The Fruit Of The Tree Of The Knowledge Of Good & Evil Creates The Illusion Of Flesh.
Our heads cannot contain every experience we've had since babies. We are spirit, not flesh. The flesh cannot store experience because experience is spirit. All the cells that make up our bodies including our brain are without number.We are spirit, not flesh and blood. It's an illusion to 'think' that our bodies can contain all those years of experiences. It has nothing to do with our brains.
We are spirit-Yahweh first, then in a shape and a form, our Soul-Elohim, then body-Yahshua. Is there any flesh to Yahshua? No, he is risen a quickening spirit. We are not a body of flesh, but a body of heaven in His clearness. The flesh profiteth nothing, my words they are spirit and they are life.
Look at the Moses chart. There is a Super incorporeal form of a man, Yahweh Elohim appeared that way for their understanding and for ours. But it's all in the cloud.... It all comes out of the original pattern but still in the cloud. A spirit hath not flesh and blood as you see me have. We live, move and have our being in Yahweh/spirit. We are not flesh and blood as you suppose. The cloud is painted all around the edge of the chart so that everything abides within the pure spirit form of Yahweh. That means this flesh that you suppose we have too....we are spirit materialized, not flesh materialized.
Here's some more on this train of thought/Part 2.
The dragon or the serpent, our carnal minds has a tale or a history. Our tales which we carry around with us throughout our lives, is part of the deception of 'thinking' we are attached to flesh and blood. The whole world 'thinks' it is a fleshly body because of the five senses. But what are the five senses attached too... or what is there original source?... I mean right now, not going to be or later on. The nine divine attributes is our real body, always has been and always will be.
Yahweh willed to be Adam including you and me (in Adam all our thoughts died) and He knew we were naked and we were ashamed. But since the second Adam which was there all along, and has resurrected in our clouds, that turns our CLOUDS phenomenal. We've been saying 'our clouds' which is spirit, not flesh. On the cover of the book Elohim The Archetype(original)Pattern of The Universe it says " The Eternal Yahweh manifested within the cloud symbolizing eternity."
The illusion of our flesh was the fruit of the knowledge of good and evil. Now the fruit of the tree of life is knowing we are spirit and we are life. The flesh has no life of its own. How can the brain contain life, or thoughts of spirit of its own? Cells are a shadow of the real life which we are. We are not me or you, but Yahweh who is spirit and we are life. Let us make man in our own image.
Now that serpents tale (our own history) which we have carried around in ourselves, is turned back into a Rod of Authority and it has budded. It's bearing fruit of the tree of life. That's realizing the principles that have operated in our Histories. Our flesh was our coats of skins that Yahweh made to cover up our nakedness. The nakedness is our being separated from Yahweh, not clothed in the Son (principles or attributes) like we were in the beginning.
But now since the end is declared from the beginning, we don't have or need coats of skins (earthly thoughts), as we are truly clothed in the SON. This Son Yahshua is our resurrected understanding which slept in the dust of the earth (not those carnal concepts, opinions, and ideas about who we 'thought' we were). Out of me (Egypt) have I called my Son. Out of the darkness or ignorance of all those carnal thoughts of who I thought I was, which includes me thinking I have a head with a brain and all those synapses. I have no body, Yahweh is the only one with a body and that's the body of heaven.
What we defined as space and time which included our own histories doesn't need space or time, we are children of the day, Eternal Day. There's no space or time in Eternity. Neither are there any limits and bounds. We can visit time or our ages and dispensations because we dwell in Eternity.
1 Corinthians 6:19 What? know ye not that your body is the temple of the Holy Spirit which is in you, which ye have of Yahweh, and ye are not your own?
Acts 17:24 Yahweh that made the world and all things therein, seeing that he is Ruler of heaven and earth, dwelleth not in temples made with hands;
It says, our body is the temple of the Holy Spirit,...... but Yahweh dwelleth not in below.
17:25 Neither is worshipped with men's hands, as though he needed any thing, seeing he giveth to all life, and breath, and all things;
17:26 And hath made of one blood all nations of men for to dwell on all the face of the earth, and hath determined the times before appointed, and the bounds of their habitation;
17:27 That they should seek Him, if possibly they might feel after him, and find him, though he be not far from every one of us:
17:28 For in him we live, and move, and have our being; as certain also of your own poets have said, For we are also his offspring.
Eph.2:22 In whom ye also are builded together for an habitation of Elohim through the Spirit. Read the whole 2nd chapter of Ephesians.
