the things we did and we didn't even know that our bodies were actual His. If Joshua wasn't known in Egypt, then we didn't know that we had Yahshua in us in our Ante and even our Post diluvian Ages. It wasn't until Joshua went into Canaan's Land (MHP= Present Kingdom Age) that He said I was the one who brought you out of Egypt and I was the one who did this and did that, etc.
It's the Yahweh that has been in your own cloud that is really delivering you. We think it was Dr. Kinley or Joseph or someone out there, but it's always been Yahweh in you. It's not until you pass over the second veil within yourself from your own Post Diluvian Age into your own Present Kingdom Age that you will see who you are and the one who has been sitting on the mercy seat all your so called life. You are now in your Most Holy Place understanding and guess who is going to appear in your cloud? That's right, Yahweh Elohim. He is going to say unto you, I was the one who brought you into class. I was the one who took on shape and form in your mother's womb. I was the one who gave you an understanding so that you could grow up from a baby to an adult.
Oh yes, it's been Yahweh all along as He is the one who even designed the carnal mind to operate the way it does, so you can't even take credit for that. Your brain is under the constant control of all the chemicals, oxygen, cells and messages just to even produce physical consciousness. If any of these things are disrupted, then your physical consciousness can been effected. You see we don't even know ourselves properly so how can you expect to know Yahweh if you don't know yourself. Yes, you are Yahweh in a body. That is the mystery that has been hid and it takes Yahweh Himself to reveal this in a divine vision and divine revelation.
That is what the story of Yahshua is all about taking the flesh off and changing the age. By the pattern He walked down from the garden of Eden into the Ante Deluvian age (Court Round About ) passed the veil into the Post Diluvian Age (Holy Place) and then changed His clothes to resurrect a quickening Spirit to open up the second veil to make way into the Most Holy Place (Present Kingdom Age) so that He can now reveal Himself in The Cloud. This happens to your understanding as you pass the veils. Didn't we say that we are on the same journey from Egypt, crossing over the Red Sea (first veil) into the Wilderness of Sinai (HP) and crossing the River Jordan (second veil) into the Promised Land (MHP) as this is where Joshua reveals Himself? Well the same principle is happening with the ages and dispensations within ourselves. It all fits.
There is no free will because you are going by a pattern. Your whole life is going by a pattern whether you are conscious of it or not. You might still think you are making choices until you go up the mount the third time within the phenomenal cloud on top of your mount. These changes that are taking place within your cloud are all according to the pattern. Don't be afraid to move on into Spirit as this is what you are supposed to do to complete your journey. Don't get stuck on any images of any man as you will make a God out of them and worship the creature rather than the Yahweh in you.
The second veil makes the complete change in your awareness when you move from your post diluvian thoughts into the present kingdom age thoughts. Total different perception and awareness. This is when you become one with Yahweh within yourself. If your still looking out there for your savior then your still under the law. Now that's a fact according to the pattern.
So you see all these plates are all going by a pattern. It's the same pattern repeating itself over and over again so that you can see it happen to you. That is Romans one nineteen and twenty right there. Once you enter into the Most Holy Place of your understanding then you are in The Day and you can look back into all ages as the veils are now gone. Once you remove the veils in the tabernacle then the tabernacle becomes one compartment. You are now One with the Father. To be continued. The Ark
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