Thursday, March 22, 2007

For I Will Appear In The Cloud

Within our mind or cloud are Ante Diluvian thoughts, Post Diluvian thoughts and Present Kingdom Age thoughts. This is the invisible pattern that Yahweh pitched and not man. Yahweh pitched this one because He is the only one to reveal this within you. You're the only one who can now see this rightly dividing the word of truth within yourself. You now can detect by the pattern which age your thoughts are in by rightly dividing the principles in each age. It's Yahweh's divine attributes that are appearing as the ages within you. That's how they appear invisibly in the cloud.

Crossing these veils takes place within your awareness and is all done by how you understand Yahweh. Each age change depicts a different perception of how you look at Yahweh manifesting as yourself, as the world and in the bible, which you will realize in your 3rd trip understanding that they are all one and the same Spirit.

We all started out in life in our ante Diluvian age thoughts, then passed a veil of understanding when we came into class which put us in our Post Diluvian thoughts and finally resurrected spiritually into the Present Kingdom Age thoughts to realize the reality of what we were being taught.

You see the reality of this divine vision is not on the charts or in the bible as they are only our visible school master pointing to the spiritual principles taking place in our heart and mind. You only have to go back and see where this divine vision was originally perceived from to confirm this as Dr. Kinley saw all this within himself and then made the charts. Same with the bible all those boys were caught up in their own clouds first then they wrote what they saw and experienced.

Now what is all happening up here is the focus of attention is now resurrecting off the charts and out of the bible as Yahweh has revealed Himself to us in the visible and now He is revealing Himself in the invisible. You don't destroy the charts or the bible, He comes to fulfill them and translates them into reality by his resurrection in our heart and mind. That's how and why it's all appearing within us now because he said he would come in the clouds.

Now because we have a pattern to go by, you can now see this same pattern operating in our thoughts and can really divide which thoughts are administering to us. This is done by the Holy Spirit as this is the only teacher.

OK here are some examples of how we understood Yahweh in each age: Our Ante Dilivuan thoughts are our thoughts of the world before we came into contact with this divine vision. Yahweh was hidden to us.We had a sky God. We had opinions of what God was or even went to church, but our thoughts were really dead as we had a carnal mind and were held in bondage to it. We only saw our flesh and were controlled by our physical mind. You can add anything else in this age that you can think of that kept you in darkness serving your ego and it's host of thoughts. Even if you didn't believe in a God, you believed in your own self and worshipped that.

Post Diluvian thoughts were our thoughts when we first came into class and started to learn about Yahweh's name, the pattern, institute and fulfill and generally what we learned on all the charts including the scriptures. In this age our thoughts were of class and the teaching of the divine vision. We learned about how Christianity was all wrong and how Yahshua was fulfilling instead of instituting. We learned the migratory pattern and how things correlated one to another. We learned how our bodies were a tabernacle and how each vessel correlated to the vessels in the tabernacle. We were taught how the God head or His supernal nature manifested. We started to learn and understand Yahweh's purpose down through the ages and dispensations of time. We saw ourselves as children of Yahweh as He taught us His pattern and plan. We felt like we were on top of the world and the whole world laid in wickedness. We were taught how to put the bible together by the pattern and the difference between the old and new covenants. I could go on but you get what I am talking about.

Now Present Kingdom Age thoughts are those thoughts that know Yahweh as He really is and actually exists.They are filled with the reality of knowing Yahweh in Spirit and in Truth. These thoughts are high above our Post and Ante Diluvian thoughts as the heaven is above the earth. We have all experienced these thoughts as these are our Most Holy Place thoughts. You know the ones where you see in clarity the reality of Yahweh that can either make you cry, make you shake your head or fill you will joy and laughter. These thoughts know Yahweh in your 3rd trip and see Him as the all in all doing everything. In this age you can witness the reality of Yahweh transforming into your Spirit, soul and body which are His. Now I could go on but you get my point.

Now throughout the day we have thoughts that are administering to us at various times. By taking the principles of the ages, you can now tell what age you are in and don't tell me you don't fluctuate up ad down during the day. These thoughts that feed us are all in different ages and now you can tell which age you dwell in. Which age do you spend the most time in? Go on ask yourself this truthfully.

Now I might add that it was Yahweh who enabled us to cross these veils. He was the one who opened up the Red Sea for us and carried us over the River Jordan. What the children of Israel went through on their feet we are now doing in our thoughts. Why do you think all the charts are surround by a cloud? See Yahweh is teaching us about Himself internally now as this is the Present Kingdom Age where He appears in the cloud not 2000 years ago in time and history. Yahweh has allowed us in to the Most Holy Place of this divine vision. Oh yes the divine vision is going by the pattern and the veil changes are seen and understood.

Remember the word age and world are really the same so it all depends what world you are living in as to how you will understand Yahweh. When you read these articles they can read different if you are in a different age than what they were written in. I have reread these articles myself and sometimes I am in a different age too. The feeling I got when they first come through me sometimes is not there and other times the words take me even further.

So this is what I am saying. Within yourself you can rightly divide the Word of Truth and discern your thoughts. All you have to do is place it on the pattern and you will see. Once these veils are removed you can also look back at yourself in a divine vision and see Yahweh in all your life. It's all in the cloud.

And one more thing, you can discern other people when they talk to you or write and tell which age they are in. By their words are they justified and by their words are they condemned. The Ark


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