Friday, December 21, 2007

Part 38... The 40 Plate Chart

Your body has been created by the process of Pure Spirit crossing the veil from invisibility to visibility. What ever body you found yourself in is because of the power of Yahweh to materialize and organize atoms, cells and molecules to form the shape and form you have right now. Black or white, male or female, you accepted it and grew up into it. You looked in the mirror and claimed the face that was looking back at you even though it was Yahweh's.

I see angels descending and ascending.

We are spirit clothed in flesh, so can we be conscious without the physical body? Yes. "I was conscious of me but not 'me' manifested in a physical form". Wow! There it is. As we become more conscious of the reality of our spiritual body (divine attributes) we can see through our own carnal mind that caused us to focus all our attention only on our physical form. The deception was that the physical mind claimed the body as its own and fell into carnal minded consciousness. (The fall of Adam, in Adam all died).

Being conscious only of ourselves made our manifestation only physical. We didn't know about our own immortal substance that was in our cloud because we only knew ourselves as corporeal beings which our carnal mind projected to us. We were not conscious in the dust of pure spirit incorporeal substance that we were really made out of. Now that we are becoming conscious of our immortal selves dwelling in mortal flesh, we now can become conscious without our own name's body image. We can see clearly now that it is Spirit materialized with the power to dematerialize at Yahweh's will.

We are no longer conscious of just flesh and blood but are conscious we are Spirit materialized with the power to take off this mortal coil and return to incorporealization to our eternal Source and Substance from where we really came from. Once you are delivered from the bondage of your own physical mind you can return and start your exodus to become conscious of your spiritual shape and form seen only in a divine vision and understood in a divine revelation. We are actually doing this right now in our clouds .

When this happens you will be consumed by your own coming to the conscious realization of Yahweh as He really is and actually exists.

So can we become conscious without the physical body? Yes. We are already doing it now. "I have transcended 'me' and gone on to be what I was in the beginning, Source, substance and essence or pure spirit". The key word is I have transcended 'me'. That is how we are becoming conscious without our carnal minds view of our selves. We are transcending our own image to become conscious of Yahweh in Spirit and in Truth.

Passing all the ages within our minds, we change each time we crossed a veil. Our understanding increases and we become more aware of the things that were invisible to us. They were not invisible to Yahweh only to our limited understanding.

Consciousness survives the physical body. What kind of consciousness is the deciding factor. Spiritual consciousness is being aware of those divine attributes that are really the ones responsible for our understanding of Yahweh. That will survive because it is really spirit. Can you see Intelligence? Can you pick up a bunch of Love? No, they are invisible attributes that have their real shape and form in the incorporeal. You can see an expression of Intelligence or Love in the physical, but you can't actually see intelligence or love.

As Yahweh writes His law in our heart and mind, we are becoming conscious of Him. The immaculate conception is within our clouds of the birth of Yahshua the Messiah who is Yah's salvation. We are being saved from our physical mind, as Yahweh nails it to His cross and resurrects a quickening spirit in our hearts and minds.

Our consciousness has changed. We are new creatures. We have new bodies. We have been born again in incorporealization of our true substance. Those divine attributes have made us cross the veils of our awareness of our selves and we have changed. We are now becoming conscious of Yahweh in a body rather than 'me' in a body. Great difference in perception. Total recall of who we really are. I will bring back to your remembrance what so ever I told you.

Dr. Kinley told us many things and the real Spirit that he was is now bringing all things back to our remembrance what he told us while he was in the flesh (law and prophets, tabernacle, blood water, spirit, institute and fulfill, etc.). We are starting to see the reality, as his words were really spirit and they are life. It was us who interpreted what he meant with our limited understanding in that age. Now in this age, all veils are removed and we can see ourselves as we really are and actually exist.

We are surviving our own death. We can look back at the way we thought in other ages when it was hid. To be carnally minded is death, but to be spiritual minded is life and peace. We have come out of our physical bodies to ascend into the phenomenal cloud. He has come, not going to come. We have been translated into the kingdom of His dear Son, not going to be. We have passed from death to life in becoming conscious of Yahweh's Spirit rather than what our physical minds told us what to believe in.

Don't make an Elohim out of anything along the way of your journey. Yahweh will be continuing to unfold as we find and know Yahweh as He really is and actually exists. How many times have you heard these set of words? Quite a lot of times, right? Well they have been put down the way they are in the exact order as this is the way it really is. Those set of words describe and lead you to the reality of Pure Spirit. Each divine revelation will be stepping stones to continue the ever lasting journey into Pure Spirit without spot or blemish.

Dr. Kinley's image must be consumed as well as Yahshua 2000 years ago. If you are holding on to any of these images, it is a blood clot that will restrict the divine flow to continue in your ages to come within yourself.

Some times we hear things so many times that we don't hear them anymore. We then fall into the dust of the earth rather than the dust of pure spirit in it's incorporeal substance. My words, they are Spirit and they are Life. Look how far we have come. We have all come along way from our own carnal minds world of darkness. Our consciousness has changed. We are now eating the hidden manna and many people are still saying, "What is it"?

I see angels descending and ascending. The Ark


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