Saturday, December 22, 2007

Part 39...The 40 plate chart

We do live in a different world or age than the rest of the world. We have passed the veils in our ages and have set down on the right hand to rest from all our works in our 7th step. Yes, if you are in Yahshua you are on the right side of the cross in the Present Kingdom Age within your spiritual understanding in your cloud. We are looking at everything in a different Light now that we have discovered the real Spirit that is making itself known from our eternal incorporeal and Pure Spirit source and substance that is now dwelling in a body. We are really Spirit. Let me explain.

If you think you are a black man or a white man then you are under the illusion of your carnal mind. If I called you a nigger, wop, honkey, or what ever, what would be your reaction? If you became angry or upset, then you are identifying yourself only as the body. What color is Spirit? We are all Spirit and actually dwell inside the body. What color is consciousness or thoughts? You see we are really that part of ourselves that is inside our head which is invisible.

When we say "my" body, who is the "my" that is talking? Don't you dwell inside your head cavity? That is where the source of your awareness is, right? Isn't everything in your body connected to the brain where you are dwelling? I am not saying you are a brain no more than I am calling the TV signal a TV. The signal operates through the TV just as Spirit does in the body. The only difference is the body is Spirit materialized as well.

When Yahweh said He would dwell in the cloud, isn't this where you are dwelling? Now ask yourself who is it that is reading and understanding these words right now? It is not your body becoming aware as if cells are thoughts, but it's you that is dwelling in your head.

Now draw me a picture of your consciousness. Is it round, square? How big is it? Does it have any dimensions? Your consciousness has no particular shape and form. Sound familiar? When you think, your consciousness now takes on organization, which we call thoughts out of the source and substance of itself. You are now taking on shape and form within yourself by thinking. This is all happening invisibly inside your head where you dwell. So you are without shape and form then you can take on shape and form out of the source of yourself and then become conscious of the physical.

We do this everyday but who has pointed this out to us? Did we learn this in school or did our parents show this to us that we are more than a physical body? No, Yahweh is the only one to reveal these deep mysteries and yet they are as simple as the nose on your face.

Now inside the brain behind the cells of flesh and blood is the invisible you. I am talking about you that has no particular shape and form and that has a shape and form. Now does that mean there is two persons inside your head? No, it's still you right? Can you see that Yahweh has no particular shape and form in His pure Spirit state and then takes on shape and form as Yahweh Elohim, that it's the same Spirit? When you are without shape and form you are called consciousness and when you are in shape and form you are called thoughts and when you appear or become conscious of your physical form you are called a physical body. Now you are not three different persons now are you? If you were then you are in a world of hurt.

Now I am using the words consciousness and thoughts as they are the closest words to describe what is happening inside the cloud. If I said Spirit without shape and form and Spirit with shape and form you mind may take off outside some where instead of staying inside. I am not saying Yahweh is a mind. He is Spirit and so are you. I am Yahweh and so are you can also can be said I am Spirit and so are you because Yahweh is Spirit. He doesn't have a Spirit, He is Spirit. You don't really have a Spirit, you are Spirit and you are now dwelling in a body with the physical creation appearing to you.

Now the question should be asked what is Spirit? It is Yahweh. Well what is Yahweh? He is Spirit. Now I have not said anything really, just gone back and forth, right? Spirit is divine Intelligence, Wisdom, Knowledge, Love, Beauty, Justice, Foundation, Power and Strength. Now that is what Yahweh (Spirit ) is. He doesn't have a whole bunch of Intelligence, He is Intelligence. He is still divine Intelligence in Pure Spirit as He is when He takes on shape and form and then appears as the physical. That goes for you too. You are Spirit. What was Spirit again? Intelligence, Wisdom, Knowledge, etc. So what are you really?

So when Spirit dwells in a physical body (which you really are and actually exist), it's still divine Intelligence. So without the physical body, what are you? Intelligence, Wisdom, Knowledge, etc. Are there two intelligence's or 3 Wisdom's? No, it's the same Yahweh. Right now at this particular time we are divine Intelligence dwelling in a physical body which divine Intelligence manifested into, to appear in the physical.

