Friday, January 26, 2007

Here He Comes...Ready Or Not!

It's the same Yahweh who brought us all here as it will be in taking us back. That's a comforting thought. I mean we now have an advantage. We can look back with this understanding and actually see the process (the visible things of Yahweh) of how we really got here. If Yahweh took all that time and effort to bring us here from pure spirit to material existence then He will take His time in returning us to pure spirit.

We see this same principle as it was Yahweh who drove the children of Israel into Egypt into a land that they knew not of in the first place so He could deliver them right back to where they were driven out. We are that process in motion ourselves.

If you have ever seen those pictures on TV where they now can go inside the womb to see the developing fetus, you can then understand the marvelous process that is taking place all done in secret and without hands. We are peaking into the unseen mysteries of Yahweh that was hid for ages as Yahweh is now letting us see with our own eyes. It's time.

It's no coincidence that man is permitted to discover all this technology up here at the end of Yahweh's purpose as the physical is pointing to the spiritual. From Adam on down nobody was permitted to see such wonderful sights of how we came into existence as we are right now. What is being revealed in the divine vision must be reflected in the world and the sign is following. What Yahweh is revealing is Himself as it's Spirit materializing itself into physical existence and returning Himself and here we are to prove it.

Now if He is doing this in the visible things then He will do it much more in the invisible things as we see how Yahweh really is talking on shape and form within our mind. That's seeing past the flesh. We are understanding that the entire frame work and structure of ourselves is really pure spirit. This is a amazing revelation to experience. We knew this by the charts and the description of Yahweh in words, but to experience this divine reality is like being touched by Yahweh Himself. Now we can reach forth and touch the Tree of Life.

Just to sit here and write and you to read is the divine Love of Yahweh, as He has given us this time to do it in. Everything is being provided for us to do this. If we had lived lets say 200 years ago, we might have been working in the fields with heavy labor and too tired to do anything else and maybe would of not been able to read or write. When you review your life in this divine vision you will see it's been Yahweh all along from the sperm and egg to everything we are right now. To the sun shining in the morning to the comfortable bed to sleep in at night, with food in our stomachs and a roof over our head, Yahweh is all that and more. He is that sun that rises every morning and gives light and heat. He is the oxygen that goes in to our bodies to give life to all the cells and the carbon dioxide that is cast out to provide life while breathing His name Yah (inhale) weh (exhale).

He is the food we eat everyday. He is our pleasure in what ever pleases us. He is our family and all people that you have met which have been provide just for you, which is the divine Spirit that you really are.

If you stop just a minute and take a look around you, everything is Yahweh materializing Himself. If you look within, He is the consciousness and thoughts that provide our awareness both in this world and the spiritual world within. Without Yahweh there would be nothing here. If Yahweh wasn't materializing Himself right now nothing would be here at all. We would just be pure abstraction. See how powerful Yahweh really is? This is the Yahweh we are worshiping now in Spirit and in Truth.

We couldn't worship Yahweh before because we were held in bondage to our carnal mind. Instead of spirit and truth we had flesh and lies in our way. I'm talking about without these veils in the way, we are able to see Yahweh in all things, not in just words but experiencing these thoughts of Yahweh slowed down. If Yahweh revealed Himself all at once, we would not be here. Everything would be translated. It is through His divine love that He reveals Himself a little at a time.

Just think before we arrived here on earth nothing existed to us. We were pure abstraction. Now by growing up in this world that Yahweh designed and materialized into we have a shape and form of consciousness and material things. Look how Yahweh slowed everything down for us to see. It took a long time to grow up. Spirit materialized into the trees, sky and mountains. Each time an apple appears right out of a branch, that is Spirit materializing itself to provide food for us.

This divine vision is not a bible class, it's everything we are and what we will be. This divine vision is our past, present and future. This divine vision has come down to organize our Spirit so we can worship Yahweh as the Ever Presence of all that we are. Just think if Yahweh keeps increasing Himself (and it's Him increasing, we are not doing anything), we will all be translated without seeing death into the ages to come.

Yahweh changes not, but our awareness of Him does. Review your whole day. Do you know that everything you did and experience was Yahweh and Yahshua is the realization of this?

Soon I won't have a computer to type on or a body to live in or a physical earth to walk on. But right now it is held in store by the very Spirit that we really are waiting for the time that all this will disappear as we return to where we originally were.

Everything is happening to us and being provided by Yahweh to reach this awareness and it's all done by Yahweh Himself. Whether we judge it good or bad, all things are created by Him and for Him in us.

The real message in this article is not written here, but takes place in your heart and mind. The Ark


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