Tuesday, December 05, 2006

Life On And Off This Earth

I heard some people talk about dogs being put down at the pound and they said you might as well save one there instead of buying one. Every day thousands are put down all across the country. I love dogs too but Yahweh immediately spoke to me about the reality of life and death. It happened in a flash of recognition.

All dogs had a beginning as Yahweh created them out of Himself. As dogs are put down us humans feel for them but the reality is that Yahweh created them in the first place to come into existence and appear on this earth. Before they were born they were not here living and breathing, so Yahweh was the one who created them before us humans got emotionally attached to them. I saw the reality of life on this earth and the life not on this earth.

Yahweh is life so He never dies. Only the physical manifestation dies. The cells and molecules have a beginning and they have an end, but Spirit or life is eternal. Although we all get caught up with this physical existence with our emotional feelings, one day we too will not be here on this earth. That doesn't mean we will not exist anymore only on this earth. See what I mean?

Our physical minds equate life only in animated flesh and blood but life existed even before flesh and blood. Just because flesh and blood stops moving doesn't mean life didn't continue unseen.

We all talk about eternal life but one day we all won't be here but will exist in ages to come in an incorporeal body which means without flesh.

Yahweh gives life to all of us to exist on this earth plane. It's a free gift. He was the one who brought us here in the first place. So if He brought us here then He is responsible in making us an incorporeal body and taking us into ages to come because we didn't come here by our will or choice. We just showed up one day, called it our birthday and went on our merry way growing up in this physical world. If He can put together 100 trillion cells which makes up our body structure, then it's no problems to create us to exist in ages to come without one.

When it is said I am Yahweh and so are you the remark sometimes comes back, so is Fido in the backyard. Yes that's true but Fido has no way of knowing that, but we have been purposed to know this great mystery that has been hid for ages. That is why the purpose of Yahweh is manifested through these physical bodies in the brain as this is where Yahweh chose to reveal Himself.

And Moses rose up and his dog into the mount. No. How about Moses rose up with his camel? No. Moses alone and by himself . Sorry animals you're not in this purpose and plan of revealing.

We have been designed solely for this purpose of having Yahweh reveal Himself. He designed the dwelling place of Himself to be right in the mind/cloud. No Yahweh is not a mind, He is Spirit so now you know that you are not a mind but Spirit dwelling in a physical body. Our physical mind use to think it was only a mind but Yahweh is Spirit and He hid Himself as the mind of man to reveal Himself as Spirit. Yes we originally were Spirit and came into existence as a physical body and mind and now are being exposed and revealed at the same time through this divine vision .

Everybody has their time on this earth and now we shall have our existence in ages to come. The ages to come are just as real as when we came here out of the sperm and egg and dwelt here on this earth. The reality of how we got here out of invisibility to visibility is going to be just as real when we return back from visibility to invisibility. At one time we were not here on earth and now we are and pretty soon will not be. This is life on and off this earth.

It's Spirit that has the power to take on shape and form within itself, then cross the veil into physical existence and here we are to prove it. Then it's the same Spirit that will take off the flesh and resurrect back into shape and form (it's already happening and will continue in ages to come) and then back into pure spirit.

So it might seem sad that dogs are destroyed at the pound and animals eat each other but all existence is Yahweh manifested. We are too.

Once you get resurrected out of your carnal mind you will see yourself as you are. We have all been designed by Yahweh and created in His likeness and image. The physical body has more cells than the population of this earth and this just is no accident of nature or evolution. What dwells inside our head is greater than we can imagine.

Greater is He that is in you than that is in the world. This is the powers latent in man.

Yes Fido is Yahweh so is the ant and birds and trees but when Yahweh breathed into our nostrils, that was Yahweh in a body hiding Himself in the flesh so He can resurrect out of our dead minds to return His Spirit to ages to come where this divine reality will open up even further to where the end result will arrive at the same place it all began.

This is life on and off this earth. The Ark


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