Saturday, January 27, 2007

Part 2... Here He Comes Ready Or Not

All things are created by Him and for Him in us now. This is not external anymore as we have found where Yahweh really dwells. It sounds like I am trying to fit what we know about Yahweh and squeeze Him inside our tiny head, but He has always been inside our head. It's we who have imagined Him to be elsewhere.

As Yahweh takes on shape and form within our spiritual awareness, we can now understand that everything that has happened and is happening is all for Him now in us. If Yahweh be for you who can be against you? Nobody, because He is now doing all His pleasure through us. He was doing all His pleasure through us all the time but now we have become aware of this reality. Because Yahweh is in everything and everybody the only one who knows this is Yahshua. Now that is not another man as we suppose him to be, but the Spirit of Yahweh in organization.

The mind always wants to put flesh on Yahshua's name. People want to put flesh on these articles as well. If he has resurrected a quickening Spirit and is appearing in the clouds, where do you suppose that you would look for him now? People say that all we write about is the focus of ourselves and they put flesh on those words because their minds are judging flesh. The reason everything is focused now within us is because that is where the new covenant is being written. Now if you can't see Him appearing in your cloud then you will make an image liken to man and worship the creature rather than the creator. Where else is Yahshua going to appear now that he has taken the flesh off?

You should know by now that we are not talking about our carnal mind or physical self when we are focusing everything on ourselves. It is Yahshua who IS COME who brings an understanding to us in our hearts and mind when we read these words spoken in truth. That is why the focus is on ourselves because that is where Yahshua IS COME.

Now all these people who don't really understand who write back in a negative way, Yahweh has raised up for His glory in us. It's all for our learning. Just as Christianity created that contrast within ourselves, so too does everybody that is fighting with our words. All things (not some things) where created by Him and for Him in us.

Who is the image of the invisible El, the first cause of all creation. Is this happening way back there in time, or did this happen in you when you landed on earth through the birth canal? He was the first cause of all creation for He was before all things (sperm and egg and our minds development) and in Him all things have been permanently placed. That my friends happened to all of us as Yahweh placed His purpose within us but it was hid in our beginning just like it was in Adam.

The spirit that is in us, Yahweh permanently placed His purpose into (in Him all things have been permanently placed). This, "In Him", is now Yahshua is come. The King James version even says it clearer by saying "he is the firstborn of every creature". That means he was there in our head before our physical mind developed.

For by Him were all things created that are in heaven and that are in earth, visible and invisible. Our mind was a clean slate when we arrived here as babies so the Spirit in us created all things for us. The earth was created in us as we grew up and focused our attention on it. That's the visible things. See how this all works? All things were created by Him and for Him. It's His purpose so He created us to dwell on this earth. He brought us here, took on shape and form as the sperm and egg and put all 100 trillion cells together, got in us, animated us and breathed into our nostrils His name and we became a living soul. We were created by Him and for Him. See that? Are you listening?

We were not created for our parents even though they thought so, but for Yahweh so that He could dwell in the flesh. Now how about that? I'm taking all the spots and blemishes out of the way here and letting you see Yahweh as He really is. Once we get rid of our own concepts of ourselves we start to see Yahweh Elohim appear and not us.

So now we have found Yahweh in our beginning and He is creating all things from within the cloud/mind that He just done created. Of course we don't know this was happening while we were in the 1st Adam but now we are in the 2nd Adam we know. Yahshua is that awareness of Yahweh in a body. Nobody else knows that but Him.

Ever heard that nobody knows the purpose of Yahweh but Yahweh Himself? Well there you are. If this reality is being revealed to you, then Yahshua is come in the flesh, yours this time.

This will make him the head of all our congregation of spiritual thoughts in our cloud/mind. He has become the first born from the dead, all our dead thoughts. Out of our carnal way of thinking, he has risen.

You see Paul and all those boys back there could not write like this because they were in the 5th day (1 day = 1000 years). It's the same Spirit but writing in the 6th day and now are in the 7th day since the year 2000 AD.

Now it pleased Yahweh that in him that all fullness dwelt and if we are in him you have the eternal Source that will never run out. Located in your tiny head is eternity without end. The Ark


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