What has happened is that Yahweh has made us aware of our incorporeal selves through a divine vision as this is only how you can see yourself. Our understanding has increased so much that Yahweh is now appearing in the cloud instead of the beautiful angel. We are being transformed by the renewing of our mind. All we were conscious of before we came into an understanding was our physical selves with a physical mind. That was our limited view of the world and our selves. Now what has happened by the appearing of Yahweh Elohim in our hearts and mind, we have become conscious and aware of the real Spirit that we really are and how we actually exist.

Now you may say it's only thoughts and consciousness so how can you compare them to Yahweh the Source and the super incorporeal shape and form of Yahweh Elohim. I'll let you into a little secret. Your either one or the other, Yahweh Elohim or the beautiful angel. One is going to be like the most high and the other one is the most high. The carnal mind says it's just consciousness and thoughts and it's my body. Yahweh is saying it's Me without shape and form, with a shape and form and appearing as the body.

By the pattern we all should know by now where the cloud is and this is where Yahweh Elohim said He would appear, right? Well there is no end with Yahweh (The Source) in Pure Spirit but He is revealing Himself as Yahweh Elohim which is that shape and form in your head that is made up of those divine attributes. Everything has not been revealed yet. The divine vision is still unfolding and more as the day approaches. We don't know all there is to know about Yahweh because He has no beginning or end. That still applies to what is happening in our cloud. The Source is not another spirit, it's one Spirit appearing in a divine vision in the incorporeal and in the corporeal. Just because we don't know something, doesn't mean it's a different Spirit. It's still the same Spirit but hasn't reveal itself yet in what you don't know.

I could word it this way, the brain doesn't know all about the mind yet. We can put our hand on a brain, but we could not put our hand on a mind. In brain surgery, sometimes the patient is still awake and the doctor has asked the patient to move a finger and after he does then the doctor stimulates a part in the brain and the finger moves. Now what is the difference here? There was a person who was told to move the finger, and there was a doctor moving a finger with an electrical signal. Now ask yourself this. Who is this 'me' that is moving "my" finger?

We truly are in a different world than the rest of the people on this earth plane. To find and know Yahweh as He really is and actually exists is what is taking place right now. He is revealing Himself. Have you found Him? Do you know Him? How about as He really is and actually exists? Is this what is happening right now? You need to ask yourself these questions as it's all about Yahweh appearing in the cloud in the Present Kingdom Age which is on the right side of the cross, the 7th step. The Ark

Friday, December 21, 2007

Part 38... The 40 Plate Chart

Your body has been created by the process of Pure Spirit crossing the veil from invisibility to visibility. What ever body you found yourself in is because of the power of Yahweh to materialize and organize atoms, cells and molecules to form the shape and form you have right now. Black or white, male or female, you accepted it and grew up into it. You looked in the mirror and claimed the face that was looking back at you even though it was Yahweh's.

I see angels descending and ascending.

We are spirit clothed in flesh, so can we be conscious without the physical body? Yes. "I was conscious of me but not 'me' manifested in a physical form". Wow! There it is. As we become more conscious of the reality of our spiritual body (divine attributes) we can see through our own carnal mind that caused us to focus all our attention only on our physical form. The deception was that the physical mind claimed the body as its own and fell into carnal minded consciousness. (The fall of Adam, in Adam all died).

Being conscious only of ourselves made our manifestation only physical. We didn't know about our own immortal substance that was in our cloud because we only knew ourselves as corporeal beings which our carnal mind projected to us. We were not conscious in the dust of pure spirit incorporeal substance that we were really made out of. Now that we are becoming conscious of our immortal selves dwelling in mortal flesh, we now can become conscious without our own name's body image. We can see clearly now that it is Spirit materialized with the power to dematerialize at Yahweh's will.

We are no longer conscious of just flesh and blood but are conscious we are Spirit materialized with the power to take off this mortal coil and return to incorporealization to our eternal Source and Substance from where we really came from. Once you are delivered from the bondage of your own physical mind you can return and start your exodus to become conscious of your spiritual shape and form seen only in a divine vision and understood in a divine revelation. We are actually doing this right now in our clouds .