See we have a habitation of Elohim through the Spirit. Our temporal awareness of our physical forms is being dissolved, as we see what body we have been wearing all along. Bringing back the former things of old to our remembrance. For I am Yahweh and there is none else. No me or you, just Yahweh. That is changing our awareness and consciousness back to our real selves.
I keep adding to what I wrote and see more stuff as I re-read it. Wow....Does it make sense to you in the sense I am saying our physical bodies cannot contain our thoughts and experiences? Our habitation is in the spirit, not our heads or brains. A spirit has not flesh and blood as you thought you had.
More on the same train of thought/Part 3
What Moses saw in the wilderness was a burning bush. He alone saw it in a vision. Moses alone saw Yahweh Elohim in a vision atop Mt. Sinai. He saw the beginning of the creation coming out of the archetype pattern in a vision. He saw Adam all the way down to himself in a vision. (catch that one, saw himself in a vision). The whole purpose is in a vision which takes place in the cloud which is spirit. We never got outside of Yahweh or spirit.
Do you see the objects drawn up in the cloud atop Mt. Sinai? A mouth, tables of stone, the 9 attributes, Moses and the words saying 'Panoramic Vision of Elohim to Moses 1490 BY'. All in the cloud. Go to the Elohim book Vol. 1 pages 31-35 and see all three states, Pure spirit, super incorporeal form, and concrete form all in the cloud. We have been having a vision in spirit all along. Even our bodies are in the cloud or vision. Never got out of it. The difference now is we have had a divine revelation to understand the cloud we've been in. We saw no similitude and now we see similitude and understand it through our true son.
We now perceive ourselves differently because behold all things become new. We don't see ourselves as attached to our flesh because we were projecting that OLD image of flesh through a NEW Yahweh Elohim. See Moses projecting the light and the creation in the cloud, to show he is having a vision. It's all in Yahweh, just like you and me. It's not Yahweh in my head, it's me and you in Yahweh. We live, move and have our beings in Yahweh.
This true Son was down in Egypt or our carnal minds all along. Like a seed with a message and grew up and led us out of our dark carnal thoughts. But still all in our a vision....we are appearing in a vision now unto ourselves like Moses saw the burning bush and the creation coming in including himself. Everyone is the whole world is having a vision because they too are in the cloud or spirit. They don't understand the vision they are seeing, but we who have a risen Son understand.
Now look at this. If you speak first person, look how you set up Joshua/Yahshua in yourself right from the beginning. Like a seed which is planted and doesn't come up till the Son's light breaks through the earth and up comes the tree of life. Right on time, because we sent Moses down into our hearts and minds by going to class and hearing and reading about him in the Bible. Because we declared the end right from the beginning. Like the DNA, our pattern, it has to come forth as the pattern dictates it. Can't change it or fix it at all. Is this tight or what?
The coats of skins we have given ourselves to wear in our purpose is temporal and we can now see through it with our incorporeal eyes. We have been having a vision of ourselves as solid material since we were babies and we had to believe it otherwise our serpent ain't doing his job. Just like Moses in the cloud having a 'Panoramic Vision of Elohim...' seeing Adam, Eve and the generations of the flesh coming down through the dispensations and ages. He saw flesh but it was in a vision. He was witnessing spiritual forms. That's the concrete form in the cloud. Like we see everything concrete including ourselves in the cloud and really understand it in spirit or our body of divine attributes.
2 Cor. 5:1-2 For we know that if our earthly house of this tabernacle were dissolved, we have a building of Elohim, an house not made with hands, eternal in the heavens. For in this we groan, earnestly desiring to be clothed upon with our house which is from heaven:
It's a state of consciousness, not a place.
Eph 2:6 And hath raised us up together, and made us sit together in heavenly states in the Messiah Yahshua:
Here's another thing: how come Stephen when he was stoned, didn't feel a thing? Like you said also about Yahshua on the cross, it was just a projected image of a man. We have been projecting a self in our clouds to ourselves and the whole world.
Eph.1:9-11 Having made known unto us the mystery of his will, according to his good pleasure which he hath purposed in himself: That in the dispensation of the fulness of times he might gather together in one all things in the Messiah, both which are in heaven, and which are on earth; even in him: In whom also we have obtained an inheritance, being predestinated according to the purpose of him who worketh all things after the counsel of his own will.
love and peace, Spirit
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