What Are You Looking At?
Isn't it true that what we experience with our own eyes is a vision? What we in reality see personally, through our own eyes, is our experience. Not what events are reported through the media, newspapers, or told by others, but what we actually see in our own lives. That's a vision. What the media shows and reports is not our personal experience unless of course we were participants in the reported event. The media vision is not part of our world. Although we incorporate it in our knowledge of things happening in the world, it's not our vision. If we didn't see a TV, listen to a radio, read a newspaper for a month, being on vacation on a desert island, it doesn't exist. The events which happened while we were gone for a month, just didn't happen to us and we never saw them or heard about them. Therefore they are not in our vision.
a. The faculty of sight; eyesight: poor vision. b. Something that is or has been seen. 2. Unusual competence in discernment or perception; intelligent foresight: a leader of vision. 3. The manner in which one sees or conceives of something. 4. A mental image produced by the imagination. 5. The mystical experience of seeing as if with the eyes the supernatural or a supernatural being. 6. A person or thing of extraordinary beauty.
What vision are we talking about then like Moses had and Dr. Kinley had also? If we say Dr. Kinley had a divine vision and revelation, where did that take place? On the TV or in the Bible? No, Dr. Kinley had a personal divine vision and revelation given unto him by Yahweh Elohim. He didn't conjure it up or imagine it. It was real in his mind or in this case in Spirit. The Soul of Dr. Kinley which once contained all the experiences and sights he personally experienced in his years alive in the world was transformed by the One Soul in existence, Yahweh Elohim. He said himself if you knew H.C. Kinley before his vision, he didn't exist like that anymore. H.C. was gone.
What we see now is a divine vision and revelation! Say what!? Yes, what we understand in spirit and in truth is the new heaven and new earth state. That old world we were a part of no longer exists. It's been consumed, by the appearance of Yahshua the Messiah who has come in clouds and in glory. We are in the world but not of the world. What the folks experience in their daily lives has them all shook up, fearful and praying for solutions and peace. They are of the world. My Kingdom is not of this world.
Moses saw what the Israelites were doing at the base of Mt. Sinai, building a golden calf and having a big party. Moses just had a divine vision and revelation and was caught up in the realm of Eternity. He was not of their world. He didn't have time for their foolishness and got angry and came down and slew 3,000 souls that same day. Don't you get angry at what is going on in this world and in class? It's gone crazy! Gone to hell in a hand basket. "Why's that?"..you ask. A Warfare in Heaven. Pattern repeat. Yahweh's will is being repeated and we understand it through the appearance of Yahshua the Messiah from heaven. Otherwise we suffer the same plagues as the world.
We need to come up alone a 3rd time into the Mt. with our own tables of stone so that Yahweh can write in our hearts and minds with the finger of Elohim. That's the second covenant established, which must be by a divine vision and revelation understood by the Holy Spirit. Not you, not your vision, not your world, but the Holy Spirit whom is the teacher, the comforter, Yahshua the Messiah. What ever we have had in our minds through our own vision won't cut it. That's the first covenant, the Law of sin and death. We need a second covenant written in our hearts and minds which is the Law of the Spirit of Life.
Vision: Unusual competence in discernment or perception; intelligent foresight: which is Yahweh Elohim himself.
Hello...you Yah....love and peace, Spirit
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