No Man Takes My Life
When we are born we are constantly unfolding into Yahweh's purpose as He has willed it all within Himself. We are just carrying out His will in the flesh. We are actually increasing from start to finish. Just like inside, all our cells have the continuing instructions to grow our bodies from babies to adults and every 7 years reproduce new cells to replace the old. Who tells each cell how to grow into another cell exactly like the old ones? Our heart cells, liver cells, kidney cells etc., are constantly being replaced and driving us by the law of the Spirit of Life automatically through our life. All we have to do is put food in our mouth and it's all taken care of. Right there the divine will is creating our earthly bodies for the habitation of the Spirit of life to exist in this physical realm until He is finished with it. Already set up and planned.
Now that same law is being written in our heart and mind to unfold into Yahweh Elohim's body. Everything came out of Yahweh Elohim in the beginning and everything must go back through Him at the end. That's why this divine vision is constantly unfolding and moving us forward to the mark of perfection. Our spiritual thoughts are multiplying just as our cells are, only instead of flesh and blood cells they are divine attributes that c-EL. We are predestined to be conformed to His Son.
In this Present Kingdom Age we all should be focused on the Kingdom within. The Ante and Post Diluvian Ages we have already passed through in our understanding as we are being moved by the steps of a righteous Man called Yahweh Elohim ( the high priest). He is moving us on down to His end or the conclusion of His purpose and plan in the flesh. That's why this is a panoramic vision and is unfolding to present the total view.
This is why we are all coming into an understanding about Yahweh having a desire to create this creation out of His divine will and not ours. Once He starts to reveal Himself to you, you will become in tune to this will as it flows effortlessly through your heart and mind. No works this time. The works were all done in our Ante and Post Diluvian Ages, now it's His turn to write His law in our heart and mind and cause us to walk in His statues.
Adam was cast out of the garden to do what? Work in the sweat of his brow. When he was in the garden (MHP) he was in his rest. See the difference in these veil changes? In the Present Kingdom Age, which lines up with the garden of Eden or MHP, we are in His rest now. That's the 7th step. No works unless you're not there yet and are continuing in yours.
Don't forget these veil changes are happening within you, in the cloud.
So why did Yahshua get on the cross? To take us into the Present Kingdom Age (MHP) to return us back to Yahweh. He didn't die for our carnal mind but for His will. Not my will but Thy will. Now we all know by now who Yahshua was but it was hidden in the Ante and Post Diluvian age. It became only known in the Present Kingdom Age.
Now that original desire or will that Yahweh had within Himself is being carried out all the way from the beginning to the end and that goes for us, unless you don't think you are carrying our His will but yours. Now we are getting down to the nitty gritty.
Do you think you have free will? If you think you do then you are not conscious of His will and are still under the law. In reality even if you think you have free will you are still going according to His purpose just like the brain controls both your voluntary and involuntary systems. It's boils down to having a conscious realization of being in tune with His will and not yours. Same principles as the old and new covenants right there.
OK within Yahweh, in His Pure Spirit state, the pattern of the ages and dispensations were already thought up. The Romans didn't put him on the cross as he said, "No man takes my life, I lay it down and can pick up again". See that? It's His purpose don't forget and it's all going by the pattern He set up. He laid His life down as the entire physical creation which makes him the lamb slain from the foundations of the world. Thinking you have free will is on the left side of the cross.
He has to change that age from Post to Present as it was time to take the flesh off and ascend into the MHP as Spirit. Why does everybody want to pull you back to the cross? Doc said you are not going to put me back on that cross again. Why? Because He has resurrected and is appearing right up here.
In you Yahweh laid His life down and became your physical mind so He could pick His life up at the end to demonstrate His power and His glory. No man takes My life. Even though we had a carnal mind in our beginning and were dead, Yahweh is saying no man takes My life. Just because we didn't know who we really were in our beginning, that didn't take His Life. He has been there from the sperm and egg. I am the one who caused the sperm and egg to come together. And I am the one who put your body together without hands. And I am the one who taught you to read and write and to see and comprehend My creation. And I am the one who caused you to grow up so far and no further. And I am the one who caused you to come into contact with My divine vision. And I am the one who revealed Myself to you in your cloud. This is My purpose. No man (your carnal minded man) takes My life, I lay it down and I can pick it back up. That's Joshua declaring who He is in you now.
So we can't die anymore because He already laid our life down in our Ante and Post Diluvian Ages of our existence and now has picked up His Life (which is eternal) in our Present Kingdom Age understanding. He has done walked down through the tabernacle from the CRA into the HP and now right into the MHP and we are here to prove it by what is being written in our heart and mind. He laid it down and now is picking His Life back in you, so that He can say I am Yahweh and so are you. The Ark
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