Monday, April 16, 2007

Part 20...The 40 Plate Chart

Plate 17 is called Birth and Translation of Enoch. This is the 7th son from Adam, not Cain. He was translated without seeing death. That means Yahweh Elohim took him and dematerialized him back into Spirit. All his cells, molecules, and atoms, which came from Spirit in the first place, were translated back into the incorporeal. In each age there has been one who as been translated without seeing death. In the Post Diluvian Age it was Elijah in the fiery chariot. Now this does not mean the physical body goes into heaven as we know that flesh and blood can not go past the first veil without a change happening. These two translations are a de-materialization before the physical bodies death. Yahweh has the power and is the Power to change forms when ever He wants. He made Himself a body in the beginning with Adam, He appeared in Egypt as a fully formed man of 30 years old as Joshua, and He came down into Mary without Joseph's sperm. He can put on a body and take one off at will.

When Moses went up into Mount Sinai into the cloud, his minister Joshua went up with him. In fact it was Joshua who transformed into Yahweh Elohim, which means he took the flesh off and showed Moses what was within him. Yahshua also did this at the transfiguration before Peter, James and John. He has the power to take off the physical body because He was the one who put it on in the first place. The physical is Spirit materialized. It's just as simple as when you change your clothes.

This is what we have all learned about Yahweh taking on shape and form within Himself in the incorporeal and then steps down into the physical into the corporeal. These are the two veils in the tabernacle coming down from the Most Holy Place into the Holy Place and then into the Court Round About. The coming down is when the veils are put on and the going up is when the veils are removed. Up and down are only spiritual principles not geographical locations. What Yahweh is demonstrating to us is the Power of "I will be what I will to be". If Yahweh can make the entire universe, then it stands to reason that He can make Himself a little old physical body. Now that makes sense doesn't it?

To us, who appear as flesh and blood, it seems like how can these thing happen, but we don't realize the miracle of our own birth into this world. Once you understand who brought you here and the power of Yahweh to transform Himself (Spirit) into one trillion cells of the physical body, you will understand that that power has also happened to you. Before coming into an understanding of Yahweh, we didn't know anything about anything. If you take the average person out there and look inside their head, there is not much about Yahweh and His purpose and plan. In fact there is nothing about the reality of finding and knowing Yahweh as He really is and actually exists. Try to imagine what the world would look like and how you would view yourself if you didn't know Yahweh. Scary thought.

Sometimes when I am watching the news on TV, Yahweh makes me look at what controls the person or persons and what they have in their minds. Even if you are watching the president of the United States, there is no recognition of Yahweh and how the pattern works. He may be intelligent or have a whole bunch of knowledge, but he is really dead when it comes to knowing Yahweh. This is also the Power of Yahweh to hide Himself but be in plain view everyday of ones life. The mystery is He came through the flesh of your parents and we think they created us. This is where it gets hid and when the physical mind gets formed it is the veil that covers up the mystery. Are you listening or are you just reading? I mean really listening.

In this third age, The Present Kingdom Age, there has to be another translation without seeing death. Who might this be, you might ask? Those that know Yahweh as He really is and actually exists will not see their own death. Why?..because Yahweh has to cut this age short. He is about to dematerialize the whole universe back unto Himself. He is getting ready to end His purpose and plan in the flesh. Are you really listening? That means we are going to be translated without seeing death in this age. It is already happening within our minds as we truly understand Yahweh. I am taking the flesh off every time I write these articles and showing you what I have within myself. You may see the Ark or you may see Yahweh Elohim. That all depends on Yahweh in you. I am not the only one who does this as all those that know Yahweh in Spirit and in Truth have that same power also.

If I was just a physical minded person when I knew my self as the Ark, all I would be doing is talking or writing about Ark's world, like I did before I came into an understanding. I didn't know anything about taking the flesh off and appearing in an incorporeal form. What the hell is a incorporeal form, I would of asked? You see how far we have all come? I am appearing as Yahweh Elohim now and not the Ark. Yahweh Elohim is appearing in a divine vision and understood in a divine revelation is that almost right?

I can see Myself now and what really makes me up. Yahweh has taken me back and showed me a divine vision in a slowed down version of how I came into this world cell by cell, atom by atom, and thought by thought. That is what He is doing to us all. You have to put this on you and see for yourself about your own manifestation into this world. Examine yourself, whether you be in the faith, etc. The reality has been there all the time, but we could not see it until it was revealed. Now that is the Power of Yahweh.

We all know that we won't last forever in these physical bodies. We all know this but our physical minds hide this as it's too scary to think about it. We all had our own beginning into this world. Just ask yourself where were you before you were born? You have only known yourself as a physical person in the amount of years that you have been living on this earth, right? Your physical body had a beginning and it will have an end, but your Spirit did not. It has no beginning or end. I am talking about the inner man, the Soul, Yahweh Elohim the one who is made up of divine attributes which is within yourself. That's right, we have a house made from heaven to dwell in now. (2 Cor. 5:1) Before, all you did is dwell in your carnal mind. Now you have a sanctuary to dwell in, all those divine attributes of Intelligence, Wisdom, Love, Beauty, etc.

When you take off this appearance of flesh and blood, you will see yourself as you really are. This is also happening right now as your fleshly false concepts are removed and you see the real Truth. Taking the flesh off happens in the cloud remember as you enter the phenomenal cloud within your own head. We are all experiencing the reality of what the charts are talking about. We are all becoming aware of what all the law and prophets are really pointing too, and that is Yahshua being formed in you. I die daily and that scripture is reality now. Everything is becoming real. We are all being translated right now as you are reading this article. Your inner man should be taken up into the phenomenal cloud and Yahweh Elohim should be appearing to you.

This should happen when you read Spirit's articles. I am being taken up even as I write. My house is gone, even the room and yes my physical body. I am not conscious of it while I am in this state as you will be too when you are caught up alone and by yourself and yes, your minister Joshua (Yahshua) goes up too as He is the one who is transforming. In fact you will start to see Yahweh Elohim transform all around you.

Is this the start of the universal revelation of Yahshua the Messiah from heaven when He comes with all His angels? You bet your sweet bippy. He and His angels are descending from heaven into the earth every time you understand what these words are all really about. He is making His appearance right in the cloud. Do you see Him? Is He transforming unto you in a divine vision? Well if He is, Hello You Yah. To be continued. The Ark


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