Monday, April 09, 2007

Part 17...The 40 Plate Chart

Plate 15 is the Adamic transgression. This is something physical to look at to understand something spiritual. We find Adam and Eve at peace in the garden (a type of heaven) and nothing has died yet. All the trees are in fruition as the seasons have not manifested yet. In fact death has never happened in the physical. The garden is at rest and even the sun has not gone down yet. Everything is in its zenith. This is all before the fall or the transgression. Adam and Eve are naked and not ashamed and are in harmony with all the animals. The lion is laying down with the lamb.

People are still arguing over where the original garden of Eden is, just as they think the physical county of Israel is the holy land. These are all spiritual principles, just as Egypt, the Wilderness of Sinai and Canaan's Land are. The garden of Eden is pointing to a heavenly state of existence, which in reality is within your cranial cavity. The garden of Eden is in the Most Holy Place of the pattern where Yahweh sits on the mercy seat. Your head cavity is where the MHP is located. Remember we are going by a divine pattern and we are not going by the worlds false concepts or their imaginations. We are going to take the physical to understand the spiritual which is the visible pointing to the invisible.

Now I have set the scene before the fall to show you what happens after the fall. Adam could not stay in the garden. He must be cast out in the cool of the evening when the sun is going down, as this is according to Yahweh's purpose. Just as the beautiful angel was cast out of heaven in plate 14 into darkness. Adam is willfully dying for his bride Eve as Yahweh Elohim died for His bride, His purpose and plan. Remember this is the purpose being carried out in the physical just as it was carried out in the angelic creation.

Adam is not really disobeying like the physical mind thinks, as he is dying for his bride. He had to come down into the flesh and put on the suit of clothes called skin.(back bone and collar bones making a cross). Nevertheless not my will but Thy will be done, as the second Adam also said about getting up on the cross (the tree). The Israelites were told not to touch the ark of the covenant as this is where Yahweh dwelt. When Yahshua resurrected he appeared as a gardener (Adam was a gardener) and told Miriam (the woman ) not to touch him. These are all principles showing you under the law it was not time for the mystery to be revealed.

You see the mystery had to be set up in the beginning as Yahweh was going to hide Himself. The principle here is Eve could not touch the tree of life yet until the purpose ran its course. It was not time yet as this is just the beginning. It's at the end that you can touch. Yahshua had not ascended yet back to the Father to pour out the Holy Spirit which would then reveal the purpose. Eve didn't know who she really was, but Adam knew as he had to die for his bride which is the purpose and plan coming into the flesh.

We find Adam and Eve in the garden as one, in harmony, naked, not ashamed and at peace with their surroundings. As soon as they touched, something happened in their minds. They saw that they were naked. What made them become conscious of their reproductive organs and why did they have to cover them up? This is where the flesh was going to come from the reproductive organs and until this day if you mention the words penis or vagina to anybody, the cover up is still on their minds. You can't talk about it openly, some folks get embarrassed as it's been covered up from our beginning.

Also you can see Adam with his hands over his face, (Plate 15 HP) which is a reflection of covering the face of Yahweh (the reality) which could not be looked at in the beginning. The mystery is being covered up. You see at the end you can see His face as it says in Revelation 22:4 "And they shall see His face; and His name shall be in their foreheads". They also describe His face in the first chapter of Revelation.

The face represents the reality as it's the Most Holy Place. Also the covering up of the reproductive organs is an outward sign of the cover up in their minds. The mystery (the veil) was being put over the physical creation. If you become naked out in the world you would become embarrassed automatically as your face turns red. Why? Adam means red and your physical mind is manifesting outwardly on your face that you died in Adam.

Before the fall they were in a heavenly state of existence as a type. There had been no physical births or to put it more correctly there wasn't any flesh created from them yet. Adam had the seeds within him as did Eve. This is how the physical bodies were going to come into existence through the women this time as everything came through the Man at first. The woman represents the physical. Yahweh is going to populate His creation with physical bodies to carry out His purpose in the physical or visible creation. That is why Adam had to come out of the garden as Yahweh is bringing His purpose down into the flesh. The world thinks Adam was given a choice and he messed up God's purpose by disobeying, but Adam knew what he was doing as he knew his purpose. He was dying for his bride just as Yahshua knew that he was going to be put on the cross (the tree). The woman was in the transgression, not the man.

Notice that the serpent went to the woman and not the man. This is reflecting that Adam was Yahweh in a body (Spirit) and the woman was the purpose hid as the physical mind. I am not talking about a physical man being superior over a physical woman. These are divine principles. Adam is reflecting Yahweh Elohim being over the whole earth plane and the purpose coming out of him (the woman). The serpent is not a physical snake but a thought that is taking place within her. Notice the serpent is wrapped around a tree. Remember Yahweh is setting all this up in the physical so we can look at it to understand what is happening within ourselves.