When this happens you will be consumed by your own coming to the conscious realization of Yahweh as He really is and actually exists.

So can we become conscious without the physical body? Yes. We are already doing it now. "I have transcended 'me' and gone on to be what I was in the beginning, Source, substance and essence or pure spirit". The key word is I have transcended 'me'. That is how we are becoming conscious without our carnal minds view of our selves. We are transcending our own image to become conscious of Yahweh in Spirit and in Truth.

Passing all the ages within our minds, we change each time we crossed a veil. Our understanding increases and we become more aware of the things that were invisible to us. They were not invisible to Yahweh only to our limited understanding.

Consciousness survives the physical body. What kind of consciousness is the deciding factor. Spiritual consciousness is being aware of those divine attributes that are really the ones responsible for our understanding of Yahweh. That will survive because it is really spirit. Can you see Intelligence? Can you pick up a bunch of Love? No, they are invisible attributes that have their real shape and form in the incorporeal. You can see an expression of Intelligence or Love in the physical, but you can't actually see intelligence or love.

As Yahweh writes His law in our heart and mind, we are becoming conscious of Him. The immaculate conception is within our clouds of the birth of Yahshua the Messiah who is Yah's salvation. We are being saved from our physical mind, as Yahweh nails it to His cross and resurrects a quickening spirit in our hearts and minds.

Our consciousness has changed. We are new creatures. We have new bodies. We have been born again in incorporealization of our true substance. Those divine attributes have made us cross the veils of our awareness of our selves and we have changed. We are now becoming conscious of Yahweh in a body rather than 'me' in a body. Great difference in perception. Total recall of who we really are. I will bring back to your remembrance what so ever I told you.

Dr. Kinley told us many things and the real Spirit that he was is now bringing all things back to our remembrance what he told us while he was in the flesh (law and prophets, tabernacle, blood water, spirit, institute and fulfill, etc.). We are starting to see the reality, as his words were really spirit and they are life. It was us who interpreted what he meant with our limited understanding in that age. Now in this age, all veils are removed and we can see ourselves as we really are and actually exist.

We are surviving our own death. We can look back at the way we thought in other ages when it was hid. To be carnally minded is death, but to be spiritual minded is life and peace. We have come out of our physical bodies to ascend into the phenomenal cloud. He has come, not going to come. We have been translated into the kingdom of His dear Son, not going to be. We have passed from death to life in becoming conscious of Yahweh's Spirit rather than what our physical minds told us what to believe in.

Don't make an Elohim out of anything along the way of your journey. Yahweh will be continuing to unfold as we find and know Yahweh as He really is and actually exists. How many times have you heard these set of words? Quite a lot of times, right? Well they have been put down the way they are in the exact order as this is the way it really is. Those set of words describe and lead you to the reality of Pure Spirit. Each divine revelation will be stepping stones to continue the ever lasting journey into Pure Spirit without spot or blemish.

Dr. Kinley's image must be consumed as well as Yahshua 2000 years ago. If you are holding on to any of these images, it is a blood clot that will restrict the divine flow to continue in your ages to come within yourself.

Some times we hear things so many times that we don't hear them anymore. We then fall into the dust of the earth rather than the dust of pure spirit in it's incorporeal substance. My words, they are Spirit and they are Life. Look how far we have come. We have all come along way from our own carnal minds world of darkness. Our consciousness has changed. We are now eating the hidden manna and many people are still saying, "What is it"?

I see angels descending and ascending. The Ark

Thursday, December 20, 2007

There is no Part 37 Forty Plate Chart

The numbers got out of sequence, so there is no Part 37

Wednesday, December 19, 2007

Part 36<><><>The 40 Plate Chart

Well here we are down to plate 27 which is called Conception Birth and Flight. This is the virgin birth of Yahshua the Messiah fulfilling the virgin birth of Adam coming from the virgin earth. He was placed amongst the animals as was Adam. He was warned to go into Egypt to fulfill the children of Israel going into Egypt. The conception in Mary had nothing to do with Joseph's seed nor Mary's egg. We all know that it takes a man to produce a male child as he is the one who is carrying the X and Y chromosomes, so Mary had nothing to do with it what's so ever. This is a virgin birth. A virgin is a woman who has not been with a man. But we all know this is all setting up spiritual principles as Yahweh is not doing anything without a reason.

