Wednesday, March 21, 2007

Part 6...The 40 Plate Chart

This is what is so beautiful that we all have something to contribute to this 40 plate chart as Yahweh is revealing Himself in each and everyone of us. That is what it is all about, revealing Yahweh and nothing more. We are not doing all this for our glory as human beings and gratifying our ego's, but so that our Father can be known in us as He really is and actually exists. Yes, the vision will speak and it will be written plain and simple. We are participating in the glory of Yahweh as it's being revealed. Make them one as you and I are one.

I would like to go back to plates 6 and 7. Remember we are looking at the visible to understand the invisible. The light being divided from the darkness is what Yahweh is setting up and is reflected within our minds. Don't forget it was Yahweh who designed the physical mind and how it works. He is the one who is doing the separating of the Light to create our darkness. We were all separated from knowing Yahweh (The only True Light) at our birth into this world (darkness). We passed a veil when we entered this world of flesh and blood. Keep in mind that all these separations and dividing are all according to the pattern which is divided by the two veils that Yahweh created. Yes we all came down from Yahweh out of eternity into this particular purpose and plan to play out Yahweh's will. Remember there was another purpose before this one and there will be another after this one is completed. Yahweh has no beginning or end, only His purpose's do. Dividing the Light from the darkness is exactly what has been done. We didn't know and now we do know.

The waters above and the waters beneath are the same principle as they are all pointing to spiritual principles. The waters beneath are the seas. This is implying that we have been inundated in the sea of people. We all have entered this world the same way and were immersed in the culture of our parents and what country we were born in. We had no choice where we were going to be born, what country, color, sex, and what parents. We just landed here and grew up immersed in our physical minds and accepted the sea of people that we found ourselves swimming in. Remember the Red Sea. It is not the Red River. The waters above is the awareness of Yahweh's Ever Presence as it is reflected in passing the River Jordan (waters above). Remember the pure river of water of life, clear as crystal, proceeding out of the throne of Yahweh in Revelation. As these words from this divine vision are poured out into your heart and mind, they will cleanse you of your false ideas, concepts and opinions. You are being immersed right now as these words enter your

Go ye there for, and teach all nations, immersing (baptizing) them in the NAME of the Father, and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Now there is no physical water to be immersed in (waters beneath), but you are being immersed in the Name (waters above). You see how this all ties in? Being immersed or inundated in the Name does not means just mechanically pronouncing the name Yahweh as the world has the physical name. Being baptized in the name is being inundated in those divine attributes of Intelligence, Wisdom, Knowledge, etc. which makes you conscious and aware of Yahweh.

Yes, when you go in these divine waters you will pass a veil in consciousness. You will see the mystery of who and what you are. The light was in the darkness but the darkness comprehend it not. Well that has changed once you see the true Light of the world. You are no longer in darkness to the world and yourself (which was that division in our beginning when the light was divided from the darkness) but you have become children of the day where the Son shines all the time. I am the Light of the world, now becomes reality. Your understanding will outshine the noon day sun. Why? Because you are now in the Temple of those organized divine attributes which outshines the way you use to look at things in the world. You are being cleansed from above by that pure water and not caught up in the sea of carnal minds in the world. Now you are in the world but not of it.

I am very glad that more people are writing and participating. Writing is the same as getting up on the floor, you let the Holy Spirit do the typing. That means inspiration rather than study. That means you learn as you are typing. That is why I love to write because I know that Yahweh will reveal Himself. This whole 40 plate chart will be our witness to this, as you can see when we are writing things which open up on all levels.

We are experiencing the Light being divided from the darkness within ourselves and the waters above from the waters beneath. Remember that world out there is to point to this world within you. You are actually witnessing Yahweh create the creation in a rerun on top of your mount, in the cloud, by a divine vision and revelation and it's all coming from within you just like it did to Moses. To be continued. The Ark


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