Saturday, March 31, 2007

Part 11...The 40 Plate Chart

Well here we are down to the 11th plate when the first physical body is created by Yahweh out of the virgin mother earth. Yahweh could of easily willed Adam into existence, but instead He formed him out of the virgin dust of the earth. Everything Yahweh is doing has a spiritual meaning and is really all pointing to Him. You see He is setting this virgin birth up for when He Himself comes in the form of Yahshua the Messiah. Yahweh is really in Adam bringing this whole creation down Himself and will take it back in Yahshua the second Adam. These are all physical events to point to spiritual principles as this is really all happening to you.

After Yahweh created the body of Adam, He got inside and breathed the breath of Life. In other words He created Himself a physical body to dwell in to carry out His purpose and plan, just like He did with the second Adam. This set up the division of the body and soul (as seen on the first veil in plate 11) when He breathed through Adams nostrils. This is the breath of Life. If you want to know what the soul is, it's Yahweh Elohim the spiritual or incorporeal part of yourself.

The division between soul and spirit that you see on the second veil is pure spirit and spirit in shape and form. Spirit, soul and body is the pattern of 1,2,3. Remember Yahweh is Spirit with the power to take on shape and form within Himself and then step into His creation which is also within Himself. Nothing is outside of Yahweh as He is the ultimate limits and bounds and the Source and Substance. It's the same Spirit, not three spirits or a what the world calls the trinity. These three are one.

Breathing into the nostrils of Adam is also pointing to Pentecost when Yahshua breathed on His disciples also seen on plate 11. It just shows you what they received when you look back at Adam and who Yahshua really was. Yahshua was in the form of Yahweh Elohim (the incorporeal) in both cases. Being placed in the garden of Eden is a type of heaven as everything is in harmony and glorifying Yahweh just as the Kingdom of heaven came on the day of Pentecost to those that received the Holy Spirit. Everything I have mentioned so far is the physical to point to the spiritual as it is being demonstrated in time and history.

Now the divine principles of the virgin birth is that what you are receiving did not come from man. It came direct from Yahweh Himself who revealed Himself first to Dr. Kinley and is now being poured out in us. We are having a virgin birth as it is not up to our intellect to understand the divine vision but it's through divine visions and divine revelations. You can't find this teaching in the libraries of man. It's virgin, right from Yahweh. Just as Yahweh gathered up the dust of the earth to form the body of Adam to dwell in and fulfilled it when He gathered up those disciples for the Holy Spirit to dwell in, He is doing the same thing right now. Yes you have been gathered together to receive the Holy Spirit or the divine vision of Yahweh Elohim.

Not only have we been gathered together, but within ourself we have gathered up all those correlation's of the pattern (the virgin dust of the earth) so that Yahweh Elohim can make Himself known. When Yahweh Himself writes the law in our hearts and minds, that is when He is being made known as we receive the Holy Spirit or whole spirit. Out of the virgin correlation's (which is the divine vision being displayed in the earth) will He build a tabernacle for the Son, so that Yahweh can fill the sanctuary. He will appear IN THE CLOUD. I am talking about all this happening with you this time.

"And let them make Me a sanctuary; that I may dwell among them. According to all that I shew thee, after the pattern of the tabernacle and the pattern of all the instruments thereof, even so shall ye make it. Ex. 25:8-9 Build me a sanctuary that I may dwell among you".

Just as there is a line upon line in the physical with blood, water, and spirit, there is also a line upon line in the spirit. This spiritual line lines up within yourself when you see the same principles happening within your own ages and dispensation that is surrounded by your cloud (mind).

The incorporeal lines up and will take place within ourselves where no man can see. You will be the only one to experience these changes of ages and dispensation within yourself as the high priest (Yahshua) moves and crosses the veils in your understanding. To be continued. The Ark

Friday, March 30, 2007

Thoughts & Feelings

There is no egotistical glory in writing these articles. I'm just caught up. It's too thrilling to be egotistical.

Philoprogenitive means instinctive love for one's offspring. This is Love that comes without learning . It's already there in the heart and mind and bonds the parents to their offspring. It's when 2 come together to become one in their love making that the offspring will be in their likeness and image. Don't our children look like us? Well what's that all about? This whole creation looks like Yahweh because it came from His Source and Substance and when He made man He made him in His likeness and image. When Yahweh Elohim stepped down from the incorporeal to the corporeal the physical universe appeared. That's the power of "I will be what I will to be".

Now love is one of Yahweh's attributes. He is Love. Love is Spirit and Yahweh is Spirit and He expresses Himself in the shape and form of Love. He so loved the world (His purpose) that He gave His only begotten Son (Himself in shape and form ) and came down that who so ever believeth in Him will have eternal life.

That's how He set up the mystery as He hid Himself as His purpose so when He reveals Himself you can then believe in Him and have eternal life. That's His love for His own offspring.

Love is felt in our thoughts and feelings. Can you see your thoughts or feelings? Well right there Spirit is in shape and form declaring itself. Aren't thoughts the shape and form of your thinking? When you're thinking your inner man is taking on shape and form and you are moving out of your abstract state to reveal yourself unto yourself. Without thoughts we would be abstract and we could not even come down into the flesh as words. How can you articulate yourself without a thought first? You must have shape and form first then you can express yourself. Spirit first then the flesh.

Can't you see those divine attributes as divine thoughts that are dwelling and appearing in you now? They are your sons, all your thoughts of Yahweh as they are your offspring of the Spirit that you really are. Your life force (Spirit) that has no particular shape and form now is revealing itself in your cloud by divine thoughts and feelings. This is all taking place invisibility within you as you and your thoughts are one. Don't you fill your thoughts with your invisible presence within yourself? In other words you are the same Spirit when you are not thinking to when you are thinking, only now you have come down in organization.

Your thoughts declare your thinking.

See how Yahweh is making Himself known by coming down out of the abstract and taking on shape and form in His tabernacle which you call yours?

This is divine Love that He would reveal Himself unto us because at one time we were all spiritually blind as a thousand midnights. The darkness was so thick we couldn't even see Yahweh if He was staring back at us in the mirror and even closer than that when He was appearing in our cloud.

The reason that we are His offspring is because He is raising up seed unto Himself.

Look how this is manifested between 2 people who have produced a child out of their love for each other. Their 2 seeds came together in the invisible to become one to produce a offspring in their likeness and image. Look how much both of them will love that child. You can't deny that love. Same with Yahweh right now within your Spirit and Soul. We have come together in the invisible cloud to produce one new Man which is Yahweh's only Son. His own divine attributes have now appeared in our cloud by a divine vision and a divine revelation. We are bone of His bone and flesh of His flesh (The bones represent the inner man). Our soul is the shape and form of our spirit which is His.

We have all been taken out of Him and now are being put back in Him.

Seen and experienced on the right side of the cross (Present Kingdom Age understanding), those divine attributes are now written by Yahweh in our heart and mind. In the Most Holy Place of the 40 plate chart on the right side of the cross is a big heart shape with Yahshua sitting on the throne in the Present Kingdom Age. That is what is happening within us as He sits down in our MHP understanding. We are entering into His rest and in His Love and in His Beauty and in His Justice. We are now becoming His Intelligence, His Wisdom, and His Knowledge. See that?

His instinctive Love for His own offspring is now made known through this divine vision.

To know Yahweh you must experience Him through your thoughts and feelings. There's your heart and mind right there, thoughts and feelings. The Ark

Thursday, March 29, 2007


Adam broke one law, the Israelites broke 10 Laws, what makes you think you can keep laws? As a natural man Pharaoh would have given in to Moses about the time the first plague struck. But Yahweh hardened up Pharaoh's heart to make him a worthy adversary. Now who is running both sides of the purpose here?

Yahweh set up two mysteries right from the beginning, the Mystery of Righteousness and the Mystery of Iniquity. It played out in the Garden of Eden with Adam and Eve to set up the fall and to provide a contrast of good and evil (right and wrong) manifested down through the ages and dispensations of time. Right up till now, we can still see the lies being told in the world. It is all over the news, as governments, corporations, religion, and just plain ordinary folks are trying to cover up what they don't want others to know about. They don't want to reveal their true intents and purposes to continue a war in Iraq, to buy and sell stocks using insider trading, to protect the priests of the RC church and the murder and mayhem that is being played out all over the world.

But we who have an understanding see the lies and see their intents. We through this divine vision and revelation, our understanding (Yah-shua) are at peace about the purpose and plan unfolding in the News and in ourselves, as He IS COME and given us an understanding. (1 John 5: 19-20)

There are two covenants. (Jer. 31:31-33) One was under the law of Moses and wasn't meant to be kept and the other is written in our hearts and minds by the finger of Elohim. The second covenant is the law of the spirit of life and that one is involuntary and unbreakable.

We have two physiological systems in our bodies. One is voluntary and the other is involuntary. Within the voluntary side of ourselves we think that we are doing our own thing. We think we have free will to be what we want to be. That is a lie brought about by being 'like the most high'. Do you have that serpent picked up by the tale yet, or what? Yahweh said my counsel shall stand and I will do all my pleasure. Our voluntary functions give us the illusion that we are truly working and living our lives. That is the first covenant written in tables of stone. Our stony hardened hearts! Sound familiar? This is to point out that bad boy in us.

