Part 7...The 40 Plate Chart
Plate 8 is the resurrection of the seed on the 3rd day growing up through its stages coming out of bondage to the soil into the bud stage and on into fruition (1,2,3). The earth appears being buried by the seas and we start the cycle of life. Each seed is sending a message of the death, burial and resurrection and glorification of Yahshua the true seed that everything is pointing to. This of course is happening within our hearts and mind as the true seed resurrects out of our earthly mind and we become glorified in The Son, Yahweh Elohim, which are those divine attributes organized in a shape and form of spiritual awareness. The fruit on the trees depicts the spiritual fruit from the tree of life. Remember everything Yahweh is transforming into is to point to Himself and His purpose and plan which is being carried out within ourselves from the day of our conception.
I was reading a book the other day called Amazon Beaming and these words jumped off the page right on time as we are talking about the seed on the 3rd day. "Contained in each seed is its own future germination". Wow! Yahweh reveals Himself in all things and He shows you that we are on the right path by revealing Himself and giving us the information we need. Inside the seed is the future germination of itself as you can't see it but it they're ready to come down into shape and form and take on the physical manifestation of itself. Are you listening?
Didn't Yahweh come out of His own source and substance to take on shape and form within Himself to form the physical creation and manifest Himself? That is why it's happening all the time right in front of us when we see apples hanging on a tree, a baby being born, crops growing out of the ground, etc. etc. etc. You can't see the purpose in Pure Spirit until it comes down out of abstraction to appear as the visible. What all the seeds are doing is pointing to Yahweh as this is Spirit materialized. This is how everything enters the physical world. If you really stop and take a look all around you, you will see the miracle as all things are coming into physical existence out of an invisible substance. We don't see it because it is happening all around us and we have excepted as the normal way of life. I mean how does a banana tree that is next to a apple tree that is in the same dirt produce different fruit? If you back up where all the fruit is coming from it's contained invisibly in the seed. You can't see it but the Spirit that will be the fruit comes in a slowed down version instead of instantaneous creation. The whole creation, including us is Yahweh willing to be what He wills to be.
As was so beautifully described in my brothers latest epistle about how we came into existence from within the sperm and egg and took on shape and form in the womb and finally after 9 months we enter physical existence. We were all once invisible. Where were you before you took on shape and form? I don't think we all have grasped the full reality of this yet. We have said it so many times that it's hidden.
When Yahweh calls you up into your own mount the 3rd time into the phenomenal cloud within yourself, you will see and truly understand as you will have to put a veil over your face when you come down into the world. This reality is going to light you up to where you have never been lit up before. This is going to blow your mind and do mean that literally. It's going to blow your physical mind to kingdom come and I do mean that literally, (smile). The Kingdom will come when Yahweh reveals Himself in a divine vision and revelation.
Contained within Yahweh, within you, is your own future germination. Your life into this world is literally taking on shape and form out of invisibility. This is happening both in your physical body and your mind. You are being drawn out of your invisible self from a seed, fetus, baby, young child, teenager, and adult right up to where you are right now. You have grown from nothing in your head to billions of thoughts which take on shape and form as your understanding of the physical creation and yourself. This is all to point to spiritual things because in our cloud the spiritual seed is coming out of abstraction, taking on shape and form as organized divine attributes to make your real self known within the cloud of yourself.
We didn't know anything about Yahweh when we first came into class (invisibility) and as we learned all the information it started to take on shape and form from within the true seed that was always there. The purpose was already set up even before you manifested into physical form. The tree is already there in the seed but has to come out and go through the stages. The seed was already there laying dormant in our earthly minds waiting for the right words (The True Son to shine) to enter our heart and mind to start to grow automatically without any works.
Contained in each seed its own future germination. That my friends is our life from start to finish. The seed of Abraham had to come up out of bondage of Egypt and go into the Promised Land. It's already set up by the pattern. The Red Sea and River Jordan are already there. As soon as Yahweh took on shape and form within Himself as Yahweh Elohim, the purpose was in motion. It's coming right out of Himself and don't leave it way back there in time as this is and is happening right up with our beginning into this world. Seed bearing seed after its own kind is the Spirit of Yahweh producing seed after Himself. We are His off-spring and have grown up to become one with the Father. What is the seed to grow up into? Yahweh Himself.
This is the whole purpose to raise up seed unto Himself. We are doing it with our children in the physical as Yahweh is doing it with His children in the spirit. Yahweh is taking on shape and form right out of Himself and it's all happening right now as the true seed germinates into its own future within your own cloud. Hello, you, Yah. To be continued. The Ark
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