Some people find it hard to believe that someone could have a baby without being impregnated by a physical seed. Well this is no big deal with Yahweh as He created the entire universe, so creating a little physical body is nothing. All He has to do is will to be and it's done. He has the power to pass the veil of invisibility and create anything to appear visibly. In other words Spirit can materialize right out of itself. The creation and you included are a witness to this Power.

You didn't come here by yourself now did you? If your parents can put together 100 trillion cells to make your body, then I would say they created you. But we all know that is impossible. I don't know if you are aware of this, but it's Yahweh who brought you here? Nobody else can do this. Raise your hand if you created your body. If your parents didn't create you then how can you create yourself? Impossible right? It was Yahweh who took on shape and form and materialized into the sperm and egg and multiplied which created your exit into this world. It was those divine attributes that materialized into all nine systems of your body.

Now if your parent can do this then they created you. If you can do this then you created yourself. Now you didn't know the way to get here on planet earth, right? I mean out of eternity how did you find the earth, come down your father's penis and your mother's ovaries and multiply yourself invisibly in the womb and come out nine mouths later? How did you do this? You didn't. Yahweh did. He has the Power and is the Power that brought you here. These might be words that you have heard and read before, but they are real. Don't get into the same habit of just reading on the surface. Let them impregnate you and slow down so you can see this for yourself.

So if Yahweh brought you here all by Himself, what makes you think it's up to you to get out of here and go to heaven? It wasn't because you were obedient that brought you here and you where such a nice person, so what makes you think you have to be that way on the way out? The same Yahweh who brought you here alone and by Himself, will be the same Yahweh alone and by Himself that will translate you back unto Himself. That is the difference in passing the veil from the Post to the Present in your spiritual understanding.

If He was the only one that knew the way here, then He has to be the only one who knows how to get out of here. Your body is going to die. We all know this. So how are you going to stop your body from dying? You can't, right? Yahweh is the only one who has the Power to take the flesh off and return into incorporealization. Our physical minds don't have a clue how to do this. Our ego with all its millions of thoughts is blind when it comes to spiritual matters. You can be famous or be a king or queen on this earth but everybody goes back to the dust of the earth whether you are a janitor or the president of the United States. All return unto one place.

Everybody has a physical body, right? You wouldn't be here if you didn't have one. You wouldn't be here if you didn't have one. I repeated this because it came through as pure reality. What makes you appear here is because you are in a physical body that Yahweh made and designed for His purpose and plan. Other wise you would not of been even thought of. Do you see what I am saying? I don't think many people truly understand this. What I want to point out is that if Yahweh didn't think this whole creation up within Himself, then we would not even be here. We weren't here before we got here so how many years was that? The mind boggles. Have you even thought of that?

Now if it was the Power of Yahweh to bring you here to experience this earth in a physical body, don't you think it's going to be the same Yahweh with the same Power to create another body and put you into another creation? I am not talking about another physical creation, I am talking about a spiritual creation and a spiritual body. Now if you truly recognize the reality of how you really got here, then this is the visible things to declare the invisible things of Yahweh. In other words you are here right now in a physical body to prove that it will happen and is happening that your spiritual body has been conceived within Yahweh (Spirit) and will go on into ages to come. We are not talking about a sky God, but a living working reality.

He has been creating creations all the time out of eternity which is Himself. Once we have finished this one or to put it more correctly, once Yahweh has finished with your physical manifestation, then He will move on. We know that we have ages to come when we are not going to be in a physical body. We all know this, right? The Spirit that is animating us right now, is not who we think it is. It is not really us after the flesh, it's Yahweh playing out His role as 'you' to create His mystery to hide in. He is the one who materialized into your flesh and bones because nobody else has this power. He is the only one that can come down out of eternity and return.

That is why you have to be in Him to return because He is the only Way, the only Truth and the only real Light. I am not talking about a Yahshua figure 2000 years ago either. It's Yahweh that has come down in a physical body. That is the greatest mystery of them all, that you are here only because Yahweh came down. Now if you truly believe this, then He is the only one to go back up. He created you a body to come down in, then He is the only one to create a body to go back up in.