For that Day shall not come except there come a falling away first.......(II Thess.2:1-4)

When you examine how much of who and what we are truly is controlled by our involuntary systems, you will see that Yahweh's law of the spirit of life really is controlling and running us with unerring accuracy and infallibility. How's that you say?

1 Cor 3:16 Know ye not that ye are the temple of Yahweh, and that the Spirit of Yahweh dwelleth in you?

Isn't Yahweh Elohim the archetype (original) pattern of the Universe? If all things are made according to the pattern, the pattern being Yahweh Elohim, THE WORD OR LAW (I WILL BE WHAT I WILL BE), then how do you and me get free will? How do you and me get a voluntary system which includes our thoughts, motivations and intents? Wasn't Pharaoh and his host going according to the pattern? (Mystery of Iniquity). Wasn't the Israelites going according to the pattern? (Mystery of Righteousness).

When the High Priest went into the MHP on the Day of Atonement, the schechinah flashed and all of Israel's sins were forgiven. Where did you get your sin from then? If we are in the present kingdom age now, all sins, errors, transgressions of the law or laws have been blotted out as you and me have been nailed to the cross. Wow, do you see that? You and me spiritually speaking (our fleshly concepts are crucified) have been consumed by the brightness of his coming in our clouds. Yah-shua or Yah's salvation is Elohim and our Elohim or divine understanding is a consuming fire.

Colossians 2
18 Let no man beguile you of your reward in a voluntary humility and worshipping of angels, intruding into those things which he hath not seen, vainly puffed up by his fleshly mind,
19 And not holding the Head, from which all the body by joints and bands having nourishment ministered, and knit together, increaseth with the increase of Elohim.
20 Wherefore if ye be dead with the Messiah from the rudiments of the world, why, as though living in the world, are ye subject to ordinances,
21 (Touch not; taste not; handle not;
22 Which all are to perish with the using;) after the commandments and doctrines of men?
23 Which things have indeed a shew of wisdom in will worship, and humility, and neglecting of the body: not in any honour to the satisfying of the flesh.

So where is the sin or transgression of the Law now in the Present Kingdom Age? We are under the Law of the Spirit of Life, we are now and always have been. We just didn't know it at the time then present when our carnal minds were under the Ante and Post Diluvian Ages. But if Yahshua IS COME IN CLOUDS OF GLORY (YOUR CLOUD AS THE TRUE SPIRIT THAT YOU TRULY ARE) THEN YOU ARE FREE INDEED AND THIS IS ETERNAL LIFE. Knowing this, the second covenant is now come of effect. It reveals that both the involuntary and voluntary physiological systems of our bodies are one under the Law of the Spirit of Life and Yahweh Elohim is willing to be what he wills to be in us as he is the temple. It also reveals that the two mysteries (iniquity and righteousness) are really ONE. It also shows that the woman is clothed in the SON with the earth and moon (law) beneath our feet.

Ephesians 4
3 Endeavouring to keep the unity of the Spirit in the bond of peace.
4 There is one body, and one Spirit, even as ye are called in one hope of your calling;
5 One Yahweh, one faith, one baptism,
6 One Elohim and Father of all, who is above all, and through all, and in you all.

Stop and realize for a second what is being revealed here. We thought that we were doing our will, living our lives, making our mistakes or sins with our guilt and our shame. Then voluntarily we get righteous, and clean up our act because we have a knowledge of Yahweh. We are still under the Law or Post-Diluvian Age of conscience.

Matthew 15:8

This people draweth nigh unto me with their mouth, and honoureth me with their lips; but their heart is far from me.

What we do and think about through our voluntary functions is the set up of Pharaoh and his host. This is how Lucifer and 1/3 of an innumerable company of angels in principle were cast out of heaven never to return. These are the types and shadows to lead us unto seeing ourselves... for they are they that testify of me/you.

Now look closer at the types in the wilderness. Those Israelites who came out of Egypt and went into the Wilderness of Sinai all died except, Joshua (Yahshua), Caleb, Phineus. What made up the Israelites that went into conquer Canaan's Land were the ones born in the wilderness. Now look at our carnal thoughts of self and our physical identities and personalities. You don't think and I hope, that we don't have to go over into Heaven itself with our physical identities and voluntary thoughts do you? Those are going to die along with our physical forms and it is the new birth or new spiritual thoughts of awareness and consciousness of Yahweh as he really is and actually exists that will live forevermore. Those nine divine attributes taking on the body of heaven in his clearness that is formed in us (let this mind be in you that was in Yahshua the Messiah) will carry us on over into the ages to come and into eternity itself. There is nothing we can do to work up on it or earn it, as it is involuntary like the system of our bodies. Yahweh said he would write it in our hearts and minds and he would be our Elohim. Jer. 31:31

Now I titled this article 'Tongues on Fire', which is really cloven tongues of fire on Pentecost. Now my words they are spirit and they are life, sayeth Yahshua and our Elohim is a consuming fire. Now when the words light up your cloud as it did in Moses vision (a pillar of fire by night and a pillar of a cloud by day), then you are caught up into your cloud in a divine vision and revelation direct from Yahweh himself. Then we shall see Yahweh Elohim for ourselves in a re-run and him (our understanding or Yah-shua resurrected) walking down throughout of own ages and dispensations of time within the cloud symbolizing spirit or eternity. Now that will bring us right up to date or the NOW! There is no time in eternity so why stand ye gazing up into heaven, waiting for the restoration of the Kingdom and Yahshua's return?

Acts 1
6 When they therefore were come together, they asked of him, saying, Yahshua, wilt thou at this time restore again the kingdom to Israel?
7 And he said unto them, It is not for you to know the times or the seasons, which the Father hath put in his own power.
8 But ye shall receive power, after that the Holy Spirit is come upon you: and ye shall be witnesses unto me both in Jerusalem, and in all Judaea, and in Samaria, and unto the uttermost part of the earth.
9 And when he had spoken these things, while they beheld, he was taken up; and a cloud received him out of their sight.
10 And while they looked stedfastly toward heaven as he went up, behold, two men stood by them in white apparel;
11 Which also said, Ye men of Galilee, why stand ye gazing up into heaven? this same Yahshua, which is taken up from you into heaven, shall so come in like manner as ye have seen him go into heaven

1 Thessalonians 5
1 But of the times and the seasons, brethren, ye have no need that I write unto you.
2 For yourselves know perfectly that the day of Yahweh so cometh as a thief in the night.
3 For when they shall say, Peace and safety; then sudden destruction cometh upon them, as travail upon a woman with child; and they shall not escape.
4 But ye, brethren, are not in darkness, that that day should overtake you as a thief.
5 Ye are all the children of light, and the children of the day: we are not of the night, nor of darkness.
6 Therefore let us not sleep, as do others; but let us watch and be sober

Philippians 4
8 Finally, brethren, whatsoever things are true, whatsoever things are honest, whatsoever things are just, whatsoever things are pure, whatsoever things are lovely, whatsoever things are of good report; if there be any virtue, and if there be any praise, think on these things.

Hello You Yah!

peace and love, Spirit

Wednesday, March 28, 2007

Part 10...The 40 Plate Chart

I don't know about you, but I have been enjoying all the articles that have been written lately. They are very stimulating and they stir up the Spirit to become active and known. Faith without works is dead. It's seeing Yahweh work that builds up your faith, as He is revealed within yourself. That's the works of the Father and not of our own. Remember there was a time that we didn't see Yahweh work at all even though He was in plain view everyday of our lives. Now that He is revealing Himself, we see the works in everything.

Well we are down to plate 10 of the 40 plate chart which is the 5th day of Moses vision. Remember this is all happening while Moses's inner man is taken up into the phenomenal cloud. The point I want to make is that He is having a divine vision that Yahweh is showing him which is happening to us right now as our inner man is being taken up. Yes, this is a divine vision being explained by Yahweh Himself as the Spirit moves in each writer and reader. How else are we going to write unless we are having a divine vision? I could no more run this 40 plate chart unless Yahweh reveals Himself to me and you would not even understand the words as well. So we see it is Yahweh revealing Himself in our phenomenal cloud by divine vision.

Plate 10 is the biological formation and animation. The insects, fish and the birds in the air to name a few are all to point to Yahweh Himself. What makes the difference of animate and inanimate is the movement of Spirit. Yes, the inanimate is moving with atoms, but it is so slow we can't see it move. When something is animated its form is being filled with Life which is the physical manifestation of the movement of Spirit. Spirit is everything, as matter is Spirit materialized, but when we see life filling a form and movement is detected then life is manifested. The difference between life and death in a biological form is Spirit animation and Spirit not animating.

We forget what Life it is that is animating ourselves as we have been so caught up in our own images that we just think it is our own mind giving consciousness to ourselves. But in reality it is Yahweh Himself as He is Life and the one who filled the sanctuary. He is the spiritual and physical animation of all things as it is from His own Source and Substance that everything moves, lives and has its being. When you look at a nature program you are actually watching Spirit Law being demonstrated right in front of your eyes. With a correct understanding of Yahweh's purpose you will be able to see it all pointing to Yahweh. The divine attributes have been manifested in all things.

