Thursday, April 12, 2007

The Second Time

In "No man takes my life", the Holy Spirit explains how Yahweh has been walking down through not only biblical history but our own ages and dispensations. He has been the whole show from the beginning to the end. He's laid his life down to be our carnal minds which was raised up just like Pharaoh and host, so Yahweh can show forth his power and might. He's always been both mysteries folks. There is no negativity in Yahweh's purpose and plan. What we call negative or like Peter calling things unclean or common has been Yahweh all the way. We can eat of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, but turn the serpent back into the Rod. With the knowledge of the tree of life as our understanding through Yahshua, we are resurrected and glorified. Now that's knowing Yahweh as he really is and actually exists.

No 'MAN' takes my life because Yahweh is eternal and can not die. Yahweh divided the darkness from the light for the purpose. He died or laid down his life (lamb slain) for the purpose, for you and me to rise with him when he shows up in clouds/in spirit and in truth in us. So to those who look for him a SECOND TIME will he appear without SIN unto salvation.

The first time we saw him, he was appearing to us was in the law and prophets, the pattern, the correlations, institute and fulfill in the 4 gospels, in class in our deans and teachers. That was his first appearance in our hearts and minds. Now we see him for ourselves a risen spiritual body of nine divine attributes who has changed our fleshly interpretation to a profound realization and consciousness through an understanding by the revelation of himself.

Just like he laid down his life in the First Adam who became a living soul, He laid down his life as Yahshua, the second Adam.
Now Adam was Ante Diluvian. Yahshua was Post Diluvian, born under the Law to redeem those bound by the law. We through both the first and second Adam's are now translated into the Present Kingdom Age.

No man takes my life, I lay it down and pick it up again. He was our carnal mind (ante-diluvian), he was our self righteous, and religious mind (Post Diluvian, bound by the law of sin and death) and now through a resurrected Yahshua in spirit and in truth, He has picked his life back up again in us revealing who we are, Yahweh. That's him walking down through the ages and dispensations of time in us and declaring the father in us. That's him standing in the midst of the seven branch golden candlestick. That's him willing to be the law of the spirit of life. For I am Yahweh and there is none else. He's the all in all and that's all.

love and peace, Spirit


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