Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Incorporeal Activity

Once we landed here on earth at our physical birth ( CRA), which was the gate we entered into this world, the only way out, is up. Not up in the sky but an ascent into the Holy Place and Most Holy Place. The whole world is in the Court Round About as far as their minds go, so we don't won't to stay there. This movement is not external but internal.

This is where you have to understand the pattern and all the principles are in your own mind/cloud.

Since 1976 Yahweh has moved my understanding into the incorporeal. By that I mean everything started to be witnessed within. Most of my understanding before that time was running the charts and quoting scriptures which was good for the time then present. After 1976 the Spirit ascended into the invisible things of Yahweh where the incorporeal activity is operating. He now started to really appear in the cloud.

This of course was all according to the pattern as the 2 veils represent changes of perception. As Doc took the flesh off, so did the divine vision.

As you can see on the internet, I don't use charts. I still use the principles but I have been weaned off them. We all know they won't be any charts or bibles in the ages to come, so Yahweh is writing all this in our hearts and minds. That is where the incorporeal activity really is taking place. In other words Yahweh isn't writing in our flesh, but in our spirit.

You can't see it with the naked eye, but it's crystal clear with the eyes of your understanding.

When you experience those divine attributes lining up, the incorporeal line upon line takes place in your heart and mind and not on the charts anymore. As Yahshua is spirit now and is appearing in our cloud.

All the charts pointed to Yahshua the Messiah 2000 years ago and that line upon line was visible for all to see. (Blood, water, spirit etc.) Now the line has ascended into the incorporeal and just as clear as it was on the charts, it now became crystal clear inside where the divine vision is really taking place.

Remember the pattern in the mount is the original and the one in the wilderness is a copy. In other words the charts are just pictorial illustrations of the original divine vision.

It's now the time for all of this to come out so we can see the panoramic view of the divine vision. The divine vision must open up in all 3 compartments of our understanding.

There are no limits and bounds in the Spirit or days to correlate to as this is where you enter The Day which takes place in the eternal present.

Yes we had to go through the Court Round About to get into the Holy Place to finally enter the Most Holy Place. The gate was our entrance into this physical world. We had to learn the interpretation of words and experience this creation before we came into contact with this divine vision. This is all part of our journey.

Coming out of the CRA we passed a veil into the Holy Place where Yahweh taught us all about His pattern. We started to build a tabernacle of knowledge so He could dwell among us. So can't you see we all had to be born here first so we could move into the Holy Place and once we dwell there for a period of time, Yahweh allows us to enter the Most Holy Place where He is dwelling in the cloud. It has to open up in all three stages.

So each stage of development was leading us to the next and our steps were ordered by the one who brought us all here in the first place. The Spirit in us are the steps of a righteous Man.(Yahshua)

So we pass through the CRA into the IDMR structure (HP) then the realization of Yahweh within (MHP). The high priest had to do everything in order to enter the MHP on the day of atonement. Well the high priest has always been within us only now in our MHP understanding is He declaring Himself as the one. Just as Joshua did in Canaan's Land.(MHP)

Yes He was with us all the way even from the sperm and egg. Who do you think opened the door to let the sperm enter the egg?

The Most Holy Place is the 7th step. The 2nd veil is the 6th step and we all know by now what the number 6 represents. That means we have to pass that 6th step to enter the divine presence of Yahweh revealing Himself in the cloud. That means within you now. It's in the incorporeal activity that all this is taking place. The charts are just taking our picture.

I have been there and all I am doing is reporting what it's like. Yahweh put me there, I didn't go into the MHP on my own. That's an impossibility. We all can come up to the 6th step, but it must be Yahweh that takes you over.

Moses got us out of Egypt but Joshua (Yahshua) takes us into the Promised Land. The Ark


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