The word philoprogenitive, on the green chart, means instinctive love of ones offspring. Love is manifested without learning, in all mothers and fathers to care for their offspring. A mother will fight to her death to protect her offspring. The ornithological kingdom (birds) portray angels with their freedom of flight in the physical heavens. The building of a nest is Spirit law (Intelligence, Knowledge, and Wisdom, etc.) being expressed. Scientists have taken a bird and hatched it without its mother and the offspring still builds the nest the same way as the mother did. This is proving that they don't learn this, but it is instinctive. This is Yahweh Himself manifesting His divine attributes in the flesh. He is the actual Intelligence that makes all the atoms to come together to produce gas, liquid and solid.

Animation comes from the movement of Spirit in the flesh. The biological formation and then biological animation that you see on this 5th day is none other than Yahweh materializing Himself into His own creating and then moving in it. Most of the world looks up in the sky for God, but Yahweh is the formation and animation Himself. This what we learned by divine vision that Yahweh has the power to take on shape and form both in the spiritual and the physical. When you look at yourself and your own formation and animation, guess who you are?

The difference of knowing and not knowing is in the divine vision and divine revelation, which is the organized formation and animation of all those divine attributes working and revealing themselves. That is what we mean when we say Yahweh Elohim, which is the divine vision and revelation of Yahweh Himself. It's still the one spirit but now is making Himself known. We tend to leave Yahweh Elohim on the charts in history on top of mount Sinai when in fact this super incorporeal form is what is taking on shape and form within ourselves. This is spiritual formation and spiritual animation and the instinctive love of all your spiritual offspring (those spiritual thoughts that know Yahweh as He really is and actually exist) you will love automatically without any of your leaning. Just like when a bird builds its nest without learning, you will have Yahweh reveal Himself so that you will know the Father. No man knows the Father but the Son and no man knows the Son but the Father.

That is why it is being revealed and not really learned in reality. Many people have come and gone and they all heard the same words, so what's makes one stay and one go? Yahweh Himself. "And Yahweh added to the congregation daily such as were being saved". Acts 2:47

Keep in mind that as you go down these 40 plates that it is really Yahweh expressing Himself in the physical. It's like a slide rule, you pull the divine attributes over all the charts along with the help of the tabernacle pattern. Remember that Yahweh Elohim is the archetype (original) pattern of the universe. To be continued. The Ark

Tuesday, March 27, 2007

A More Glorious Structure

When you think about how glorious the first tabernacle was that was built in the wilderness, it pales in comparison to the Temple built after the Israelites conquered Canaan's Land. Solomon's Temple Dome outshone the noon day sun. It was made of gold.

These are only types and shadows or the visible that points to the invisible ever presence of Yahweh Elohim who is the true light, not that sun in the sky, but the True light that lights up the Law and Prophets which testify of him in us. This is the true SON which brings forth the seed, not that sun out there which is a type also, but the SON who brings forth the seed or Word in us now. As we read this light is giving us an understanding of the words written or spoken. We have natural light or the light of your computer screen, or the lights in your house, but this LIGHT lights up your understanding in your own clouds. This is the true Elohim and eternal life.

We all read about Moses, the prophets, Yahshua, the Pattern, the correlations, Institute and Fulfill, which was very glorious when we first heard it taught to us in class. Even Dr. Kinley, the charts, the deans, the teachers, the classes, the conventions, the choirs, the clothes folks would wear at the conventions and the speakers were glorious. We all marveled at the ceremonies and traditions of class and how we looked forward to gathering together to share in this glorious Divine Vision and Revelation that was being taught. Some folks still do glory in the class structure, the speakers and ceremony.

But the glory that is revealed in us now in clouds/spirit as Yahshua is come, exceeds all of what we beheld and were taught. Much like a seed which has no comeliness that one would desire the seed shell, but what comes forth from the seed after it is planted, watered, and the sun light quickens the interior revealing. We behold a much more glorious structure in the body of heaven in His clearness. We see the fruits, the flower head, the god head, not just the stem and branches. We are blessed beyond imagination to be a witness to what is grown and what we can eat now of the tree of life. We are home once again in the Garden of Eden, one with the Father in spirit and in truth.

love and peace, Spirit

2 Corinthians 3

3:1 Do we begin again to commend ourselves? or need we, as some others, epistles of commendation to you, or letters of commendation from you?

3:2 Ye are our epistle written in our hearts, known and read of all men:

3:3 Forasmuch as ye are manifestly declared to be the epistle of the Messiah ministered by us, written not with ink, but with the Spirit of the living Elohim; not in tables of stone, but in fleshy tables of the heart.

3:4 And such trust have we through the Messiah toward Yahweh:

3:5 Not that we are sufficient of ourselves to think any thing as of ourselves; but our sufficiency is of Yahweh;

3:6 Who also hath made us able ministers of the new testament; not of the letter, but of the spirit: for the letter killeth, but the spirit giveth life.

3:7 But if the ministration of death, written and engraven in stones, was glorious, so that the children of Israel could not stedfastly behold the face of Moses for the glory of his countenance; which glory was to be done away:

3:8 How shall not the ministration of the spirit be rather glorious?

3:9 For if the ministration of condemnation be glory, much more doth the ministration of righteousness exceed in glory.

3:10 For even that which was made glorious had no glory in this respect, by reason of the glory that excelleth.

3:11 For if that which is done away was glorious, much more that which remaineth is glorious.

3:12 Seeing then that we have such hope, we use great plainness of speech:

3:13 And not as Moses, which put a vail over his face, that the children of Israel could not steadfastly look to the end of that which is abolished:

3:14 But their minds were blinded: for until this day remaineth the same veil untaken away in the reading of the old testament; which veil is done away in the Messiah.

3:15 But even unto this day, when Moses is read, the veil is upon their heart.

3:16 Nevertheless when it shall turn to Yahweh, the veil shall be taken away.

3:17 Now Yahweh is that Spirit: and where the Spirit of Yahweh is, there is liberty.

3:18 But we all, with open face beholding as in a glass the glory of Yahweh, are changed into the same image from glory to glory, even as by the Spirit of Yahweh.

We Know No Man After The Flesh

Thou wilt shew me the path of life:in thy presence is fulness of joy; at Thy right hand there are pleasures for evermore. Psalms. 16: 11.

Notice it says on the right hand which points to the right side of the cross the Present Kingdom Age.

A lot of people get caught up in the biblical atmosphere of this divine vision which becomes church like and feeds the physical imagination. We have all got caught up in religious movies before and because it's from the bible we feel kind of holy as we use to do when we walked in a church. Many of these false imaginary emotions get consumed when you enter the phenomenal cloud in the divine vision's true understanding, but a lot has been dragged over into each age by the physical mind.

The fantasy that the physical mind creates out of the bible characters makes them seem special or saintly, but they were all just ordinary people like you and me. You could not pick them out in the crowd just like you can't pick us out of all the people walking around in this world.

In this age we know no man after the flesh, even though we knew Yahshua the Messiah after the flesh 2000 years ago by the law and prophets, henceforth or from now on, we don't even know him no more that way.

Childhood memories can also create biblical scenes within our minds of what it would be like to walk around Jerusalem with the Messiah like the movies depict, but those scenes in movies were not the way it really happened. Hollywood glamorized those events and our imagination does the rest. We have a lot of concepts to be fulfilled and move out of the way. You see these have an affect on our self righteousness of thinking that we have to be that way of being pure and clean, but all this is really Ante and Post Diluvian Age thinking. This is how religious fever is created.

The Roman Catholic church calls them saints and has elevated their flesh. They are now called St. Peter, St. Paul, or St. Matthew, St Mark, St. Luke, and St. John etc. None of these boys belonged to the Roman Catholic church and they were not called saints.

You see what this beautiful angel called the devil did, that was cast out of heaven into the earth, was to set up his kingdom on earth and create a religious deception. His job is to deceive you into worshipping him rather than Yahweh. How he does this is through creating organized religion. He uses the bible and worships God in churches to keep you from finding and knowing Yahweh as He really is and actually exists. So he creates this deception of religious worship of beauty and glory and overshadows the real truth. Remember he is like the Most High. He will copy and use the same words as this is how he transforms himself into a angel of light.

Just as Cain built a city so did this spirit build the Tower of Babel and you even pick him up in Pharaoh in Egypt building his treasure cities. That is why the Roman Catholic church went out an built Vatican city. Same old spirit that was cast out of heaven now deceiving the whole world and glorifying the flesh. All under the law. This veil of deception has been put on all the minds of Christianity, as well as the Jews and Moslems and even in all the Eastern philosophies etc. Now people think they have to be good to get into heaven which is the deception that the ego falls into easily because it wants to do something to justify itself.

It becomes religious self glorification which lines up with the beautiful angel's deception to trick you into worshipping him rather than Yahweh Elohim who is now appearing in our clouds by this divine vision. They have God up in the sky as far away from where He really is dwelling right in your cloud and even has you worship Jesus or Yahshua 2000 years ago. That's right I said Yahshua 2000 years ago. He has made an image like the Most High out of all the religious stories, glorifying men in the flesh and in this age we know no man after the flesh.

