Yahweh is teaching about Himself, because no one else can
I don't know if you caught the full reality that was building up in my last two articles. This is the subject: Yahweh was teaching about Himself while in a physical body, but going back to Moses and the prophets to explain this mystery of Himself. I mean He is standing right there but not revealing Himself only at that time in types and shadows and metaphors. While He is in a body He can't reveal Himself as He really is.
What I'm trying to say here it was Yahweh in a body teaching us about Himself and how He did this was by going back to Moses and the prophets and pointing out how He fulfilled the old law 2000 years ago, resurrected a quickening Spirit and poured out His Spirit on the day of Pentecost. He was telling us about how He appeared to Moses and how He materialized Himself a body known as Joshua. He was telling us all these mysteries Himself.
Now you might say why didn't He just reveal Himself to us and just come out and say this is where I am and I am in you too. Why does He have to go all the way back to Moses to bring us up to the reality of Yahweh within ourselves when He is standing right in front of us? Because it would of been too abstract and deep for us to comprehend.
This is all part of the purpose as we have all been born here in this physical world to participate in His plan.In reality by going back to Moses, He is doing this out of divine Love.
The foundation is all part of the process of development.
Look how babies come into this world, and don't forget we all were babies at one time. We all came in this way. Slowly but surely we got used to our bodies by moving in it and experiencing our 5 senses so the physical world could gradually become understood. Yes everybody you see walking around right now was once a little tiny helpless baby and even before that a sperm and egg and before that chemical substances and before that Spirit. Hard to imagine when you look at your own self, but it's true.
A baby first lays on its back to wiggle and move its arms and legs all for getting the muscles ready. Then the eyes come into focus as they start to notice things all around them. Shapes and colors start to take on shape and form. Soon the baby sits up. Now the baby is getting use to balance and coordination by grabbing things with their arms and even putting their toes in their mouth (can't do that now, smile).
Next comes crawling, moving, walking and talking and reading this article about Yahweh. Bloody marvelous if you ask me.
I have just described every babies journey into this world from invisibility to visibility both in body and mind. All you have to do is look at your own belly button and that's the proof and reminder that you were inside the womb being put together without hands cell by cell by Yahweh Himself, because there is absolutely no way we came here on our own.
Everybody has forgotten this reality and have become so intelligent about themselves that they don't see themselves any more. How did we all grow up to be so stupid and yet think we were so smart? Now ain't that a dog? It's all part of the mystery folks.
Now our spiritual development is going to come in the same way in principle. Babies don't eat steak until they at least get teeth and are able to process chunks of meat. The food is broken down for them.
Well Moses and the prophets and the fulfillment of Yahshua 2000 years ago are all broken down for us so we can process this information in organization. Slowly but surely we grow into this divine vision as we were eating off the plates from the charts. Pictures and scriptures all in types and shadows all broken down for us.
Now here is Yahweh's Spirit already in us (but undetected), teaching us about Himself through Moses and the prophets. We looked out there on the charts and in the bible and saw how the pattern is put together and saw Yahweh work and all the time He is the one teaching us about Himself within ourselves. It ain't in Dr. Kinley any more because that body is gone. It's in us.
As amazing as it was to meet Yahweh in a body called Dr. Kinley, when He appears within you it will outshine everything and anything you know. Now that's a fact.
Now right now He is in us teaching us about Himself and has been just like Joshua was in Egypt (CRA) undetected until He revealed Himself in Canaan's Land (MHP). That's happening to us right now. Same principle.
So here is the divine Intelligence, Wisdom, Knowledge, etc. of Yahweh. We were all born into this world by the very Spirit that we are finding and knowing right now. I mean all our substance of this flesh, blood and bones body is spirit materialized and none of us knew it.
You all realize that one day we won't be here, don't you or have you already forgotten that? Of course you have. We forget every morning we wake up and enter this world over and over again.
He made us, got inside of us and breathed into our nostrils the breath of life and we have been breathing His Name all our life to tell us where He really is. You ain't breathing your name now are you?
Ok, He sets up the mystery that nobody can find Him. We have a physical body created in His likeness and image. We live in a physical creation that He made and designed and even left a bible for us to read and still nobody was able to find Him until he shows up Himself.
Right now as I am lifted up into the phenomenal cloud, I am watching everybody walking about and not knowing the reality of their own existence. This is the biggest mystery of them all to find and know Yahweh as He really is and actually exists and experience this first hand as yourself. Not with our misdirected egotistical mind, but with the mind of the Messiah for who has known the mind of Yahweh that he may teach it, but we who have the mind of the Messiah.
I ain't finished yet. The Ark
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