So the virgin birth is no big deal when you see the Power of Yahweh. The true virgin birth is within your cloud. That means you after the flesh are not going to have anything to do with this birth of spiritual attributes that will take on shape and form within your cloud. None of your physical thoughts (seeds) are going to create this body. None of your physical ideas, concepts or beliefs will have anything to do with Yahweh Elohim appearing in your cloud. I will appear in the cloud, saith Yahweh. It's going to be virgin. No man or woman after the flesh will have the intellectual power to recognize or figure this mystery out. It must be revealed by a divine vision and understood by divine revelation. No other way. That is the only Way out of here and He is the Way. See that?

Now this divine vision that Dr. Kinley had didn't come from man. It's virgin. It came direct from Yahweh. That is why you won't find it in any library of man. When this divine teaching comes into you, it's going to be born amongst the animals. That is to say, your physical thoughts without the Holy Spirit are natural brute beasts. Yahshua is going to be born amongst them. That is the way it's set up. At first your not going to recognize the real reality of what you are receiving. It's not until this small spark of life grows up and takes the flesh off and resurrects a quickening Spirit that you will truly understand what is tabernacling around with you.

When I look back when I first came into class, I didn't know that I was really the Spirit of Yahweh. I thought Dr. Kinley was and Yahshua was and Joshua and Adam also, but I never in my wildest imagination thought that I was Yahweh in a body. But I do now as the seed as grown up and declared itself within me. I had a virgin birth take place within my cloud just like you are having. That means Kerry had nothing to do with this birth, just like Joseph and Mary didn't. If you think you are doing all the learning by your intellect, then you are denying the virgin birth and Yahshua the Messiah who He as sent. See that?

Now that is reality. I am not talking about a church Yahshua that is worshipped 2000 years ago or a physical image like they have portrayed in movies. I am talking about the reality of how Yahshua is come in you. That's the Spirit of Yahweh becoming known in your cloud. The conception takes place in your cloud. The birth takes place in your ages and dispensations. The resurrection happens to change the age within you. The ascension is the Spirit that you really are ascending to the Father, Yahweh, not up in the sky but where you live, move and have your being. The Ark

Tuesday, December 18, 2007

Part 35...The 40 Plate Chart

Although I have not mentioned any plates lately, we are still talking about the 40 plate chart. Just look at plates 2 and 3 and you will see this has been the focus of our attention, those divine attributes now taking on a shape and form in our cloud by divine revelation. This is how Yahweh is revealing Himself right within you as you understand what all the words you have heard really mean. We can all say that truly Yahweh is appearing in the cloud just like He said he would do. The only thing that exists in reality are those divine attributes. Do you see anything else in plates 2 or 3?

The next plate in sequence is plate 26 called History. This is a brief history of how the universal dynasties came down through time. Babylon was the first to rule the world and is depicted on this image by the head. The two countries that conquered Babylon was Media and Persia which are the two arms of this image. Next to conquer and rule the world was Greece which is in the stomach area of this image. And finally Rome conquered Greece to rule the world and was split up by Pagan Roman and Papal Rome which are the two forces that ruled Roman. One political and the other religious. These two forces of Rome are the two legs of the image and now you can see why Italy is shaped like a boot or leg.This is how history actually came down which will tell you that Yahweh has already set things up by the pattern.

This image was given to Nebuchadnezzar in a dream and revealed to Daniel. If you go to page 72 in the Elohim book in the 4th volume, you will see how this image is put over the map. Read what it says under the map to get a better foundation. What was revealed to me about this just came while I was walking my dog the other morning.

Remember the three physical ages correspond to the three compartments in the tabernacle as well as the three stages of the migratory trip. Everything goes according to the pattern. Let's put this image on the ages and dispensations as this is how time unfolds from the beginning and you will see what I mean. Remember time started in the Ante Diluvian Age as this is where physical history is unfolding from the beginning to the end.