When Yahweh said He would appear in the cloud in the Most Holy Place, he fulfilled that at the day of Pentecost which changed the age from Post Diluvian to the Present Kingdom Age which is the 3rd physical age which ties in with the Most Holy Place where Yahweh said he would dwell in the cloud. This has happened to us as Yahshua appears in the cloud within you now. He is writing His law in our hearts and mind. He is writing the dispensation and ages chart within us. He is writing the migratory pattern within us. He is making all the principles that happened in the law and prophets to appear in our cloud. That is Yahshua coming in the clouds with all his mighty angels or divine thoughts of reality.

Once he appears on the charts and in the bible, he now resurrects to the Archetype (original) pattern which is known in our clouds. It's time for him to be known in the clouds and for Yahweh to pitch His tabernacle that man cannot build. By man not building it I am talking about you figuring it out by yourself. It has to be revealed.

Now of the things which we have spoken this is the sum. Out of everything we have heard and read in or out of class about Yahweh and His purpose, this is the sum. We have such a High Priest, Who is set on the right hand of the throne of the Majesty in the heavens. (not on the left hand or in the Post Diluvian Age thoughts but in the Present Kingdom Age understanding which is the right hand of Yahweh in reality). A minister of the sanctuary, and of the true tabernacle, which Yahweh pitched and not man. Heb. 8: 2

The one that is appearing in your cloud is the one that Yahweh pitched and not man. That's the true tabernacle. That is the true one that He is ministering in. That divine understanding that is appearing in your heart and mind, is the true tabernacle that no man can build or recreate because it is being revealed in a divine vision and understood in a divine revelation. That's the one in your mount.

Wherefore henceforth know we no man after the flesh (not some men but all men), yea, though we have known the Messiah after the flesh, yet now henceforth know we Him no more.Therefore if any man be in the Messiah, he is a new creature: old things are passed away: behold all things (not some things) are become new. 2 Cor. 5:16-17

And then shall they see the Son of Man coming in the clouds with great power and glory. Mark. 13: 26

And we know that the Son of Yahweh has come, and hath given us an understanding, that we may know Him that is true, even in His Son Yahshua the Messiah. This (not that one 2000 years ago) but This is the true Elohim (the one who hath come in us and given us an understanding in our cloud that's the true Elohim), and eternal life . 1 John. 5: 20

You see the one who is appearing in our clouds is the true Elohim. Everything else is a type and shadow or school master to lead us unto the Messiah. Isn't the incorporeal Son the original Son of Yahweh? Think about it.

Even the mystery which hath been hid from ages (Ante and Post Diluvian ages) and from generations, but now (Present Kingdom Age) is made manifest to His sons: To whom Yahweh would make known what is the riches of the glory of this mystery among the Nations; which is the Messiah in you, the hope of glory. Col.1:26-27.

We know no man after the flesh. The Ark

Monday, March 26, 2007

Part 9...The 40 Plate Chart

We know that everything physical has a spiritual meaning. The sun, moon and stars on the 4th day depicted the Son, the Law and the angels. The cycle of one year is showing the death, burial, resurrection and glorification. Falling stars are a manifestation of angels being cast out of heaven and the list goes on.

We must remember there was a crucifixion when Yahweh crossed over into the super incorporeal as Yahweh Elohim. The one in the flesh is only a type as all physical manifestations are. The one in the flesh is used to get your physical emotions going as you see with your physical eyes a physical body suffering for you. The nails in the hands and feet and all the suffering is meant to get to your physical mind. The churches use this to get you to feel condemned and guilty so that you will do anything for Jesus or even using Yahshua's image 2000 years ago in the schools. This great image has been seared with a hot iron into all of our minds since being children and still plays its role in making you feel guilty.

What Yahweh is doing up here right now, is destroying all images as He Himself is being revealed in Spirit and in Truth. No more Dr. Kinley's image, Joseph's image and yes even Yahshua the Messiah's image . It all has to go. That is part of the earth being burnt up. I told you from the being that what is on the 40 plate chart in plates 2 and 3 is the only thing that will survive, as those divine attributes are Spiritual. There is no flesh attached to it or any images. They are Pure Spirit without spots or blemish.

When Yahweh crossed over from Pure Spirit into the incorporeal and then into the corporeal into His purpose and plan, that was a crucifixion. He came down which is a type of death. This is Yahweh playing out His purpose and plan and He is the one who has set the limits and bounds of His will. You can't kill Yahweh but when He moves out of His perfection stage (His Rest), He manifests a death principle as now He has to carry out His will. That is the lamb slain from the foundations of the earth. As soon as Yahweh dies to His purpose by coming down into it, everything in it will reflect this death. But just as Yahweh doesn't really die, then it is also reflected with the burial, and resurrection and finally the glorification.

You see the crucifixion that happened in the 4000th year is the only one we heard about most of our lives. Our physical mind and emotions got fixated on this event not realizing that it was only to point to spiritual things. It was played out in the physical to point to the one in the spirit. That is why I am harping on Yahweh Elohim being the real and only true Son. Everything else is a type and shadow.

Name one thing that can be greater than divine Intelligence, Wisdom, Knowledge, Love, Beauty, Justice, Foundation , Power and Strength? There is none. Nothing can come up to these divine attributes and say, "I am the real savior not you". He is the head of all things. He is not going to create anything greater than Himself because that is impossible since He is the Source and Substance.

Yes He came down into the physical but now He has resurrected a quickening Spirit. Can you draw what a quickening Spirit looks like? We can't even draw a picture of a thought. The images you see on the 40 plate chart are just pictorial illustrations. Angels don't have wings with little cherub faces with no sex organs. Angels are ministering spirits. Can you draw a picture of a ministering spirit? A ministering spirit is when you realize Pure Truth. It has administered to you as divine thought in Pure Spirit. Can you draw a picture of that?

You see Pure Truth will expose you if you try to fight it. You can't come up to Yahweh and say this is better than you because He will reject your sacrifice. If you come up to Yahweh crying for any image and saying that it is your savior, you know what He is going to say don't you? If you come up any other way than through the divine attributes, then your worshipping an false image, regardless who you think you are. Yahweh Elohim is the only mediator between man and Yahweh (Pure Spirit) and plates 2 and 3 will tell who is the only mediator. I am only presenting the Truth as it is revealed to me without men's persons in admiration. All images have to be torn down, and that is precisely what is taking place within our hearts and minds.

Look how far you have come already and how many false images have been burnt up since coming in contact with this divine vision. And it is not Dr. Kinley's vision. It is Yahweh Elohim Himself revealing Himself in a divine vision and revelation. There is a difference when Pure Spirit burns up all images and any other names that have surrounded these great and magnificent divine attributes. To be continued. The Ark

Part 8...The 40 Plate Chart

The 9th plate is proving that there is life after death as has been so beautifully depicted by those that are writing. Life follows death in the seasons of the year. There is a constant repeat of this life following death in our cells being replaced everyday, the food we eat is dead and is buried within us and gives new life and resurrects into the blood system, and yes even our thoughts are being replaced daily with new ones. All through these plates there is life following death. The greatest example is when Yahshua resurrects a quickening spirit 2000 years ago, but this is only still a type and shadow. Let me explain.

If you notice that the sun is placed in the sky on the 4th day, which we know points to Yahshua the Messiah coming in 4000 years from Adam in time and history. We have also asked, how can the seed come up on the 3rd day without the sun and the answer is we have been looking at the wrong sun, as it is Yahweh Elohim the real Son that is making everything have life. Yahweh Elohim is the true Son that is making the seed come up on the 3rd day. Well this is a powerful revelation when you put it on what is happening today. The whole world is caught up in the wrong Son that came in the 4000th year on a cross.

We were all caught up in the Son that came in the 4000th year from Adam thinking this was our savior when in fact it was Yahweh Elohim (those divine attributes organized in a shape and form seen only in a divine vision and revelation) that was making the seed resurrect in ourselves. It was not running the correlation's of blood, water and spirit mechanically and pointing to an image that came in the 4000th year that gave us the true understanding of Yahweh as He really is and actually exists. But it was Yahweh Elohim in our hearts and minds resurrecting a quickening spirit. That is the Son you want to be in, not the image in history and in time.

Do you remember we have said that the devil lost Yahshua after the cross when he resurrected a quickening spirit and all he can see is something physical, which is everything that happened up to the cross. Well, we did the same thing ourselves even though we said he resurrected a quickening spirit and not a physical body. Why not now take the law and prophets and point the true Son coming in you? That is what is happening as we get all this stuff off the charts and point it within the cloud of ourselves. If you want to know who Yahshua really is, then begin at Moses and all the prophets because it's all laid out in types and shadows which is the visible to point to the invisible. Do you see what I am saying? I am saying that Yahweh Elohim is the true Son (that's Yahshua without the flesh) and it's even written across the name board every time you come to class.

