Institute & Fulfill
Some people go through their whole life without knowing Yahweh. Aren't we blessed that He revealed Himself to us? Otherwise we would have gone through this life in the flesh without knowing Him as well. Just shows you right there the power of Yahweh because He is the only one who can resurrect our Spirit. Nobody else can do that. We have been led all the way, just as the sperms journey was to the egg while others died off and also the Israelites migration from Egypt to Canaan's Land following the phenomenal cloud.
Moses was just minding his own business and Yahweh revealed Himself at the burning bush. Yahweh had to reveal Himself and show him just like He did to all the prophets. Yahweh had to reveal Himself to Dr. Kinley as well or he would not of known.
In this Present Kingdom Age understanding there is no accountability. Yahshua fulfilled it when he writes his law in your heart and mind. It's just like the 3rd trip of Moses (MHP). His 2nd trip he still became angry with the Israelites worshipping the golden calf and thought they were responsible, but not on his 3rd trip. He had to put a veil over His face in what he saw as he realized that it was Yahweh doing all things.
All the scriptures are fulfilled in Yahshua. That means you don't need the scriptures telling you what to do.
When you cross over that veil within yourself from the Post Diluvian Age understanding to the Present Kingdom Age understanding, you will realize Yahweh has done it all. You can't do anything yourself. I don't care if you quote Paul or Peter, the scriptures were in our Post Diluvian Age mentality and are now fulfilled because the new covenant is not written with pen and ink. The scriptures are written with pen and ink aren't they? What is being written up here by the finger of Yahweh is not written, only in your heart and mind.
Once you got the understanding of the pattern and the divine principles, you can throw away the bible. You can't go back and base your righteousness on any scripture in this age of understanding, because He moved it all out of the way. Look how mad it made them Jews back there when Yahshua took their law away from them. If they don't have the law how are they going to justify their own righteousness. How are they going to say look what I have done when there is no law for them to keep. It's the same thing up here. He is doing it again. This is going to make a lot of people mad.
If you keep in the bible and not see it in your heart and mind, you will make this divine vision become just another religion and be held in bondage once again. You'll be stuck in the same pit that Christianity has fallen into quoting scriptures for their salvation and good works.
He has to give the law to us and take it away. If He doesn't fulfill it within you then you will be justified in your self righteousness in thinking you are saved by your own works or obedience.
Yahweh has set a trap for the beautiful angel as he only knows his own works and not Yahweh's.
You see He institutes all this to come and fulfill it Himself. That makes Him the beginning and the end. He is the only one to fulfill and no body else can do this. There was a time that all this had to be set up just like it was with the Israelites and now it's time to fulfill it.
If you can see Adam now as Yahweh in a body then you are in the 2nd Adam. No more sin. He came to put a end to sin and he has done that within ourselves. No accountability. We are not responsible. Sin as been removed as Yahshua was the final sacrifice for sin. Moses understood in that 3rd trip (MHP) that Yahweh was in Adam bringing His own purpose down and he saw his own life and how Yahweh did everything for him as well which fulfilled all his sin within his mind, but he didn't understand that in his 2nd trip. That is why he came down with the veil over his face which is the MHP as this could not be revealed yet until the appointed time. Same with us up here. We were angry and pointed fingers at everybody as our mentality was 2nd trip and post diluvian. Not now as He has taken some of us up the mount the 3rd time which puts us into the Present Kingdom Age (3rd Age).
How did Yahweh hide Himself in Adam? In our understanding. Now He is not hid because it has been revealed. How did He hide Himself in us? In our ignorance until it was time to reveal Himself. Our whole life has been set up by Yahweh and in this MHP place experience (3rd trip=PKA=Canaan's Land) we see how Yahweh was the one who did everything for us. As Joshua waited until he got over into Canaan's Land to tell them it was him that really brought them out of the land of Egypt and feed them in the wilderness etc. Why did he have to wait until he got over into Canann's Land to tell them this? Because He is going by a pattern. This is what is taking place within ourselves. It has always been Yahweh in us, not in Dr. Kinley, not in the scriptures, not in Yahshua 2000 years ago, not anywhere in the bible, but within us.
The ages and dispensation are really within you. Everything in the bible is types and shadows which places it all under the law in the Post Diluvian Age. Flesh and blood can't not inherit the Kingdom which is in the Present Kingdom Age. Only the divine principles are allowed to resurrect in Spirit and in Truth.
This proves to us that he is the only one to fulfill the law and move it out of the way. Move it all out of the way. Why? Because the real one is here now.
If you don't realize that Yahweh is doing everything then you will establish your own law and think you have to do something yourself and become guilty or self righteous. As I said in the beginning if it were not for Yahweh none of us would have known. So how can we come up to Him and say look what I have done in your name.
I have not come to destroy the law and prophets but to fulfill. The Ark
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