Saturday, April 07, 2007

Part 2...The View From The 3rd Trip

As you enter the MHP understanding within you, you can then look back and see that without the veils the pattern has now become one compartment. This is the view from the 3rd trip where everything becomes one.

When the high priest went into the Most Holy Place 3 times on the day of atonement, it was once for his sins, then for the Israelites sins and finally to cleanse the sanctuary, then the shechinah flashed (Elohim appeared). This will also happen to you when you enter the MHP place of your understanding. All your sins will be forgiven and then it will take away all sins from Adam on down (all the people). You will see it's all Yahweh's purpose and plan and this will cleanse the sanctuary so you will be without spot and blemish in your spiritual understanding.

As the divine presence of Yahweh flashes in your cloud, the ante and post diluvian ages are fulfilled. All sin is blotted out and come to an end. By sin I mean all errors, mistakes, guilty feelings, condemnation, accountability, it's all consumed in the brightness of His coming. When this happens Yahshua has entered the 3rd heaven in your heart and mind.

You see the 9 divine attributes are here already. They have already manifested into your 9 systems of your body and are the ones who are translating the chemical messages and are the intelligence of all your atoms, cells and molecules. Didn't Yahweh Elohim transform into a completely furnished tabernacle in the phenomenal cloud to Moses? Well you're the evidence yourself.

Viewed from the 3rd trip, it's not Satan being cast out into your earth anymore and filling you with a carnal mind, you now become transformed in the divine vision and it's Yahweh Elohim who really is you. This transformation in the MHP of your understanding now destroys Satan's kingdom by the brightness of Yahshua transforming into you as when he appears we shall be like him.

This happens when you're lifted up and he becomes transfigured as you, as you are in his body now.

You see, viewing my grandchild from the 3rd trip, I am looking at the transfiguration of Yahweh Elohim into a completely furnished tabernacle which shows me where I am also.

Satan's kingdom is burnt up and will melt with fervent heat as Elohim is a consuming fire within me now. My spiritual understanding is consuming the way I thought and so it will do to you.

In the MHP the 2 ark angels and the mercy seat are all one piece to show the unity of the Spirit. In the CRA and the HP the vessels are separated. This is to point to all being one Spirit in that MHP state of awareness. 3rd trip understanding is seeing Yahweh as the all in all in His purpose and His plan which He is willing Himself to be. Then there is no spots and blemishes as the world is reconciled unto your anointed Spirit. Let this mind (spirit) be in that was in the Messiah. The word messiah means anointed one.

You see the lake of fire now become the phenomenal cloud that you dwell in as fire doesn't burn fire. Moses didn't come down with a burnt face and his clothes on fire. See it's the inner man we are dealing with that is now allowed into the MHP or the presence of finding and knowing Yahweh as He really is and actually exists. Flesh and blood can not inherit the Kingdom and my Spirit does not have flesh and blood as you see me have.

I am not going to appear with nails in my feet or in my hands anymore. You will have to see Me as I really am in your cloud. You are not going to put me on that cross again and to those that look for Me a 2nd time, I will appear without sin unto salvation.

Don't let anybody try to condemn you to think you are disobeying Me when I was on the left side as Dr. Kinley because I am appearing on the right hand of Yahweh in your understanding, that where I am there you maybe also. When you see me (not as Dr. Kinley but within your cloud) you see the Father. I might as well declare who I really am now and take the flesh off. Flesh and blood can not reveal this unto you, only My Father. The Ark


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