Yes, we have to take the physical to understand the spiritual, that's why we had to go over and over institute and fulfill as this was our physical that is going to point to our spiritual when He truly comes in you or in other words when the true second covenant is written in our hearts and minds. What will this do, you might ask? Make you one with the Father in Spirit and in Truth. Am I destroying the law and prophets ? No, I am fulfilling them and bringing them to an end, so the real Yahshua can appear in our cloud. That has to happen in your cloud. What has to happen, you might ask? The fulfillment of what was instituted when you first came into class. I am taking about the true Son now coming in your heart and mind witnessed by the law and prophets and not in the 4000th year.

This is what I am seeing on the 4th day, plate 9 of the 40 plate chart. I am now looking at all this happening in my cloud, just like it is supposed to happen in yours. Remember the charts are surrounded by a cloud. We have to keep in mind that the reason that Yahweh institutes all the physical examples in us is so that He can use this to point to the spiritual. He has to now come in our dispensations and ages within our cloud and move us into the Most Holy Place of our understanding.

Yahshua on the cross that came in the 4000th year is not your true savior. That is only the physical. Go back to plates 2 and 3 and you will find your true savior and the true Son. Once He reveals Himself in the physical, then He will reveal Himself in the spiritual. Ask yourself what does Yahshua look like? Is he skinny, with a beard and long hair? Ask yourself what the divine attributes look like? Now do you see the difference? One is only a type and the other is the real one. Which one are you declaring to your world?

So we see the sun appearing on the 4th day was not the sun that made the seed come up on the 3rd day. Neither is the Son appearing in the 4000 year the son who made your seed come up out of your earthly mind. It was Yahweh Elohim, the true Son in both cases. You don't believe me? Then what came out of the grave after the death and burial? What was poured out on the day of Pentecost? So by learning all about Yahshua 2000 years ago and all the principles that happened in the ages and dispensations etc., it will all point to the real one when it happens to you.

What you see on all the charts are only examples of heavenly things. Don't we say that we are making the exodus out of Egypt to the Promised Land within ourselves? Well how about the rest of the story on all the charts? When you are put in those divine attributes that is when you are in the true Son.

"And there appeared a great wonder IN HEAVEN. A woman clothed in the sun (Son) and the moon (the law) was under her feet and upon her head a crown of twelve stars" (which are the twelve divine attributes (9 plus the three in the Kingdom, Peace, Righteousness, and Joy ). Rev.12: 2 To be continued. The Ark

Sunday, March 25, 2007


Do you realize that there are gentile nations and Jews that war against us in our hearts and minds. This is what makes us twain or two people. Eph. 2:15 We have a knowledge of the world which we were brought up in including our own thoughts, beliefs opinions and concepts built up by our own experiences and learning. These are the gentile nations. We also have a knowledge of the pattern, correlations, Law and Prophets, and the true names which also include much study and experiences in and out of class. (these are our Jews or Israelites).

To put it more simply, we have Ante Diluvian experiences and Post Diluvian experiences which are made up of ministering spirits in our minds. Yahweh is the author of our own histories, which the biblical history points to in principle in us. For we live, move and have our being in Yahweh. Just as he inspired Moses and the Prophets to write about His-tory in Ante and Post Diluvian ages, he is also the inspiration (author and finisher) of what we have been through since being born into this world.

Eph. 2:15 Having abolished in his flesh the enmity, even the law of commandments contained in ordinances; for to make in himself of twain one new man, so making peace.

We may not fully understand how Yahweh's purpose and plan not only plays out in the world, but in class, on the internet and in ourselves. But Yahshua our divine resurrected understanding is the savior and comforter of it all through the word of reconciliation. There is the LOVE!

2 Cor. 5:18-20 And all things are of Yahweh, who hath reconciled us to himself by Yahshua the Messiah, and hath given to us the ministry of reconciliation;To wit, that Yahweh was in the Messiah, reconciling the world unto himself, not imputing their trespasses unto them; and hath committed unto us the word of reconciliation. Now then we are ambassadors for the Messiah, as though Elohim did beseech you by us: we pray you in the Messiah's stead, be ye reconciled to Yahweh.
Did you catch that? ..."not imputing their trespasses unto them"...and have committed unto us the word of reconciliation. THERE IS THE LOVE!!!

Do you see how the gentile nations in us excused or accused one another? Roms 2:14-15 Likewise our own self-righteous knowledge of the law and prophets condemn or justify one another. We exact vengeance or wrath upon those who are in disagreement with our own personal interpretation of the Law. Roms 8th. Even though we think it is the Holy Spirit in us revealing the truth.

Roms.2:14-15 For when the Gentiles, which have not the law, do by nature the things contained in the law, these, having not the law, are a law unto themselves: Which shew the work of the law written in their hearts, their conscience also bearing witness, and their thoughts the mean while accusing or else excusing one another;

When Yahshua shows up in our clouds he rightly divides the word of truth and we are reconciled and we see how all things fit. His presence is the comforter as what was a mystery or confusion is reconciled through his mind. Let this mind be in you that was in Yahshua the Messiah.

Philippians 2 2:1-5 If there be therefore any consolation in the Messiah, if any comfort of love, if any fellowship of the Spirit, if any bowels and mercies, Fulfill ye my joy, that ye be likeminded, having the same love, being of one accord, of one mind. Let nothing be done through strife or vainglory; but in lowliness of mind let each esteem other better than themselves. Look not every man on his own things, but every man also on the things of others. Let this mind be in you, which was also in the Messiah Yahshua.

Here is the LOVE!

love and peace, Spirit

Saturday, March 24, 2007

Part 2...For I Will Appear In The Cloud

Now the world is locked up in their own Ante Diluvian Age thoughts. Our thoughts can go there but we are not held in bondage anymore because Yahweh has separated the light from the darkness.

In our Present Kingdom Age thoughts is where the Jew and Gentiles become one new man within you. Taking the principles of what a Jew and Gentile represent within our mind as Spirit broke down in his article ' Here is the Love', you can see that it's in Yahshua the Messiah (those divine attributes now taking on shape and form) that can reconcile the two to become one. That can only happen in the Present Kingdom Age understanding because we know no man after the flesh, not even ourselves. (No Man)

In the Present Kingdom Age Yahshua does not appear in his physical body. He has consumed it and resurrected a quickening Spirit. He is now incorporeal in our Present Kingdom Age thoughts. That's the change within you that I have been teaching about. The law and prophets pointed him out 2000 years ago. We could see him fulfill as he walked in the Post Diluvian Age. When he poured out the Holy Spirit on the day of Pentecost, the age changed as we know the principles of what happened. The veil in the temple was ripped in two which represented the mystery being removed as Yahshua entered into heaven (MHP). That is why it's called the Kingdom of heaven because it's not physical anymore(Present KINGDOM Age).

In the Present Kingdom Age, Yahshua disappeared from the flesh and now will appear in the clouds. "That where I am (not where I am going) there you maybe also". Well where was he when he said that? He was Yahweh in a physical body. So that is the place that we are to be also as now Yahshua can enter us because he has removed the flesh. The place that he went to prepare was taking the flesh off so he could appear within us. This happened in the Present Kingdom Age, not the Post or the Ante Diluvian Ages. This is rightly dividing the Word of truth.

When people are still taking about you going to the lake to justify that they are right and you are wrong and you being accountable and that Yahweh will punish you, that's Post Diluvan. If you think you are going to suffer that is a Post Diluvian God mind set. That's not the new covenant being written in our heart and mind in love, that's the old covenant. When people try to frighten you to be obedient or else your not going to be saved, that's also Post Diluvian. There's more to these age changes within you than meets the eye.

What age do you think a Jehovah's Witness is in? How about a Roman Catholic and all the other churches? Even though in time everybody is in the Present Kingdom Age, mentally or spiritually they are not in the new testament age. None of them know this but still they think they are in the Present Kingdom Age. In time it appears they are, but not in their understanding. Most of them are still practicing carnal ordinances and salvation by works which puts them mentally in the Post Diluvian Age. The whole world is in the Ante Diluvian Age held in bondage to their own physical mind and all its host of thoughts. In Adam all died.

You see the age changed when Doc took the flesh off and many didn't see it just like they didn't see it 2000 years ago because it was an internal happening. When he took the flesh off He appeared in the clouds and started to write his law in their hearts and minds. Same thing up here. Doc is in his incorporeal body writing his law in our hearts and mind that we are the same Spirit as he was.

Now understanding Yahweh in our Ante Diluvian Age thoughts he was hidden from us and remained a mystery. When He appeared in our Post Diluvian Age thoughts, He appeared as the tabernacle pattern. When He appears in our Present Kingdom Age thoughts He appears as the Temple. We know that the Temple outshined the noonday sun as it was a more glorious structure than the old weather beaten tabernacle. Yes the tabernacle went into the Temple just as the principles that we have all learned goes into the reality of knowing Yahweh as He really is and actually exists.

Just ask yourself where the tabernacle was built and where the temple was built, then line up the pattern with the 3 physical ages with the migratory pattern and you will have your answer.