Adam was driven out and the woman followed, which is Yahweh bringing His purpose down into the physical. The death takes place is in their minds as now they have passed a veil from knowing Yahweh... to not knowing Yahweh. Adam died in his skull and the second Adam died in a place called Golgotha which means the place of the skull. In Adam all died. Adam (Yahweh in a body) is dying for His bride by covering Himself up in the physical creation (the first veil). The physical mind now is manifested and takes over and runs its course unto the second Adam (Yahshua) comes and resurrects a quickening spirit and takes it back to the Father. You could not get back into the garden in the first Adam (Physical) only the second Adam (Spiritual). You can't get back into heaven in your physical mind, only the spiritual mind which are those divine attributes. You have to remember it is Yahweh coming down creating the physical creation.

You see this is not just a made up story of Adam and Eve as the world has looked at with their physical minds. It sounds stupid to the physical mind that a woman came out of a man, but Yahweh is demonstrating His purpose and bringing everything down in the beginning. These are all spiritual principles.

We came head first out of the womb as we came into the physical. Our physical minds reproduced and multiplied in the earth and the mystery became hid to us. We just went on our merry way because we were so caught up in ourselves we didn't even give it a second thought as to what all this was about. The beautiful angel had our whole world deceived in just believing in our physical self. We looked in the mirror and we fell for our own image. We touched the wrong tree and died to our self. We touched the wrong tree and died as this is all we could see in our beginning.

Yes, Yahweh was bringing the purpose down in you. Weren't you dead when you first came into class? We didn't know anything about Yahweh, only what our physical minds told us. We had been cast out of the presence of Yahweh into the earth. This is the way the purpose is unfolding. We were all purposed to die and become physical beings.

We eat of the fruit of the knowledge of good and evil which is our physical minds concepts of what is good and bad. The serpent wrapped around the tree is our physical selves. I see men walking as trees. The small and large intestines are the coils of the snake and the mouth and the tubes going down to the stomach is the head and neck of the serpent where the poison comes out. That is to say with a physical mind that was cast out of heaven into the earth, all you will do is speak what you think is good and bad. The poison is all our false concepts, ideas and opinions that we have been eating all our lives. Once you touch of the tree of Life, Yahshua without the flesh, (Yahweh Elohim) you will live forever. Once you touch those divine attributes, the mystery will be revealed. You will no longer be dead, but alive as you now can get back in the second Adam where the serpent can't touch you. When you were outside the man (the woman, the physical mind) the serpent could come up to you and deceive you with his voice. But now we are back in the man (Yahweh Elohim, which is the divine vision) we can pick up the serpent by the tail (tale) and turn it back into a Rod again. In fact you can pick any deadly serpent (any of the worlds false teachings) and they will not harm you.

This is all done within you when you go through your own ages and dispensations and see the veil changes in yourself. You will not be the same. You will not be the same person that you thought you were. There will be a spiritual resurrection back to the Father within you. Once Yahweh nails Adam to the cross in you (when you see the tree of the knowledge of good and evil is really your carnal mind) you will become a new creature. I am not talking about turning you into a good Christian either, which is really just decorating the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, but I am talking about becoming conscious and aware of who you really are, Yahweh in a body. This is the mystery that was hid in the beginning. They were already Yahweh in a body, but the serpent sent them on a wild goose chase to become something that they already were.

That is how deceptive the beautiful angel can be to make you believe only in the beauty of your physical mind. It's called the ego. The whole world is following after the beast, the carnal mind. That is the woman outside the man. That is the serpent wrapped around the tree. That is the beautiful angel that has deceived a third part of the angels and was cast out of heaven into the earth. The angelic creation is inside the cloud in your own head. We have all been deceived as this is how Yahweh is going to demonstrate or show His power and glory when He overthrows His own mystery that He has raised up in you.

Ask yourself where is heaven and you will know where the angels really are. Is not Egypt, the wilderness, and Canaan's Land inside of you? Is not the garden of Eden also inside of you? So where do you think heaven and hell are? Where do the angels of heaven dwell and the angels that were cast out of heaven? It's all taking place IN THE CLOUD. There is much more in this plate 15. All these physical events are getting you up to seeing the principles happening within you. That is what it's all about knowing, Yahweh as He really is and actually exists.

Try printing these articles and re-reading them at the breakfast table, or on your lunch break or in bed at night. In fact re-read them in all three places. You will be surprised how different they read throughout the day. To be continued.
The Ark

PS. I hope you are getting something from these articles and that the words are raising your awareness and consciousness of Yahweh's ever presence in yourselves.
Our watchword is 'Peace'.....and our slogan is 'Speak The Truth'.


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