Written By The Voice Of Yahweh
Call unto Me, and I will answer thee, and shew thee great hidden things, which thou knowest not. Jer. 33:3
The words in these articles will produce a divine message within yourself that is not written with pen and ink. If you read these articles without interruption alone and by yourself, you will experience what the words are really saying. Yahweh willing.
As Yahweh Elohim appears in your cloud, you will not see a man but divine intelligence, wisdom, knowledge, etc. which will take you up to become aware of spiritual things. This will be your witness to the visible (words) declaring the invisible (what is going inside your head).
You see the new covenant is not written with pen and ink, so the only place for this to happen is within you. When your inner man becomes affected, this is a beautiful witness and testimony of something being written by the finger of Yahweh because you are seeing things that are not written. It's the divine understanding taking on shape and form that nobody else can see but you because you are having a divine vision. Yes we can even reveal spiritual things to spiritual persons that nobody else can see as we can transfer our knowledge one to another in spiritual words. Even when you speak words in the Spirit it is understood only in the Spirit so this is actually proof that something exists invisible.
The Egyptians (carnal minds) didn't see any similitude in the cloud, only the Israelites(which portrayed His Son) were permitted by Yahweh as it is with us.
We are talking about spiritual things that can only be seen with the eyes of your understanding.
Many people can read and hear words, but I am talking about coming to visions and revelations of Yahweh within yourself where it is being seen and heard invisible as you become the true meaning of the words yourself. When you find the words have a profound affect on you, then you know you are not just reading. That's when it gets written in the heart and mind and not on paper.
That's where Yahshua comes in between Yahweh (who is Spirit) and the physical words. He is the only mediator between Yahweh and man or Pure Spirit and the physical. He is the translator or the spiritual shape and form that configures into the true meaning of the words. This is Yahshua appearing in heaven as you are el-evated up to where He takes off the fleshly meaning of all words spoken and written. He then becomes The Word which is the true interpretation of all words.
Remember in the beginning was the Word which we know to be Yahweh Elohim Himself in a divine vision and understood in a divine revelation so He is pure Truth. He is the exact meaning and correct interpretation of all words spoken and written. Now you know why He is called The Word. In fact you know how He confused the tongues at the Tower of Babel where everybody couldn't understand each other and at Pentecost He reversed the tongues back to one language, well this translates into what I was just saying. He then becomes the Word of all words and the correct interpretation and only teacher and revealer of everything said and written. You can't misinterpret Yahweh Elohim when you are in Him because He is the only one who knows the Father and will never tell a lie because He is Truth itself.
For what man knoweth the things of a man, save the spirit of man which is in him? even so the things of Elohim knoweth no man, but the Spirit of Elohim.1 Cor. 2:11
See right there no man knows Elohim but the Spirit of Elohim.
So this is what I am saying. Within you is the only teacher of Yahweh which is called the Holy Spirit. It's still Yahweh only now He is in the revealing manifestation stage. Since Yahweh is intelligence and knowledge Himself, then He is the only one Himself who knows who He really is and how He actually exists.
So this Holy Spirit who is Yahshua on the right side of the cross, he shall teach you all things and bring all things back to your remembrance. He will take your confusion of tongues of the carnal minds false concepts, ideas and opinions and reverse your tongue to where you will speak the only true one language of Spirit and Truth.
Now when you speak, you will be revealing Yahweh and not your image of a physical person. That's why when I write that is the tongue I am really speaking in. It's a heavenly language where your citizenship is from heaven.
Which things also we speak, not in the words, which man's wisdom teacheth, but which the Holy Spirit teacheth; revealing spiritual things to spiritual persons. 1 Cor. 2:13
Whose voice then shook the earth: but now He hath promised, saying, Yet once more I shake not the earth only, but also heaven. And this Word, Yet once more, signifieth the removing of those things that are shaken, as of things that are made, that those things which cannot be shaken may remain.Heb. 12: 26-27
Written by the voice of Yahweh. The Ark
yes Yahweh is all and thats all.
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