Some people might say that Yahweh appeared within them before Doc took the flesh off. He was only appearing in the Post Diluvian Age understanding while he was in the flesh. When he took the flesh off, that is when He would appear in our Most Holy Place understanding which lines up with the Present Kingdom Age. He first appeared to us as all our visible witnesses in our Post Diluvian Age and now is appearing in our clouds as the invisible witnesses written in our hearts and mind.

Now this Jew and Gentile things is a real humdinger. It applies to what is within you as Clive as being telling you. This is a great mystery just like seeing the ages within you and how your thoughts changes in each age. The principle as Spirit said about the sheet being let down 3 times (1,2,3) was to show that it was time for the Gentile nations to be grafted into the body of Yahshua, not his physical body, but his spiritual body because he doesn't have one in the Present Kingdom Age. Is that almost right? See what has to happen when you line all the principles up by the pattern. You have something to go by and guide line to tell you what must come to pass.

Within us now is the spiritual body of Yahshua the Messiah and in that spiritual body is the Jew and Gentile becoming one NEW MAN. You see the 3rd trip in the mount also ties in with the Present Kingdom Age and the principles in the 3rd trip are being made known unto us. Inside ourselves we now know no man after the flesh, although we have known the Messiah after the flesh, henceforth, or from now on, we know him no more.

A lot of people don't know how the pattern works in the mind or cloud. All they know is on the charts or in the bible. When you mention a age change they automatically look out there. When you mention the Present Kingdom Age changing up here, they say it already happened at Pentecost AD 33 June the 6th around 9 o'clock in the morning. Now if Yahshua went away in a cloud in a divine vision and it's said he will come back the same way, then when he comes it will be in the cloud. That is why all this information is now appearing in your cloud and not on the charts or in the bible. The charts and bible are the physical happening and what is taking place within you is the spiritual happening. He has resurrected folks out of the bible and off the charts.

Now what happened to those that didn't receive the Holy Spirit at Pentecost? They remained in the Post Diluvian Age mind set (just like Christianity are up here) and never seen the change in their heart and mind, and that is exactly what is happening up here. What is appearing in your cloud is the real happening. The Ark

Thursday, March 22, 2007

Part 7...The 40 Plate Chart

Plate 8 is the resurrection of the seed on the 3rd day growing up through its stages coming out of bondage to the soil into the bud stage and on into fruition (1,2,3). The earth appears being buried by the seas and we start the cycle of life. Each seed is sending a message of the death, burial and resurrection and glorification of Yahshua the true seed that everything is pointing to. This of course is happening within our hearts and mind as the true seed resurrects out of our earthly mind and we become glorified in The Son, Yahweh Elohim, which are those divine attributes organized in a shape and form of spiritual awareness. The fruit on the trees depicts the spiritual fruit from the tree of life. Remember everything Yahweh is transforming into is to point to Himself and His purpose and plan which is being carried out within ourselves from the day of our conception.

I was reading a book the other day called Amazon Beaming and these words jumped off the page right on time as we are talking about the seed on the 3rd day. "Contained in each seed is its own future germination". Wow! Yahweh reveals Himself in all things and He shows you that we are on the right path by revealing Himself and giving us the information we need. Inside the seed is the future germination of itself as you can't see it but it they're ready to come down into shape and form and take on the physical manifestation of itself. Are you listening?

Didn't Yahweh come out of His own source and substance to take on shape and form within Himself to form the physical creation and manifest Himself? That is why it's happening all the time right in front of us when we see apples hanging on a tree, a baby being born, crops growing out of the ground, etc. etc. etc. You can't see the purpose in Pure Spirit until it comes down out of abstraction to appear as the visible. What all the seeds are doing is pointing to Yahweh as this is Spirit materialized. This is how everything enters the physical world. If you really stop and take a look all around you, you will see the miracle as all things are coming into physical existence out of an invisible substance. We don't see it because it is happening all around us and we have excepted as the normal way of life. I mean how does a banana tree that is next to a apple tree that is in the same dirt produce different fruit? If you back up where all the fruit is coming from it's contained invisibly in the seed. You can't see it but the Spirit that will be the fruit comes in a slowed down version instead of instantaneous creation. The whole creation, including us is Yahweh willing to be what He wills to be.

As was so beautifully described in my brothers latest epistle about how we came into existence from within the sperm and egg and took on shape and form in the womb and finally after 9 months we enter physical existence. We were all once invisible. Where were you before you took on shape and form? I don't think we all have grasped the full reality of this yet. We have said it so many times that it's hidden.

When Yahweh calls you up into your own mount the 3rd time into the phenomenal cloud within yourself, you will see and truly understand as you will have to put a veil over your face when you come down into the world. This reality is going to light you up to where you have never been lit up before. This is going to blow your mind and do mean that literally. It's going to blow your physical mind to kingdom come and I do mean that literally, (smile). The Kingdom will come when Yahweh reveals Himself in a divine vision and revelation.

Contained within Yahweh, within you, is your own future germination. Your life into this world is literally taking on shape and form out of invisibility. This is happening both in your physical body and your mind. You are being drawn out of your invisible self from a seed, fetus, baby, young child, teenager, and adult right up to where you are right now. You have grown from nothing in your head to billions of thoughts which take on shape and form as your understanding of the physical creation and yourself. This is all to point to spiritual things because in our cloud the spiritual seed is coming out of abstraction, taking on shape and form as organized divine attributes to make your real self known within the cloud of yourself.

We didn't know anything about Yahweh when we first came into class (invisibility) and as we learned all the information it started to take on shape and form from within the true seed that was always there. The purpose was already set up even before you manifested into physical form. The tree is already there in the seed but has to come out and go through the stages. The seed was already there laying dormant in our earthly minds waiting for the right words (The True Son to shine) to enter our heart and mind to start to grow automatically without any works.

Contained in each seed its own future germination. That my friends is our life from start to finish. The seed of Abraham had to come up out of bondage of Egypt and go into the Promised Land. It's already set up by the pattern. The Red Sea and River Jordan are already there. As soon as Yahweh took on shape and form within Himself as Yahweh Elohim, the purpose was in motion. It's coming right out of Himself and don't leave it way back there in time as this is and is happening right up with our beginning into this world. Seed bearing seed after its own kind is the Spirit of Yahweh producing seed after Himself. We are His off-spring and have grown up to become one with the Father. What is the seed to grow up into? Yahweh Himself.

This is the whole purpose to raise up seed unto Himself. We are doing it with our children in the physical as Yahweh is doing it with His children in the spirit. Yahweh is taking on shape and form right out of Himself and it's all happening right now as the true seed germinates into its own future within your own cloud. Hello, you, Yah. To be continued. The Ark

For I Will Appear In The Cloud

Within our mind or cloud are Ante Diluvian thoughts, Post Diluvian thoughts and Present Kingdom Age thoughts. This is the invisible pattern that Yahweh pitched and not man. Yahweh pitched this one because He is the only one to reveal this within you. You're the only one who can now see this rightly dividing the word of truth within yourself. You now can detect by the pattern which age your thoughts are in by rightly dividing the principles in each age. It's Yahweh's divine attributes that are appearing as the ages within you. That's how they appear invisibly in the cloud.

Crossing these veils takes place within your awareness and is all done by how you understand Yahweh. Each age change depicts a different perception of how you look at Yahweh manifesting as yourself, as the world and in the bible, which you will realize in your 3rd trip understanding that they are all one and the same Spirit.

We all started out in life in our ante Diluvian age thoughts, then passed a veil of understanding when we came into class which put us in our Post Diluvian thoughts and finally resurrected spiritually into the Present Kingdom Age thoughts to realize the reality of what we were being taught.

You see the reality of this divine vision is not on the charts or in the bible as they are only our visible school master pointing to the spiritual principles taking place in our heart and mind. You only have to go back and see where this divine vision was originally perceived from to confirm this as Dr. Kinley saw all this within himself and then made the charts. Same with the bible all those boys were caught up in their own clouds first then they wrote what they saw and experienced.

Now what is all happening up here is the focus of attention is now resurrecting off the charts and out of the bible as Yahweh has revealed Himself to us in the visible and now He is revealing Himself in the invisible. You don't destroy the charts or the bible, He comes to fulfill them and translates them into reality by his resurrection in our heart and mind. That's how and why it's all appearing within us now because he said he would come in the clouds.

Now because we have a pattern to go by, you can now see this same pattern operating in our thoughts and can really divide which thoughts are administering to us. This is done by the Holy Spirit as this is the only teacher.

OK here are some examples of how we understood Yahweh in each age: Our Ante Dilivuan thoughts are our thoughts of the world before we came into contact with this divine vision. Yahweh was hidden to us.We had a sky God. We had opinions of what God was or even went to church, but our thoughts were really dead as we had a carnal mind and were held in bondage to it. We only saw our flesh and were controlled by our physical mind. You can add anything else in this age that you can think of that kept you in darkness serving your ego and it's host of thoughts. Even if you didn't believe in a God, you believed in your own self and worshipped that.