The head is in the Ante Diluvian Age, the body in the Post Diluvian Age and the feet are in the Present Kingdom Age. Right there you can see where the power of this image is coming from, in the Ante Diluvian Age which is the head. This is where the carnal mind is in power as you can also see this in Egypt with Pharaoh on the throne. These are our Ante Diluvian thoughts when we first enter this world. We are born into the first physical age which is the Court Round About. In Adam all died which is depicted by our state of mind when we come into physical existence. Our carnal mind ruled our whole world.

Everything we thought and did came through the one who was on our throne at that time. Pharaoh and his host (the ego and its thoughts about itself) kept the Israelites (The Son) in bondage within ourselves. We didn't know this was happening but according to the pattern this is how it all works.

Now I would like to stop here and show you another form which is Yahweh Elohim. We know that the face of Yahweh is in the Most Holy Place as it's after Pentecost that Yahweh is being revealed. Well if you look at your pattern, this puts His face in the Present Kingdom Age and His feet in the Ante Diluvian Age. Now can you see the first image is really upside down. Nebuchadnezzarr's image started out in time in the head which is the carnal mind, right? Well Yahweh's Head is in the Present Kingdom Age which is the Most Holy Place. You will see His face and his name will be written in your foreheads. If you read the first chapter of Revelation you will see where it all lines up by the pattern.

Now look at the pattern. In the Ante Diluvian Age they didn't know the name of Yahweh. It wasn't until the Post Diluvian Age that the name was revealed to Moses. So our carnal mind didn't know Yahweh just like Pharaoh said, "Who is this Yahweh". It was hid remember? When we passed the first veil in our understanding, this put us in our Post Diluvian Age where we found out the true name and started to build a tabernacle of knowledge. When the high priest went into the Most Holy Place he went in with the name of Yahweh on his miter which is located on his head, right? When Yahshua came in he came in the name of Yahweh and resurrected back to the Father (MHP) and poured out his Spirit which changed the age into the Present Kingdom Age (MHP).

It is in the Most Holy Place that Yahweh said He would appear in the cloud, right? Well the MHP is the head and this is where the head or face is revealed. The true name is then not just a mechanical name that you can pronounce with your mouth and write down in letter form, but now is revealed as He really is and actually exists. This is where the true Spirit that has been within you and has been hid from you since you arrived here in your Ante and Post Diluvian Ages, but is now being revealed (Present Kingdom Age). Which in other ages was not made known unto the sons of men, as it is now revealed unto His holy apostles and prophets by the Spirit.

The power of the carnal mind is in the Ante Diluvian Age which is the Court Round About. The power of Yahweh Elohim is in the Present Kingdom Age which is the Most Holy Place. One has his head in the earth and one has His head in heaven. Now how about that? That is why the carnal mind can only see physical things and not spiritual things. Your head is on your shoulders, right? They carried the Ark of the covenant on their shoulders. Well if your head is in the Present Kingdom Age, then Yahweh has appeared in the cloud. If your head is in the Ante Diluvian Age then the beautiful angel is appearing in your mind and you are carrying him on your shoulders. The Pope is only a type to let you see what is ruling on your shoulders when we didn't know Yahweh.

In the first Adam it was a degeneration and in the second Adam it is a regeneration. One is coming down into darkness and the other is going up into the Light. We all know where the darkness is don't we? Nebuchadnezzar saw in his dream, a stone cut out of the mountain without hands (shown at the head which was Elohim or the Messiah) and smote the Image and break it to pieces and the Stone represented the Kingdom of Elohim filled the whole earth. This was accomplished by the Death, Burial and Resurrection of the Messiah, second Adam (Stone) and Ascending into heaven establishing the Kingdom of Heaven or restoring the Kingdom to its original state as was with the first Adam. The is a quote from under the map in the Elohim book.

Now when you put all these words internally where they belong in your cloud, you can see what has to take place within you. The Kingdom of Elohim is filling your whole earth in your own mind as you understand Yahweh Elohim. These divine attributes (which is what Yahweh is) will break into pieces your image you have formed in your head about your physical self. All the lies and distortions that our carnal mind has told and filled our heads in our own Ante Diluvian Age will come tumbling down as we truly understand the real Spirit that dwells in our head. Now once we get straightened out and take what our carnal minds have distorted to 180 degrees the wrong way (or having everything upside down) we are put the Right Way Up. That is to say the first image with its head the wrong way in the Ante Diluvian Age, will now be reversed the right way up with your head in the Present Kingdom Age.

