Friday, April 13, 2007

Part 18...The 40 Plate Chart

In plate 15 in the CRA, we see that Adam now has to work in the sweat of his face. Before that there was no works, as the garden was in fruition. All he had to do is pick off the fruit and eat. He was in his rest. Now that they were driven out, he has to work. He has to till the ground as the seasons started to rotate. As Adam came down, so did the sun which started the death to manifest in the creation with fall, winter, spring and summer.

If you look at the dividing veils in the tabernacle, there are changes that happen when you pass them. Each compartment in the tabernacle had different things to do. The high priest offered a sacrifice in the CRA. This is where the death lines up. There is no death in the Most Holy Place as this is a type of heaven. When the high priest went in the Most Holy Place once a year on the day of atonement (at-one-ment), he had to change his clothes before he went in. He could not go in without them. This is setting up our metaphor to point to what has to happen with you. When Yahshua passed from the Post Diluvian Age to the Present Kingdom Age, there was a change of clothes. He had resurrected a quickening spirit and not a physical body. He could not ascend into heaven (Most Holy Place) in his old clothes of skin. This has to take place within our heart and mind when we cross over the veil in our age change. This happens within your cloud right now.

You see when Adam came down out of the garden, it was manifesting a death into the flesh. Not only did he put on different clothes, he had to appear as though he was physical just as the second Adam did. Eve, the woman, was the one who was in darkness, which represents the physical mind. She now had to go through child bearing. The flesh was now going to come through the woman, which set up that everything will come through the carnal mind. Remember this is the beginning as Yahweh has to set up the mystery.

When we come down into the flesh at our birth into this world, we are going to give birth to physical things first in our minds. Keep in mind that Yahweh is there all along as it is He that is coming down and the woman is following, which is you and your physical mind. You are just following what Yahweh is setting up. Within your physical mind, you did not know that all this was happening. You just came out of the womb in ignorance or in darkness. We just grew up automatically and went through the stages of being a baby, child, teenager, and adult. We all thought we were doing everything and this was our life. Not so. Yahweh is always there and the woman (you) was just following what was set up. Remember this is your beginning where the mystery is being all set up. You're coming into existence by the pattern.

The opening of the vagina is a veil that you passed as the blood, water and spirit manifested at your birth into the earth plane which is the Court Round About. In the Court Round About is the blood of the sacrifice, water in the laver and the holy anointing oil which is the blood, water and spirit. The bag of waters breaks, the show of blood and when you breathe for the first time in your life, His name (Yah-Weh), which is Spirit. You are now the sacrifice on the altar, (the earth) to be offered up as now death awaits you at your end. The grave in plate 15 CRA is where the flesh is going to go back to. The Spirit was not created out of the dust of the earth as it was manifested when Yahweh breathed through the nostrils of Adam. The breath of life is just a outward manifestation of the Spirit of Yahweh.

What we have here folks is you coming down out of Pure Spirit and manifesting here on earth as a physical body that you nor your parents created. We all come down in darkness or ignorance of who we are and what all this is about. In order to get back into a heavenly state of mind, there has to be a changing of clothes. When Adam and Eve were driven out, Yahweh covered them up. He provided the first set of clothes. The veil is being put over the reproductive organs which is an outward manifestation of the mystery now being hidden, as it is now going to be through the penis (Rod) that the seed is going to come down and be put into the woman. The man is the one who determines the sex as he is the one who is carrying the X and Y chromosomes. The woman can only produce the X chromosomes which is the female chromosome. The physical mind can only produce physical things. Remember the man is representing Spirit and the woman is representing the physical.

When you come right down to it, none of us created our reproductive organs. Yahweh set us all up. We didn't have any choice of whether we wanted to be male or female, black or white, big or small, blonde or brunet. We were just told to cover up as little children. Why? The mystery had to manifest in our beginning as we were going to cover up who was really within our cloud. We were going to overshadow Yahweh by our physical minds. Oh yes, Yahweh is permitting this, as this is how He is setting up His mystery. Every atom, cell and molecule that makes you up, as well as the creation, is Spirit materialized but you are going to cover all this up in your physical name. When someone asks you who you are, it is going to be on the exhale breath that you will tell them the lie (your physical name) of who you think you are, as you are breathing Yahweh's name all the time. When you take a breath before you speak physical, you are saying Yah first. Notice it is only on the exhale breath that you speak physically. Yah inhale, Weh exhale. The physical mind (the woman) only talks about physical things. Now that doesn't mean that Yahweh can't speak in the physical as when the woman is put back in the man, then you can speak as The Man from heaven.

We all came out of The Man (Yahweh Elohim), just as Eve came out of Adam. Our physical birth into this world was done all by Yahweh. He is there in our parents mind as the desire to come together. He is there as the sperm and egg united in the fallopian tubes. He was there when the cells began to divide and multiply. He was there when He made the placenta to be connected up to your belly to feed you while in the womb. He is there when He made your eyes, ears, nose, ribs, legs and feet. He was there when he made you male or female.

Did you know that while in the womb before there was any sex organs, that when the cells grew outward the penis would be formed, and if the cells grew inward they became the clitoris. The clitoris in a woman is the same place that the penis would of been formed. I only mention this to let you see that it is Yahweh who is setting up your body and is the one who determines the sex. Your physical mind (the woman) did not determine your sex, it was The Man. If your high minded about your sex and bragging in being male or female, well you had no choice. In fact there is not one cell that you created and that goes for you parents as well. You are Spirit that has taken on shape and form and manifested here at this particular time to be Yahweh's purpose and plan.

You were driven out of Pure Spirit, took nine months to come into shape and form and here you are now reading these words. What is so beautiful is nobody is excluded. I am talking about all of us being born into this world. Once we get rid of this ego who takes all the credit for everything, you will start to see it is Yahweh as the all in all. The only reason that I am writing and you are reading is because of Yahweh who is causing this to happen. He is the one who is doing the writing in our hearts and minds. And some of us believe it was from our own effort and studying that we know Yahweh. It was never left up to the physical mind to do anything. It only appears that way until you go into the Most Holy Place within your own cloud which is also the 3rd trip in your mount, then you will experience the one dwelling in The Cloud. This is what the divine vision will do to you, is make Yahweh Elohim appear in your cloud and then and only then will you see what the mystery is all about.

This will put you in your rest as you witness that it has always been Yahweh doing all things. All you do now is pick off the fruit of the Tree of Life and see the beauty of Yahweh in all things. The Ever Presence of Yahweh now becomes revealed as all the veils are removed from your mind. You can now stand naked and not ashamed as there is nothing to cover up anymore. You are being completely open and honest to Yahweh within yourself as you know He knows all things and is all things. There is nothing to hide as all things are being uncovered within yourself.

You now see that it was Yahweh that manifested as 'you' in your beginning and hid Himself from Himself by creating your physical mind, and is now revealing Himself to Himself by resurrecting as a quickening Spirit. You now are His off-spring and have always been, as Yahweh is raising seed up unto Himself. To be continued. The Ark


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