Post Diluvian thoughts were our thoughts when we first came into class and started to learn about Yahweh's name, the pattern, institute and fulfill and generally what we learned on all the charts including the scriptures. In this age our thoughts were of class and the teaching of the divine vision. We learned about how Christianity was all wrong and how Yahshua was fulfilling instead of instituting. We learned the migratory pattern and how things correlated one to another. We learned how our bodies were a tabernacle and how each vessel correlated to the vessels in the tabernacle. We were taught how the God head or His supernal nature manifested. We started to learn and understand Yahweh's purpose down through the ages and dispensations of time. We saw ourselves as children of Yahweh as He taught us His pattern and plan. We felt like we were on top of the world and the whole world laid in wickedness. We were taught how to put the bible together by the pattern and the difference between the old and new covenants. I could go on but you get what I am talking about.

Now Present Kingdom Age thoughts are those thoughts that know Yahweh as He really is and actually exists.They are filled with the reality of knowing Yahweh in Spirit and in Truth. These thoughts are high above our Post and Ante Diluvian thoughts as the heaven is above the earth. We have all experienced these thoughts as these are our Most Holy Place thoughts. You know the ones where you see in clarity the reality of Yahweh that can either make you cry, make you shake your head or fill you will joy and laughter. These thoughts know Yahweh in your 3rd trip and see Him as the all in all doing everything. In this age you can witness the reality of Yahweh transforming into your Spirit, soul and body which are His. Now I could go on but you get my point.

Now throughout the day we have thoughts that are administering to us at various times. By taking the principles of the ages, you can now tell what age you are in and don't tell me you don't fluctuate up ad down during the day. These thoughts that feed us are all in different ages and now you can tell which age you dwell in. Which age do you spend the most time in? Go on ask yourself this truthfully.

Now I might add that it was Yahweh who enabled us to cross these veils. He was the one who opened up the Red Sea for us and carried us over the River Jordan. What the children of Israel went through on their feet we are now doing in our thoughts. Why do you think all the charts are surround by a cloud? See Yahweh is teaching us about Himself internally now as this is the Present Kingdom Age where He appears in the cloud not 2000 years ago in time and history. Yahweh has allowed us in to the Most Holy Place of this divine vision. Oh yes the divine vision is going by the pattern and the veil changes are seen and understood.

Remember the word age and world are really the same so it all depends what world you are living in as to how you will understand Yahweh. When you read these articles they can read different if you are in a different age than what they were written in. I have reread these articles myself and sometimes I am in a different age too. The feeling I got when they first come through me sometimes is not there and other times the words take me even further.

So this is what I am saying. Within yourself you can rightly divide the Word of Truth and discern your thoughts. All you have to do is place it on the pattern and you will see. Once these veils are removed you can also look back at yourself in a divine vision and see Yahweh in all your life. It's all in the cloud.

And one more thing, you can discern other people when they talk to you or write and tell which age they are in. By their words are they justified and by their words are they condemned. The Ark

Wednesday, March 21, 2007

Part 6...The 40 Plate Chart

This is what is so beautiful that we all have something to contribute to this 40 plate chart as Yahweh is revealing Himself in each and everyone of us. That is what it is all about, revealing Yahweh and nothing more. We are not doing all this for our glory as human beings and gratifying our ego's, but so that our Father can be known in us as He really is and actually exists. Yes, the vision will speak and it will be written plain and simple. We are participating in the glory of Yahweh as it's being revealed. Make them one as you and I are one.

I would like to go back to plates 6 and 7. Remember we are looking at the visible to understand the invisible. The light being divided from the darkness is what Yahweh is setting up and is reflected within our minds. Don't forget it was Yahweh who designed the physical mind and how it works. He is the one who is doing the separating of the Light to create our darkness. We were all separated from knowing Yahweh (The only True Light) at our birth into this world (darkness). We passed a veil when we entered this world of flesh and blood. Keep in mind that all these separations and dividing are all according to the pattern which is divided by the two veils that Yahweh created. Yes we all came down from Yahweh out of eternity into this particular purpose and plan to play out Yahweh's will. Remember there was another purpose before this one and there will be another after this one is completed. Yahweh has no beginning or end, only His purpose's do. Dividing the Light from the darkness is exactly what has been done. We didn't know and now we do know.

The waters above and the waters beneath are the same principle as they are all pointing to spiritual principles. The waters beneath are the seas. This is implying that we have been inundated in the sea of people. We all have entered this world the same way and were immersed in the culture of our parents and what country we were born in. We had no choice where we were going to be born, what country, color, sex, and what parents. We just landed here and grew up immersed in our physical minds and accepted the sea of people that we found ourselves swimming in. Remember the Red Sea. It is not the Red River. The waters above is the awareness of Yahweh's Ever Presence as it is reflected in passing the River Jordan (waters above). Remember the pure river of water of life, clear as crystal, proceeding out of the throne of Yahweh in Revelation. As these words from this divine vision are poured out into your heart and mind, they will cleanse you of your false ideas, concepts and opinions. You are being immersed right now as these words enter your

Go ye there for, and teach all nations, immersing (baptizing) them in the NAME of the Father, and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Now there is no physical water to be immersed in (waters beneath), but you are being immersed in the Name (waters above). You see how this all ties in? Being immersed or inundated in the Name does not means just mechanically pronouncing the name Yahweh as the world has the physical name. Being baptized in the name is being inundated in those divine attributes of Intelligence, Wisdom, Knowledge, etc. which makes you conscious and aware of Yahweh.

Yes, when you go in these divine waters you will pass a veil in consciousness. You will see the mystery of who and what you are. The light was in the darkness but the darkness comprehend it not. Well that has changed once you see the true Light of the world. You are no longer in darkness to the world and yourself (which was that division in our beginning when the light was divided from the darkness) but you have become children of the day where the Son shines all the time. I am the Light of the world, now becomes reality. Your understanding will outshine the noon day sun. Why? Because you are now in the Temple of those organized divine attributes which outshines the way you use to look at things in the world. You are being cleansed from above by that pure water and not caught up in the sea of carnal minds in the world. Now you are in the world but not of it.

I am very glad that more people are writing and participating. Writing is the same as getting up on the floor, you let the Holy Spirit do the typing. That means inspiration rather than study. That means you learn as you are typing. That is why I love to write because I know that Yahweh will reveal Himself. This whole 40 plate chart will be our witness to this, as you can see when we are writing things which open up on all levels.

We are experiencing the Light being divided from the darkness within ourselves and the waters above from the waters beneath. Remember that world out there is to point to this world within you. You are actually witnessing Yahweh create the creation in a rerun on top of your mount, in the cloud, by a divine vision and revelation and it's all coming from within you just like it did to Moses. To be continued. The Ark

Monday, March 19, 2007

Part 5...The 40 Plate Chart

We truly are being baptized by one spirit into the one body. We are being immersed by the inspiration of all these articles by the same Spirit into the body of divine attributes. "By one Spirit are we baptized into one body". You can truly see how this scripture is being fulfilled as Yahweh writes HIS LAW in our hearts and minds. The Knowledge that is being poured out from just this simple 40 plate chart is a witness that the divine vision and divine revelation comes from within as this is where the reality abides, IN THE CLOUD. We are actually taking the visible to understand the invisible.

We are all being led by The Cloud (The divine presence of Yahweh Himself) as where ever the Cloud went they went and if the Cloud stopped they stopped. As the tabernacle is being dismantled, the temple is silently slipping into place. We are dismantling the mechanical correlation's that we dwelt in and all our knowledge is being translated into reality (The Temple).

The 40 plate chart is a witness to our wondering in our own wilderness in just setting up the tabernacle all those years every time we just put out the mechanical information by just quoting scripture and pointing to an image 2000 years ago. The tabernacle is really being put into the temple as we ourselves are being translated into Spirit and in Truth. Once this happens in your heart and mind, The Temple will outshine the noon day sun. In other words, the reality of this gospel will outshine the weather beaten charts. Yes, you will sell all that you have for the pearl hidden in the field (Finding and knowing Yahweh as He really is and actually exists) which is that hidden manna that no man can see. I say no man because if another man was standing right next to you (someone without an understanding) they would not see the burning bush that you are witnessing in Spirit and in Truth.

When I first started on the 40 plate chart, I was only going to go back and pick up the divine attributes to show how they were the actual body that is being formed without our selves. It seems that we are being led once again down these 40 plates to cross over our own River Jordan (the second veil) and partake of the fruits of the Land of Milk and Honey. The pattern keeps repeating and repeating until whose right it is to sit on the throne. We are the tabernacle that was built by the law and prophets and now being fulfilled by Yah's salvation (Yahshua) to resurrect unto the Father and this my friends is all happening within our Cloud. This is where it has always been as Yahweh is bringing all things back to our remembrance what so ever He told us.

We truly are in a Spiritual age as our mechanical information (Joshua in the flesh) is ascending up into our own mountain top to transfigure into Yahweh Elohim (the divine Ever Presence that has always been there from day one). "And beginning at Moses and all the prophets, Yahweh expounded unto us in all the Scriptures the things concerning Himself. This is being fulfilled as we speak and read. To be continued. The Ark

Sunday, March 18, 2007

Written By The Voice Of Yahweh

Call unto Me, and I will answer thee, and shew thee great hidden things, which thou knowest not. Jer. 33:3

The words in these articles will produce a divine message within yourself that is not written with pen and ink. If you read these articles without interruption alone and by yourself, you will experience what the words are really saying. Yahweh willing.

