Monday, April 16, 2007

Part 19...The 40 Plate Chart

Let's have a look at plate 16 called Ante-diluvan Apostasy. It starts out with Cain who is the first born slaying Abel, the second born because Yahweh accepted Abel's offering over Cain's. He is driven out of the presence of Yahweh and Yahweh sets a mark on him 666 which is one short of 7 (perfection). He takes his wife and goes to build a city in the land of Nod and names it after his first born son Enoch and sets up his kingdom.

When you read the lineage of Adam, it says they lived so many years, but when Cain's lineage is read there is no mention of how many years they lived. This is because Cain's lineage is dead and not really alive in principle. These are the two mysteries that will come all the way down as a type to show you Yahweh's purpose and plan in the physical. Notice that Cain is a murderer right from the beginning as the Beautiful Angel in the angelic creation was too. He murdered the third part of the angels into worshipping him rather than Yahweh. Abel offered up a lamb which was in due season and Cain offered up the works of his labor the fruits of the land.

The first born is always pointing to the flesh and the second born to the spirit. Remember in Egypt the death angel slew the first born. If you look at these first and second born you will see them coming down through the ages. There is the first Adam and the second Adam. The first covenant and second covenant. Abraham's first born was by the bond woman and the second born was the free woman. It is always the second born whom Yahweh will use as a divine principle. Again these are all pointing to spiritual principles to see what is happening to you.

Who is the first born in your body? Isn't it the physical mind who has been raised up to try to slay the second born in you? To be carnally minded is death but to be spiritually minded is life. The second born in your body is Yahweh Elohim as Yahshua is formed in you. This is where you are going to have the war in heaven take place, in your own cloud. The war is going to be against all your false concepts, ideas, and opinions that you have learned most of your life while growing up, and Yahweh's divine attributes which is the body of heaven in its clearness. We know which one is going to die and which one is going to live. Cain will try to slay your own Abel.

The reason the flesh is first and the spirit is second, is because Yahweh has to set up the mystery first before He destroys it by revealing Himself. That is how He will get His glory as He did with Pharaoh. For this cause have I raised you up to show My glory and demonstrate My Power. Having an opponent that you have raised up for your own glory, will show the contrast, just as darkness is the contrast to light, etc.

Your physical mind will kill you and has done. Have we not been listening to it all our lives? But Yahweh has raised the physical mind to show you Yahweh's power and glory. When you see how you use to see things and how you understood the world compared to how you see things now and how you understand the world now, it is different as night and day. You see you have a contrast to compare what is being revealed to you in Spirit and in Truth.

You see you went out and built a city in the land of Nod (asleep to the reality of things) to your first born which is all your thoughts coming in your physical name. You came in your name and controlled all thoughts that came in unto you. This city of thoughts gave your physical mind all the glory and you worshipped it instead of Yahweh. You thought it was your body, your world, your life, your mind and you could do anything you wanted. Your physical mind ruled your world and all your thoughts bowed down and worshipped the one on your throne and this was all done in your name and not Yahweh's. Now how about that?

You see the same principle is happening with Pharaoh and his host building him a city. He has the Israelites building his treasure cities. You have been building a city in your name all your life. Isn't that The Ark's car? Isn't that Akr's house? Isn't that Ark's family? Isn't that Ark's clothes? Isn't Ark a nice man. This city will start to come tumbling down when you hear the first words of Truth. It will start to set a fire under you and will eventually destroy this Mystery Babylon. You have been babbling on all your life about nothing and deceiving people in your name.

Now this doesn't mean you have to go outside and rip your clothes and put on sackcloth and ashes and give everything away that you own. There is nothing wrong with the physical as it is Spirit materialized. It all depends of what you got in your mind and who is the one sitting on your throne in control. It's about being aware and not being aware that makes the difference. Once you start to see that it is Yahweh that has been guiding you all your life and that He is the one that is the all in all, then your whole world changes in your mind. The world doesn't really change out there, but your perception of it does. Yes, even your physical body takes on a completely new meaning, once you see that it was Yahweh that put it all together and is the one who has been animating it all your life.

Yes that's right, the Roman Catholics and the Pope is only a type and shadow to get you to see what has been happening in your own head. Who is the one that has been sitting on the throne before you knew Yahweh? Didn't you go into your whole world and deceive all your thoughts into worshipping yourself? Haven't you been carrying your own self upon your shoulders all your life. Your false concepts, ideas and opinions are the priest, the bishops, and the cardinals serving and honoring the one who sits in Yahweh's seat. Remember the physical is pointing to the spiritual. The beautiful angel has deceived the third part of the power of all the attributes into worshipping you in your carnal mind. The carnal mind has only one third of intelligence, one third knowledge and one third wisdom, etc. That is why the carnal mind is limited and can only go up to the veil and no further. The physical mind is stuck in the Court Round About (one third of the tabernacle).

You see when Moses is up in Mount Sinai he sees Yahweh Elohim transform into each day and back unto Himself. This was to show us that it is Yahweh Himself transforming into the creation. The same thing is happening now as Yahweh is transforming into all these 40 plates and back unto Himself as you are the witness yourself in your own cloud though what is being revealed to you. He is transforming into these plates and back unto Himself. He is transforming into your body and back unto Himself. This is done in spiritual understanding as you see that it is not really your body but Yahweh's and then again it really is when you see who you really are. The world that you live in happens the same way. Yahweh is transforming into it the more you see everything pointing to Him and you will see it is the power of Yahweh that even makes everything appear unto you. That is Yahweh Elohim transforming into the creation and back unto Himself. He really has being doing this from day one as when we were little babies the world was being transformed unto us by Yahweh Elohim Himself but we did not know He was doing this as we thought it was our physical mind doing it. Now that He is transforming back unto Himself within our clouds, we see that it was the same one who did it in our beginning. He was the one who transformed into the creation and back unto Himself.

We say that everything is pointing to Yahweh so ask yourself where is Yahweh? To find and know Yahweh as He really is and actually exists and not the way we have imagined Him to be. As we are going down these plates, you are your own witness to see that everything is pointing to Yahweh in you and as you. Yes, He is the one who brought us here in these physical bodies to have the physical creation appear unto us in the first place and now He is the same one who is transforming it all back unto Himself in the second place. That's the reality of what the first Adam and the second Adam is that is being demonstrated as you. That is why all these plates are talking to you and are you and being revealed as you. To be continued. The Ark


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