If you look at the number 6, the circle is at the bottom. The number 9, the circle is on the top. Satan number is 6 right, which shows you the head is being ruled from beneath. Well once those 9 divine attributes take on shape and form within you, your head will be on top and be ruled from heaven and the earth will be your foot stool. In other words the physical mind is not in control anymore. The moon is under your feet as you are now clothed in The Son.

Now you might ask why is the image on the 40 plate chart with the head in the MHP? Well Satan has ascended above the heights of the cloud and he thinks he is in the MHP. Look at plate 37 call Apostasy. Where is the Pope ruling from? Rome right, which is the feet. He thinks he is in the MHP as the representative of God on earth but his head is in his feet. His mind is still ante diluvian, just like the carnal mind thinks it knows it all and is overshadowing the ark of the covenant. Before you came to class, didn't you think your mind ruled you and that you where in control with what you thought? Well even though you may of pictured yourself with your head in the MHP, your head was upside down. We have all looked at things upside down all our lives, until Yahweh appeared in our cloud. We had God up in the sky, when He was right within us all the time. We had the Messiah back there 2000 years ago which was only an image and shadow of heavenly things. Talk about the wrong way, there you are. Hind parts before.

Dr. Kinley had to go by the pattern as well. The divine vision came down just like the ages and dispensations. The reason that Dr. Kinley didn't reveal the name at first was he was starting out in the Ante Diluvian Age. This happened with Dr. Kinley as he didn't reveal the true names until around 1961, which would put you 30 years after the divine vision. Remember the High Priest had to be 30 years old to officiate in the tabernacle as this is when he came in the name of Yahweh (Holiness unto Yahweh). Now watch. Dr. Kinley preached in the Ante Diluvian Age without the name according to the pattern, as the name is not known in that age.

Yes, everything is going according to the pattern. When he started to preach in the true name, the vision entered the Post Diluvian Age. Many more things were revealed in this age such as Joshua being Yahshua etc. Now when he took the flesh off in 1976, Dr. Kinley entered the Present Kingdom Age. He resurrected a quicken spirit and that is why you can't see him any more like you did in the Post Diluvian Age in the flesh. He is being revealed in this age in our understanding in Spirit and in Truth within our clouds. Our focus of attention is not on the charts or 2000 years ago anymore, but in the phenomenal cloud where he is actually appearing. We are taking the visible (charts and 2000 years ago) and it's all pointing to the invisible things of Yahweh even His eternal power and God head. The invisible things are within you.

Everybody is going back to his lectures in the Post Diluvian Age to see what he said. Well can't you hear him now? He is speaking in this age now without the physical body. He is still revealing the divine vision only now his administration is in the Most Holy Place (Present Kingdom Age). I will appear in the cloud. He was the divine attributes in a physical body walking down the Ante and Post Diluvian Ages opening and closing each age until he took the flesh off and poured the divine attributes in our heart and mind. Yes, we knew who he was, but now in this age we must understand that the same Spirit that was in him, is in us. Make them one as you and I are one. I am Yahweh and so are you.

By placing the pattern on Dr. Kinley's ministration you can see he was walking according to the pattern. He was the high priest closing one age out and moving into the next and we didn't even know it. Many people have not caught on to this mystery as they remain right were he left off gazing at the charts and scriptures. We should not seek his words in old printed lectures any more, but should be listening to him speak in our cloud. What we have been taught all along is now happening to us. It's the same pattern repeating itself over and over again only this time it's really happening to us within our cloud. Don't forget all the charts are surrounded by a cloud. Yahshua said many things in the Post Diluvian Age in time and history that where translated into Spirit in the Present Kingdom Age. You will find the same thing has happened now with us with Dr. Kinley. Who do you think he was? Well who do you think you are? It's the same Spirit only know it's revealed in the Most Holy Place of our understanding.