As Yahweh Elohim appears in your cloud, you will not see a man but divine intelligence, wisdom, knowledge, etc. which will take you up to become aware of spiritual things. This will be your witness to the visible (words) declaring the invisible (what is going inside your head).

You see the new covenant is not written with pen and ink, so the only place for this to happen is within you. When your inner man becomes affected, this is a beautiful witness and testimony of something being written by the finger of Yahweh because you are seeing things that are not written. It's the divine understanding taking on shape and form that nobody else can see but you because you are having a divine vision. Yes we can even reveal spiritual things to spiritual persons that nobody else can see as we can transfer our knowledge one to another in spiritual words. Even when you speak words in the Spirit it is understood only in the Spirit so this is actually proof that something exists invisible.

The Egyptians (carnal minds) didn't see any similitude in the cloud, only the Israelites(which portrayed His Son) were permitted by Yahweh as it is with us.

We are talking about spiritual things that can only be seen with the eyes of your understanding.

Many people can read and hear words, but I am talking about coming to visions and revelations of Yahweh within yourself where it is being seen and heard invisible as you become the true meaning of the words yourself. When you find the words have a profound affect on you, then you know you are not just reading. That's when it gets written in the heart and mind and not on paper.

That's where Yahshua comes in between Yahweh (who is Spirit) and the physical words. He is the only mediator between Yahweh and man or Pure Spirit and the physical. He is the translator or the spiritual shape and form that configures into the true meaning of the words. This is Yahshua appearing in heaven as you are el-evated up to where He takes off the fleshly meaning of all words spoken and written. He then becomes The Word which is the true interpretation of all words.

Remember in the beginning was the Word which we know to be Yahweh Elohim Himself in a divine vision and understood in a divine revelation so He is pure Truth. He is the exact meaning and correct interpretation of all words spoken and written. Now you know why He is called The Word. In fact you know how He confused the tongues at the Tower of Babel where everybody couldn't understand each other and at Pentecost He reversed the tongues back to one language, well this translates into what I was just saying. He then becomes the Word of all words and the correct interpretation and only teacher and revealer of everything said and written. You can't misinterpret Yahweh Elohim when you are in Him because He is the only one who knows the Father and will never tell a lie because He is Truth itself.

For what man knoweth the things of a man, save the spirit of man which is in him? even so the things of Elohim knoweth no man, but the Spirit of Elohim.1 Cor. 2:11

See right there no man knows Elohim but the Spirit of Elohim.

So this is what I am saying. Within you is the only teacher of Yahweh which is called the Holy Spirit. It's still Yahweh only now He is in the revealing manifestation stage. Since Yahweh is intelligence and knowledge Himself, then He is the only one Himself who knows who He really is and how He actually exists.

So this Holy Spirit who is Yahshua on the right side of the cross, he shall teach you all things and bring all things back to your remembrance. He will take your confusion of tongues of the carnal minds false concepts, ideas and opinions and reverse your tongue to where you will speak the only true one language of Spirit and Truth.

Now when you speak, you will be revealing Yahweh and not your image of a physical person. That's why when I write that is the tongue I am really speaking in. It's a heavenly language where your citizenship is from heaven.

Which things also we speak, not in the words, which man's wisdom teacheth, but which the Holy Spirit teacheth; revealing spiritual things to spiritual persons. 1 Cor. 2:13

Whose voice then shook the earth: but now He hath promised, saying, Yet once more I shake not the earth only, but also heaven. And this Word, Yet once more, signifieth the removing of those things that are shaken, as of things that are made, that those things which cannot be shaken may remain.Heb. 12: 26-27

Written by the voice of Yahweh. The Ark

Saturday, March 17, 2007

3rd Trek Up The Mount

He made known His ways unto Moses, His acts unto the children of Israel. Psalms. 103: 7

Look at the difference between Moses 2nd and 3rd trips. That will tell you the difference between understanding Yahweh in your Post Diluvian mind set and in your Present Kingdom Age thoughts of reality. Yes there is a veil change and according to the pattern the 3rd trip represented the Most Holy Place.

When Moses came down from his 2nd trip, he saw the children of Israel worshipping a golden calf and became angry and threw down the tables of stone and eventually had 3000 men slain. Now at this time Moses didn't see the whole picture yet, so his view of the divine vision was still incomplete. He didn't realize in that 2nd trip that Yahweh was in control of all things and setting up His pattern. If he had not become angry, then the first tables of stone would of gone into the MHP of the tabernacle which we know could not happen. So just in that you can see this is all set up and purposed. The 1st tables of stone that he broke represented the 1st covenant that Israel would break.

Now look at the state of the mind of Moses when he came down the 3rd trip. He had to put a veil over his face because of the glory he had seen. In reality what he saw in the 3rd trip could not be revealed at that time so the veil is liken in the tabernacle between the HP and the MHP or between the Post Diluvian Age and the Present Kingdom Age. Look what part of the body the veil was covering. The face, which is also the MHP. The mystery could be revealed at that time.

What Moses saw in his 3rd trip was Yahweh coming all the way down picking up this one and that one and even to everything he did in his own life. He understood that Yahweh had saved him when he was a baby and caused Pharaoh's daughter to come down at the exact spot in the river. In other words Moses knew the mystery of Yahweh had been hidden by a veil in the mind from the garden of Eden on down.

OK now lets go inside of Moses mind and see what happened. After his 3rd trip in the mount, was Moses then condemned that he became angry and threw down the stones that Yahweh wrote on? Today these would be considered religious relics and guarded with all holy conduct and worshipped. Did Moses say, "If I had only known I would not of sent the Levities to slay 3000 men" . Did he regret anything that he did? No, because in that 3rd trip he was at peace with everything because the glory was so much his face shined.

These are all principles that Yahweh is setting up for us. When we were delivered up out of our carnal minds bondage and servitude, we entered the wilderness of our minds. We became angry with Christianity because they were telling people lies and were not worshipping Yahweh. We saw everybody worshipping their golden calf. We were hot, angry and self righteous and went out and slew a lot of Christians in our mind with our words. This was happening because we had not completed the entire divine vision.

We were going by the pattern and didn't even know it.

When Dr. Kinley took the flesh off, some of us entered the 3rd trip or MHP and we saw how we were following the exact pattern that we were teaching by. This made our face shine because we were now seeing Yahweh face to face. This changed our attitude and dispositions (age and dispensation) of how we looked at Yahweh and His purpose and plan. We now knew that when we were born, our minds were in the Court Round About or the Ante Diluvian Age and that when we came into an understanding of the pattern and how it fit with the bible, the body, science and nature this put us in the Post Diluvian Age. Understanding everything that we are spirit, soul and body is Yahweh, as this put us in the Most Holy Place or the Present Kingdom Age understanding which ties in with the 3rd trip.

Now if I become angry, I discern my thoughts are 2nd trip or Post Diluvian. If I am still pointing fingers out there at the devil and blaming people, I am still under the law or Post Diluvian. If I am still fighting the schools and seeing their golden calves and become angry, those are my 2nd trip thoughts. I am now rightly dividing the Word of Truth within my self as we still have Ante Diluvian thoughts, Post Diluvian thoughts and Present Kingdom thoughts all in our cloud. Isn't the ages and dispensation surrounded by a cloud? Well there you are.

This is what we have to now learn within our selves that it is all really happening within us and what is reflected out there is our school master. In other words the invisible things of Yahweh, which are taking place inside our head, are clearly seen and being understood by the things that are made even His supernal nature. We are looking right at what is really taking place within ourselves when we look out in that world. When we look at all the things that took place in the law and prophets, they are they which testifies of the real Spirit within us now because the new covenant is being written by Yahweh Himself in our heart and mind. Isn't the heart and mind invisible within us? You can see a brain and a physical heart, but you can't see the mind or the feeling that come from the heart so what is being written is invisible. That is the invisible things of Yahweh that you read about in Romans 1:19-20

Everything is going by the pattern. All you have to do is put the principles on it and it will unfold. Our thoughts, which have not seen a change since Doc took the flesh off, are still in the 2nd trip of the divine vision or Post Diluvian. I was completely Post Diluvian until Yahweh took me up in 1976 and he outshined my face with His.

Those thoughts that haven't seen the reality yet within ourselves are Post Diluvian. We still have Ante Diluvian thoughts, Post Diluvian thoughts,and now Present Kingdom Age thoughts.Or to put it another way, we still have Court Round About thoughts, Holy Place thoughts, and Most Holy Place thoughts. If you look within yourself you can detect where the veils change. Can't you see this is the tabernacle that Yahweh pitched and not man. The tabernacle built in the wilderness was built by the divine specifications of the one in the mount. Now the one in the mount is right within yourself and the one built in the wilderness is displayed on the charts and bible.

What is taking place in your cloud is the real happening.

Happy is the man that findeth wisdom, and the man that getteth understanding. For the merchandise of it is better than the merchandise of silver, and the gain thereof than fine gold. Proverbs. 3: 13-14 The Ark

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