Part 21...The 40 Plate Chart
These articles will lift you up in a completely different realm. The world does not teach about Yahweh and His purpose and plan by a divine pattern. We have been listening to our physical mind all our lives and look what it has produced, the ego which has been taking all the glory unto itself (the beautiful angel). When you listen to the words from Yahweh (The Truth) Yahweh Elohim takes on shape and form. When this happens you will see the mysteries that have been hidden all your life. You will be taken up into Pure Spirit having nine divine attributes minister to you each time you hear the words from Yahweh. It will take you out of the carnal mind with all it's lies and distortions. I am talking about right now.
Tell me you didn't rise up and your world of carnal thoughts didn't disappear while you are reading these words? You became transformed within yourself from your every day physical self into your spiritual self. It makes you stop and look at life in reality instead of through the imagination. Where ever your mind is when you start to read these articles, your inner man will change. Isn't is nice to know that instead of relying on blind faith, we have a pattern to go by. It's the loss of this pattern that has caused all the divisions in the world.
Well let's look at plate 18 which is called Noah's Preparations and Entering The Ark. We all know basically the story of Noah how he was told to build a ark as Yahweh was going to flood the world with water. Keep in mind that it had never rained before and here is Noah telling all the people that water was going to come down out of the sky and flood the world. What Yahweh is doing is changing an age from the Ante Diluvian to the Post Diluvian Age as dictated by the pattern. Raining 40 days and 40 nights is according to the pattern as remember the children of Israel wondered in the wilderness for 40 years, Yahshua was tempted by the devil in the wilderness for 40 days and you stayed in your mother's womb for 40 weeks. The Ark resurrected up above all the mountains and came to rest on Mt. Ararat.
This is a death, burial and resurrection being displayed with the story of Noah, just as all the plates are too. Now how did Noah go out and find two of every kind, male and female? He didn't. They came to him. In other words Yahweh caused them to come into the ark, just as He is doing right now to you. He is the one who is causing us to understand and cross these veils and come into the ark of safety. If it were left up to us, we would all be lost. Remember it was Yahweh that drove the Israelites into Egypt in the first place so that He could set up His purpose and plan to deliver them back to the Promised Land.
If it was left up to the physical mind, there would of been more than 8 people saved in the ark and the ark would of sunk with so many people in it. It's always been a remnant. All the food that you eat doesn't all go over the blood stream to give life to the body. It's only a remnant of the food that is saved. The rest is cast out. Of all the billions of words and thoughts that you have been listening to all your life, only a remnant is being saved. Look how small the Most Holy Place and the Holy Place is to the Court Round About.
What I am really saying is within your mind there is a multitude of physical thoughts that have populated your world inside your head that are going to die and be cast out. They are meant to die. They have been cast out of heaven never to return. The only thoughts that are going to live, are those thoughts that know Yahweh as He really is and actually exist. It's not individuals being saved and never really has been. Noah and his family are only types and shadows just like the children of Israel are. It's all to point to what is taking place within your cloud as remember all the charts are surrounded by a cloud.
From Adam to Noah is the Ante Diluvian Age. This is the first physical age which represents the Court Round About. Yahweh wiped out that whole world except Noah and his family. He provided a way of escape to cross over into the Post Diluvian world. The ark resting is the Most Holy Place is where the rest is. Remember the mercy seat is in the MHP. The Post Diluvian Age is all cleaned up as this is a different world or age that they are entering into, just as we have come from the world of carnal thoughts into the world or age of seeing Yahweh's purpose go by the pattern of the tabernacle. It all fits when you line this all up with Egypt, the Wilderness, and Canaan's Land as well.
Yahweh has cause us to come into this teaching out of the 7 billion people in the world. Just think how you came into this teaching. I mean you have to look at your own life to see how Yahweh caused you to come into contact with Him. Yahweh caused you to be born in the place and time that He purposed. We had no choice. We just landed here and the woman followed The Man if you know what I mean. Eve followed Adam. The children of Israel followed The Cloud, etc.
The story of Noah and the ark is a spiritual principle that Yahweh has demonstrated in the physical for us to see. We have been all caused to read these articles by the various contributors. Not only that we have all been raised up bearing seed after its own kind. Yahweh is raising us all up unto Himself as this is His purpose to raise up seed unto Himself. Have not we been doing this when we have our so called own children? Aren't we raising up seed unto ourselves? Well, that is what Yahweh is doing.
The mystery is that we didn't know all this was happening. Remember is was hid from ages (Ante and Post Diluvian Ages) and from generations, but now is made manifest to His Sons. To whom Yahweh would make known what is the riches of the glory of this mystery among the Nations: which is the Messiah in you, the hope of glory. You see Yahweh has been in the flesh from day one, but it only now (when you pass over into the Present Kingdom Age, MHP, Canaan's Land, etc.) that this is revealed. Then and only then can you look back and see the one who has been walking down through your ages and dispensations (the seven branch lamp stand), which is the Messiah in you.
When Moses went up into his third trip (MHP) that's when he understood and had to put a veil over his face as the mystery could not be revealed yet. Once you enter into the phenomenal cloud within yourself the third time (MHP), that is when you will see who is siting on the mercy seat in your MHP. The high priest went into the MHP place three times and on the third trip, Yahweh Elohim appeared in the cloud. Isn't this tight? It all fits when you line this up within yourself. There are no errors or mistakes either.
It's with unerring accuracy and infallibility that Yahweh is causing all things to operate. This is no accident that you are reading these words and for me to be writing them right now. All things have been permanently placed into the purpose and plan. The Red Sea was already there before the children of Israel passed through it just as the River Jordan was. The veils are there to divide one age from another as the veils in the tabernacle. The veils are already there inside your head as Yahweh causes you to go through. The Messiah is already there, in you, right from the bondage of your carnal mind to your day of reckoning. We are being saved by Yahweh writing HIS LAW in our hearts and minds. He is the one doing the writing. He is the one who is causing me to write and you to read and understand.
Oh yes, this is a marvelous thing to be aware that it was Yahweh who caused us to come here on earth and to hide His purpose so that He could reveal Himself. Right from the womb, He was there. Right when we were growing up as little children, He was there. Right when we thought we came to class on our own, He was there. Right when we crossed the two veils in our understanding, Oh yes, He was there. Whether shall I flee from the presence of Yahweh?
Now have you been caught up in a different world or Age? Nice to see you my friend. To be continued. The Ark
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