This age in time is in the Present Kingdom Age but the whole world is still in the Ante Diluvian age in their minds. This is where the true changes have to happen in our dispensation and ages within our clouds. Remember once he crossed the second veil (Post to the Present), he become invisible. The ages in time are only pointing to the invisible or spiritual ages within us. That is why we have taken the visible to point to the invisible. Do you see him in this age? I am not talking about that nappy haired black man any more, but those divine attributes that he was. While he was in the flesh he said you are going to see me as you do now and we all thought we would have to see his physical image. But he was Yahweh in a body and that is how you are going to see him now, Yahweh in a body only this time it will be yours. The divine attributes have been poured out to reveal the one in your cloud. Hello, are you Yah?

This should stir up your Spirit. The Ark

Thursday, December 13, 2007

And Moses Rose Up & His Minister Joshua/Yahshua

I was watching Claire the other day and realized how much she depends on her parents. At eight and a half months old she can only sit up and crawl just a little bit. If her parents weren't there, she could not fend for herself and would eventually die.

I saw how Yahweh provides through the parents to raise their off-spring according to His purpose. Without that relationship of parent and child none of us would be here.

We can walk across the room and open the frig and get something to eat or drink, but Claire can't. She can't even walk to the bathroom and just has to do it in her pants. What Yahweh showed me is how He is the almighty provider as He was the one who set all this up to live and survive in this physical realm.

The old question who came first the chicken or the egg is answered by knowing the power of "I will be what I will to be". The chicken is first then comes the off-spring.

Who where Adam's parents then? Adam was created a fully grown man and by the pattern in earth years he was 30 years old. Yahweh just willed Himself a body, then the seeds came out of Him. He was Yahweh in a body with the divine attributes fully activated. That's how he knew what to do. He wasn't a cave man grunting and trying out things by trial and error. He was divine Intelligence, Wisdom, and Knowledge manifested.

So Claire has a home, food and clothes waiting for her before she enters this world. Mummy doesn't even have to go to the grocery store for milk either as it's already there right on time and provided by Yahweh Himself.

What I see in Claire is the whole purpose of Yahweh being demonstrated right before my eyes. She is Spirit materialized and coming into existence, (not alone and by herself really), but by Spirit law and everything is being provided for her. This is us as well... don't forget, because this is how we all entered this physical realm of material existence.

Yahweh is the one who opened the door for our entry into this world to take on shape and form as the physical body came together out of 100 trillion cells. Yes He was the one who really brought us all here and don't you forget it.

This providing is going on way before we entered this world. All you have to do is back up your own existence of when you originally came from and you will see Yahweh (the real parent) providing for His own off-spring which is us.

For in Him we live, and move, and have our being: as some of your own poets have said, For we are also His offspring. Acts. 17: 28

It's real simple, Yahweh is providing without hands as He connected us up in the womb to our mother. He provided the placenta which is like the cloud that send food down from the mother to the child. He provides the skin ( clothes) to cover the body. Mother and child are not doing this on a conscious level, it's all done by Yahweh the Almighty Provider.

We fail to realize the reality of just how we all arrived here to even exist in this material realm. A year ago Claire wasn't even in existence and now here she is. How did this really happen? One minute she's not here and the next she is. " I will be what I will to be" is the answer of all our physical presence.

Look at the power being demonstrated here right before our own eyes. We are all the evidence of things not seen. We are all Spirit materialized. At one time we were not here and now we are.

You may of heard these words all before and even seen inside the womb on TV, but the experience is Most Holy. That experience nobody can create, it must be experienced by those 9 divine attributes coming together to form a body of heaven in its clearness and that my friends is Yahweh Elohim Himself.

I am completely over whelmed by the reality of seeing Claire through this divine vision. The realization of just our own physical body dwelling on this earth that is spinning somewhere in the never-ending space, is enough to blow our minds. I can see in just that, that Yahweh had to put a lid on this until we are ready. We are so much more than we perceive ourselves.

This is as real as it gets this divine vision and Yahweh is constantly bringing all this back to our remembrance.

So hi Claire (Yahweh manifested in physical form)you have called me up the mountain top along and by myself and as I rose up my minster Joshua/Yahshua went with me. The Ark

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